RCM BMSB Letter Mangeot 17Jul26

The British Music Society: Birmingham Centre, RCM BMSB Letter Mangeot 17Jul26

1 The British Music Society: Birmingham Centre, RCM BMSB Letter Mangeot 17Jul26, Page 1

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to file 8 say 771-26 4 how 16 } { 6 Ps. The best dates FOUNDED 1918. INCORPORATED 1919 THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY (NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL.) FOR THE FURTHERANCE OF BRITISH MUSIC AND MUSIC IN BRITAIN. MS17818 BIRMINGHAM CENTRE: PRESIDENT: PROFESSOR GRANVILLE BANTOCK All Subscriptions and Accounts should be forwarded to the Hon. Treasurer: G. V. MATHEWS. 32 AUGUSTUS ROAD. EDGBASTON. How-Secretary HAROLD G-SEAR 60 QUEENSWOOD ROAD, MOSELEY, Dear M. Mangest a PATRON PRESIDENT - we have just had 6 it was held at het Boults dan ام ۹۹سد به meeting of the local committer at which our regular meetings should bes (40 Bennetts Hill) on Tuesdays. This also the most convenient for the school meetings. My wife decided that all a you h sam If you will let me 2 concerts. with the school. I shall be rooms recently wrote which suited дичес you not possibly arrange. to com one of them? It would lun more convenient to us if you could november october about a programme rather sta hat Boult will not be at home wntet the end of october. We should mad affreciate the France Quartet, Aort modery quartet if there is time. 1 hore an Haydn or hozart, The school concet in the aftermoor should lost about 1/4 hour without the modern work. J what the inclusione fee for the would be, I will make the he cess any arrangements. EARL BALFOUR. THE LORD HOWARD DE WALDEN. d a سمسا list of Tuesdays programen 3 abbey Rd. Harborn on July 19 26 Secretary, to let me ham. an early reply date fixed at once. Your failtfully m my away for 3 or 4 wacher, but if you will refly to address alom all Bins business in a letters will be forwarded to me myself, conducted through the charman & I should be glad if you would be good enough I an anxion to get not season an matter can or lome

2 The British Music Society: Birmingham Centre, RCM BMSB Letter Mangeot 17Jul26, Page 2

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quiti. Thanks the letters - understand what committe divided regarding your meetings and also that that the business is conducted arough you. I regut the confusion created by my communicativo. whis what with ds. Schurtoff but you will understand that he was releersing here adale told me his mother was heving. a B.M.S. show at her louse, I returelly calleded that he was stilled ang could be my intermediery. However, it I suggest now is that, if your meeting of the datery on must be on a Juesday, he could do it on January 18th which is one tell me is pre. As we are playing in Newas the on January 20t. we could do it on route for as we can get snity on the 19th we could the fee of 20 Juineas we alvedy mentioned, as long por shaps get the B.B.C. I have us at Birmighen on the 19th Jandushed that the school would be he good on that date as they would not be back yet, grutte Go to Binningher all the same on October 21³., bul Mesdames youdley et schurhoff offent like our previous dato to a private coment who we are in the neighbourhood: and I hear that the school works us on the same afternoons : The proge you suggest would be very nice. work. moyant a Haydu Hesar Franck The Moinen string questita not too modern: an effective English. This would be a delightful proge at it would be nice to be with you and M. Boult.