The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 5

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htluluntul HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC SOCIETY Brochure 5th Season's programmes 1922-1923 Xx-rite MSCCPPPE0613 Xx-rite Г L MSCCPPCC0613 colorchecker .................................................... mm

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB E. J. BRUCE Esq. J.P. Dr. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL President Musical Director CONCERTS FOR THE FIFTH SEASON 1922-23 TO BE GIVEN IN HIGHFIELD ASSEMBLY HALL (NEW NORTH ROAD) WEDNESDAYS, OCT. 18, NOV. 22, DEC. 13, 1922 FEB. 14, MAR. 14, 1923, AT 7-45 P.M. W. F. Clayton Esq. W. C. Crook Esq. J. Stancliffe Ellis Esq. A. Lunn Esq. □ O Committee Haydn Sandwell Esq. F.R.C.O. Dr. F. W. Thornton F. W. Whiteley Esq. A. L. Woodhead Esq. J.P. Hon. Secretary, G. FLEMING Esq. Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield Hon. Treasurer, WALTER CAWTHORN Esq. National Provincial & Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield. THE CLUB IS OPEN TO ALL. THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SERIES OF FIVE CONCERTS IS 25/- (INCLUDING TAX) PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB E. J. BRUCE Esq. J.P. Dr. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL President Musical Director CONCERTS FOR THE FIFTH SEASON 1922-23 TO BE GIVEN IN HIGHFIELD ASSEMBLY HALL (NEW NORTH ROAD) WEDNESDAYS, OCT. 18, NOV. 22, DEC. 13, 1922 FEB. 14, MAR. 14, 1923, AT 7-45 P.M. W. F. Clayton Esq. W. C. Crook Esq. J. Stancliffe Ellis Esq. A. Lunn Esq. 000 Committee Haydn Sandwell Esq. F.R.C.O. Dr. F. W. Thornton F. W. Whiteley Esq. A. L. Woodhead Esq. J.P. Hon. Secretary, G. FLEMING Esq. Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield Hon. Treasurer, WALTER CAWTHORN Esq. National Provincial & Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield. THE CLUB IS OPEN TO ALL. THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SERIES OF FIVE CONCERTS IS 25/- (INCLUDING TAX) PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER

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N submitting the Prospectus for the coming winter season, the Committee have great pleasure in calling the attention of music-lovers to the particularly fine series of concerts which they have been able to arrange. They feel they have been even more than usually successful in drawing up a programme which secures the objects of the Club, by providing Chamber Music of the highest character. They appeal for the support of all lovers of music WEDNESDAY 18th OCT. 1922 Mrs. VIOLET GORDON WOODHOUSE RECITAL OF EARLY KEYBOARD MUSIC ON THE HARPSICHORD AND CLAVICHORD Mrs. Gordon Woodhouse is the finest exponent of the keyboard music of the Elizabethan period, and will play on her own instruments which are of matchless beauty. MISS DOROTHY SILK (Principal SOPRANO, Leeds Festival) WILL SING AIRS BY BACH AND OTHER CLASSICAL COMPOSERS With the exception of Dorothy Silk, who is there that now sings Bach in a way that suggests both technical competence and understanding?" (Ernest Newman, Manchester Guardian, Dec. 29th, 1921)

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WEDNESDAY 22nd NOV. 1922 ROLAND HAYES (THE AFRICAN TENOR) SONG RECITAL OF EARLY AND MODERN CLASSICS AND NEGRO SPIRITUALS "The only really good new tenor who has come along lately is the Negro Mr. Roland Hayes. His voice is a genuine tenor (not a forced-up baritone) pure and warm and rich, and his artistic instincts are of the finest. He is one of the three or four singers we have in England to-day whom I would go to hear from choice, as distinct from professional necessity." (Ernest Newman, Sunday Times.) WEDNESDAY 13th DEC 1922 PHILHARMONIC STRING QUARTET FREDERICK HOLDING SAMUEL KUTCHER CEDRIC SHARPE RAYMOND JEREMY This well-established quartet gives long series of Chamber Music concerts annually in London with the greatest success. It is amongst the finest quartet parties of the world.

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WEDNESDAY 14th FEB. 1923 THE HUNGARIAN STRING QUARTET EMERICH WALDBAUER S. TEMESVARY P. KORNSTEIN J. KERPELY The visit of this famous quartet from Buda-Pest this season will be their first public appearance in this country. They have won the highest praise in France, Germany, Austria and Italy WEDNESDAY 14th MARCH 1923 WILLIAM MURDOCH PIANO RECITAL This pianist is not only recognised as one of the finest of English pianists but one of the best exponents of modern piano music in the world Geo. Greenwood & Son, Huddersfield.

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB E. J. BRUCE Esq. J.P. Dr. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL President Musical Director OCTOBER 18, 1922 Mrs. Gordon Woodhouse HARPSICHORD MUSIC Miss Dorothy Silk SONGS Geo. Greenwood & Son, Huddersfield. DO PROGRAMME: PRICE FOURPENCE Hon. Secretary, G. FLEMING Esq. Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield Hon. Treasurer, WALTER CAWTHORN Esq. National Provincial & Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield

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Mrs. GORDON WOODHOUSE First English Suite in G Minor Prelude Allemande Courante Sarabande Miss DOROTHY SILK Come make my heart thy home (From Cantata, No. 80) J. S. Bach If thou art near (From Anna Magdalena's Note-Book) J. S. Bach O yes! Just so! (From Phoebus and Pan) J. S. Bach Mrs. GORDON WOODHOUSE Gavotte and Minuet Gigue Galliard Forlana Green Sleeves Woe betide my wearie bodie The Scotch Brawl Coranto Alman Hornpipe J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Miss DOROTHY SILK Now ye Springe is come The Primrose John Bull (1563-1628) Anon. (circa 1600) Wm. Ballet's Lute Book (circa 1600) From the Strallock MSS. } About the sweet bag of a bee Lye still my dearo (Songs arranged by Arnold Dolmetsch) (circa 15th century) Anon. (circa 1600) Thos. Morley (1551-1603) Hy. Purcell (1658-95) (Author unknown, circa 1630) Henry Lawes (1650) Henry Lawes (1650) (Author unknown, circa 1630)

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Mrs. GORDON WOODHOUSE Fantasie No. 2 in C Minor Miss DOROTHY SILK Voi dolce aurette al cor Sleep Mio caro bene W. A. Mozart (1756-91) G. F. Handel (1685-1759) G. F. Handel (1685-1759) G. F. Handel (1685-1759) Mrs. GORDON WOODHOUSE L'Arlequin Sonata in A Major Suite The Harmonious Blacksmith Four English Folk-Tunes F. Couperin (1668-1733) D. Scarlatti (1685-1757) (From Magdalena's Note-Book) J. S. Bach Handel (1685-1759) Anon. NOV. 22. ROLAND HAYES DEC. 13. PHILHARMONIC QUARTET FEB. 14. HUNGARIAN QUARTET MAR. 14. WILLIAM MURDOCH THE CLUB IS OPEN TO ALL. THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SERIES OF FOUR CONCERTS IS 21/- (INCLUDING TAX) PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER

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1. Where e'er you walk (Semele) Posate dormite Eviva rosa 2. L'invitation au voyage Le Thé Waldeseinsamkeit PROGRAMME A Dream 3. Undaunted Love Weep you no more It was a lover and his lass O mistress mine 4. Negro Spirituals:- Steal away Sit down By and by Go down Moses INTERVAL AT THE PIANO } Handel Bassini Galuppi Duparc Koechlin Brahms Grieg John Blow Roger Quilter Arr. by Lawrence Brown Arr. by Roland Hayes Arr. by H. T. Burleigh Mr. LAWRENCE B. BROWN

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB E. J. BRUCE Esq. J.P. Dr. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL President Musical Director DECEMBER 13, 1922 The Philharmonic String Quartet FREDERICK HOLDING RAYMOND JEREMY (LONDON) CECIL BONVALOT CEDRIC SHARPE PROGRAMME: PRICE SIX PENCE 0 N.B.-The Hungarian String Quartet Concert has been altered by request to Monday, FEBRUARY 12th. MAR. 14. WILLIAM MURDOCH'S PIANO RECITAL THE CLUB IS OPEN TO ALL. THE SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SERIES OF TWO CONCERTS IS 11/- (INCLUDING TAX) PAYABLE TO THE TREASURER Hon. Secretary, ALBERT LUNN Esq. 116 Birkby Hall Road. (Tel. 891) Hon. Treasurer, WALTER CAWTHORN Esq. National Provincial & Union Bank of England, King Street, Huddersfield

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PROGRAMME (Copyright Annotations by A. Eaglefield Hull). 1. QUARTET in D Flat. Op. 15. 1. 2. Presto accaciacato 3. Molto Adagio-Animato Andante-Allegro Dohnanyi (b. 1877) Besides being a famous and brilliant pianist, Dohnanyi makes substantial claims to consideration as a composer, especially of Chamber Music. His appointment in 1919 as President and Conductor of the famous Philharmonic Society at Budapest has stemmed for a time his flow of compositions which already amount to a considerable number, including piano pieces, operas, chamber-music and symphonies. This Quartet has only three movements, but the first is a composite one in which slow and quick movements are alternated. It is not free altogether from a suggestion of Tschaikowsky, especially in the flowing second subject with a moving pizzicato bass. The second movement is more individual and characteristic, apart from a rather unfortunate suggestion at the opening of Wagner's "Valkyrie." The Finale opens with a sustained Adagio which is followed by a vigorous and spirited movement in which nearly all the previous subjects are marshalled with fine effect. 2. QUARTET in C. Op. 54, No. 2. Joseph Haydn, 1732-1809 1. Vivace 2. Adagio 3. Menuetto 4. Adagio and Presto Haydn was born in Rohrau, in Croatia, which is now part of Jugo-Slavia. His music is founded very largely on the wonderful wealth of Croatian folk songs, and although no distinct songs can be detected in this quartet, their influence is unmistakable. The texture of the harmony is simplicity itself. It might be called a 'first violin' quartet, as this instrument has all the tunes. INTERVAL

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3. TWO SKETCHES Eugene Goosens (b. London, 1893) (a) "By the Tarn" (b) "Jack O'Lantern" 4. QUARTET in A minor, Op. 29. 1. Allegro ma non troppo 2. Andante 3. Menuetto 4. Allegro Moderato Schubert (1797-1828) The feeling of country scenes, if not of actual folk-songs, pervades the first movement. The second, Andante, is well-known to juvenile pianists. The Minuet approaches the Scherzo type adopted by Beethoven. Village revels, lively little home parties, Christmas jollities, may all be imagined in the finale.

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB E. J. BRUCE Esq. J.P. Dr. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL President Musical Director MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1923 The Hungarian String Quartet (BUDAPEST) EUGENE DE KERPELY JEAN DE TEMESVÁRY D EMERIC WALDBAUER EGON KORNSTEIN HIGHFIELDS HALL, NEW NORTH ROAD Hon. Secretary, ALBERT LUNN 116 Birkby Hall Road. (Tel. 891) Hon. Treasurer, WALTER CAWTHORN National Provincial & Union Bank of England, King Street, Huddersfield PROGRAMME: PRICE SIXPENCE

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PROGRAMME (Copyright Annotations by A. Eaglefield Hull) QUARTET in E flat. Op. 74 Beethoven (b. Bonn, 1770, d. Vienna, 1827) QUARTET in D. Poco Adagio, leading to Allegro. Adagio. Scherzo-Presto. Allegretto, with variations. This composition has been nicknamed the "Harp Quartet" probably on account of the pizzicato work at the end of the first subject and especially in the coda of the allegro. The deep feeling of the adagio is expressed in variation form. There is a jolly trio to the Scherzo, where the composer seems to be laughing at the pundits of the fugue. The finale is a wonderful piece of writing for strings. César Franck (b. nr. Liége, 1822, d. Paris) Lento running into Allegro. Scherzo. Larghetto. Finale. It was not until his fifty-sixth year that Franck thought of writing a quartet and even then, as with Beethoven, many sketches appear before he finally settled on the form of his first theme. He strove to find a new form, a mixture of the song and the sonata. The Scherzo written for muted strings, has been described as "une ronde de sylphes dans un passage sans lune." The Larghetto is a deeply spiritual prayer. The finale written in a more airy expanse of style, is preceded by an introduction which recapitulates many of the preceding themes. The quartet is one of the most serious works ever written. As Franck was born on 10th December, 1822, we are still in the year of the centenary. ITALIAN SERENADE Hugo Wolf (b. Styria, 1860, d. Vienna, 1903) Wolf wrote five hundred songs but only one string quartet. This piece is arranged from the orchestral serenade for small orchestra. It has all the delicate charm and wit of the Italian songs although lacking on a string quartet some of the colour which only the orchestra can give. DR. HULL WILL GIVE A FRANCK CENTENARY LECTURE AT THE COLLEGE OF MUSIC, ON TUESDAY, FEB. 20, AT 7-30 MAR. 14. WILLIAM MURDOCH'S PIANO RECITAL TICKETS (INCLUDING TAX) 5/9

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB E. J. BRUCE Esq. J.P. Dr. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL President Musical Director WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1923 PIANOFORTE RECITAL BY WILLIAM MURDOCH 0 HIGHFIELD HALL, NEW NORTH ROAD (Tel. 891) Hon. Secretary, ALBERT LUNN 116 Birkby Hall Road. Hon. Treasurer, WALTER CAWTHORN National Provincial & Union Bank of England, King Street, Huddersfield PROGRAMME : PRICE THREEPENCE

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Pastorale and Capriccio Sonata in C major Les barricades mysterieux Arietta Toccata Prélude, Choral et Fugue Sonatinal Jeux d'eau PROGRAMME. Polonaise in C minor Nocturne in D flat Valse in A flat Carnival I. II. (Très modere-Minuet-Très animè) III. IV. Scarlatti Couperin Leonardo Leo Paradies César Franck Ravel Ravel Chopin Schumann SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT SEASON WILL BE WELCOMED BY THE MUSICAL DIRECTOR.