The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 4

1 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 4, Page 1

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC SOCIETY Brochure 4th Season's programmes 1921-1922 ا ////////////////................................... Xx-rite MSCCPPPE0613 Xx-rite MSCCPPCC0613 Music Club BRUCE, Esq., J.P. HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). ic Society, London. LL th, at 7.45 p.m. colorchecker 7 funtanatuluntuluntulutual mm FFA DES

2 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 4, Page 2

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HTING HA HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB IV. M DRA (Affiliated with the British Music Society) SEASON 1921-1922 President-E. J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. Musical Director-A. EAGLEFIELD HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). Hon, Director of the British Music Society, London W. F. CLAYTON, Esq. W. C. CROOK, Esq. E. EDGAR, Esq., D.Sc. A. LUNN, Esq. COMMITTEE TITMADO J. STANCLIFFE-ELLIS, Esq. Dr. F. W. THORNTON. F. W. WHITELEY, Esq. A. L. WOODHEAD, Esq. Esq., F.R.C.O. TAD HAYDN H, SANDWELL, Esq., F.R.C.O. Hon. Secretary-G. FLEMING, Esq. Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. Hon. Treasurer-WALTER CAWTHORN, Esq., National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield. Music Club J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. D HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). Music Society, London. LL 5th, at 7.45 p.m. PATUFFA RASER DY GS of HEBRIDES

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB DURA (Affiliated with the British Music Society) SEASON 1921-1922 President-E. J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. Musical Director-A. EAGLEFIELD HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). Hon. Director of the British Music Society, London W. F. CLAYTON, Esq. W. C. CROOK, Esq. E. EDGAR, Esq., D.Sc. A. LUNN, Esq. COMMITTEE J. STANCLIFFE-ELLIS, Esq. Dr. F. W. THORNTON. F. W. WHITELEY, Esq. A. L. WOODHEAD, Esq. HAYDN H, SANDWELL, Esq., F.R.C.O. Hon. Secretary-G. FLEMING, Esq. Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. Hon. Treasurer-WALTER CAWTHORN, Esq., National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield.

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FREEMASONS' HALL, THE arrangements for the 1921-1922 Session of the Club have now been completed. On the first evening WEDNESDAY, 26th OCTOBER, 1921 The Committee feel very fortunate in securing the consent of Mr. VLADIMIR ROSING The Famous Singer for an evening of Russian Song. "Vladimir Rosing gave the 25th recital of his series at the Eolian Hall, on Tuesday. The figure is sufficient to indicatehis vogue, but the listener who stayed to the end of such a recital as that would realize how Rosing has made his public and how he deserves his vogue. He is before all things an actor. He uses the song instead of the spoken word. In the Russian songs he makes you feel that however well you thought you knew them before, you really had not the feeblest understanding of them. Nothing has ever been seen on the concert platform that can compare with "Conceit and Hunger." The success of Rosing's realism is in the colossal audacity of it." (Ernest Newman in the "Sunday Times"). On WEDNESDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, 1921, the CATTERALL STRING QUARTET will give a programme of some of the finest examples of Chamber Music. This Quartet ranks with the finest Quartets in the world. The Flonzaley, the Bohemian and the Philharmonic String Quartets are all fine in their own way; but the Catterall Quartet is admittedly pre-eminent in the Beethoven Quartets, one of which will be included on this occasion,

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-9 FITZWILLIAM STREET. For the Third Concert On WEDNESDAY, 25th JANUARY, 1922 we have been very fortunate in securing the services of the famous KENNEDY-FRASER family Mrs. KENNEDY-FRASER with Miss Marjory and Miss Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser, who will give an evening with their SONGS OF THE HEBRIDES. Some of these will be sung to the accompaniment of the Celtic Harp. "It is nearly always a refreshing experience to escape from the ordinary rut of concert programmes. But something more than the virtue of unconventionality must be claimed for an evening devoted to some of those Hebridean songs of which Mrs. Marjory Kennedy-Fraser and Miss Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser have made such a wonderfully interesting collection. The recital was a pure delight. To point to this or that example of Hebridean folk-song as a thing of particular loveliness would serve little purpose, seeing that one and all possess beauty and appeal." ("The Daily Telegraph"). For the Fourth Concert On WEDNESDAY, 22nd February the Committee have engaged Mr. ANDERSON TYRER the British pianist who has played with such success at home and abroad, and whose programmes are always delightfully varied containing music by the earliest as well as the chief contemporary composers. "Mr. Anderson Tyrer made an excellent impression. The first place amongst native pianists is easily within his reach." (Ernest Newman, " Manchester Guardian, 19/11/19).

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The Last Evening, On WEDNESDAY, 22nd MARCH, 1922 O will consist of a VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL RECITAL Miss ALICE STELL, Soprano Mr. CARL FUCHS, 'Cello 152811-vbenne. VIOTISM 220M Mr. ISAACS, Pianoforte E svig Hiw odw Mr. Fuchs is known as one of the greatest 'Cellists of the age and is a musician whose taste in the classics is irreproachable. Miss Alice Stell is a rising Yorkshire Soprano, who has recently made a very successful début in London. "Mr. Isaacs is a pianist of notable attainments." ("Daily Telegraph "). "He is not content to dazzle, whilst leaving us cold; his interpretations have the inner glow." ("Liverpool Post"). MEMBERSHIP. It has been the aim of the Committee to maintain throughout the Series the same standard of excellence which it has hitherto achieved, and this has necessarily involved considerable expenditure. Notwithstanding this, the Committee has decided not to increase the Member's Subscription of 25/- (including tax and refreshments), but to appeal for a largely increased Membership. It is hoped that all the Members will therefore do their best to make the unique musical advantages of the Club more widely known. The Concerts will commence at 7-45 punctually. Subscriptions should be paid to the Hon. Treasurer; W. Cawthorn, Esq., National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield.

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Huddersfield Music Club (Affiliated with the British Music Society) SEASON 1921-1922 President--E. J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. Musical Director-A. EAGLEFIELD HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon) Hon. Director of the British Music Society, London. W. F. CLAYTON, Esq. W. C. CROOK, Esq. E. EDGAR, Esq., D.Sc. A. LUNN, Esq. COMMITTEE- J. STANCLIFFE-ELLIS, Esq. Dr. F. W. THORNTON. F. W. WHITELEY, Esq. A. L. WOODHEAD, Esq. HAYDN H. SANDWELL, Esq., F.R.C.O. Hon. Secretary-G. FLEMING, Esq., Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. Hon. Treasurer-WALTER CAWTHORN, Esq., National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield. THE EVENINGS WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE WAVERLEY HALL NEW NORTH ROAD (CORNER OF PORTLAND STREET)

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Rosing Song Recital Wednesday, October 26th, 1921 AT THE PIANO (Blüthner) DR. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL SELECTIONS FROM HIS FOUR MOST FAMOUS -PROGRAMMES- I. THE SOUL OF RUSSIA : ● (a) My Beloved Country. (b) The Weeping Herb The Swallows (c) The Prisoner (d) The Steppe.. (e) Hopak...... Gretchaninoff Folk-Songs Rubinstein Gretchaninoff ..Musorgsky

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II.-LOVE: (a) Invocation to Love... (b) Serenade. (c) Ich hab' im Traum geweinet ... Schumann (d) Night.. Rachmaninoff III. OPERATIC: IV. SATIRE AND HUMOUR : .C. Scott (a) Air from THE PEARL-FISHERS (b) Aria from PRINCE IGOR (c) Lensky's Aria from EUGENE ONEGIN (a) Serenade Inutile (b) The Goat (c) The Drunken Miller.... (d) The Flea. .Schubert Bizet Borodin Tchaikovsky Brahms ..Musorgsky .Dargomisky Musorgsky moor

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ON WEDNESDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, 1921, the CATTERALL STRING QUARTET will give a programme of some of the finest examples of Chamber Music. This Quartet ranks with the finest Quartets in the world. ON WEDNESDAY, 25th JANUARY, 1922, we have been fortunate in securing the services of the famous KENNEDY-FRASER family MRS. KENNEDY-FRASER with Miss Marjory and Miss Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser, who will give an evening with their SONGS OF THE HEBRIDES. Some of these will be sung to the accompaniment of the Celtic Harp. ON WEDNESDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY, 1922, The Committee have engaged MR. ANDERSON TYRER, the British pianist who has played with such success at home and abroad, and whose programmes are always delightfully varied, containing music by the earliest as well as the chief contemporary composers. ON WEDNESDAY, 22nd MARCH, 1922, VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL RECITAL Miss ALICE STELL, Soprano, MR CARL FUCHS, 'Cello, MR. ISAACS, Pianoforte. THE CONCERTS WILL COMMENCE AT 7-45 PUNCTUALLY Subscriptions for remaining four Concerts, 21/-, should be paid to the Hon. Treasurer, W. Cawthorn, Esq., National Provincial and Union -Bank, Westgate, Huddersfield.-

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Huddersfield Music Club (Affiliated to the British Music Society) President-E. J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. Musical Director-A. EAGLEFIELD HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). Hon. Treasurer-WALTER CAWTHORN, Esq., National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield. Hon. Secretary-G. FLEMING, Esq., Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. SEASON 1921-1922 Wednesday, Nov. 30th, 1921 GLEDHOLT HALL, at 7-45 p.m. The Catterall Quartet Mr. Arthur Catterall Mr. John S. Bridge Mr. Frank S. Park Mr. Johan C. Hock 0 0

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ANALYTICAL NOTES by DR. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL (Copyright) QUARTET IN B FLAT, Op. 130... Beethoven (1770-1827) I. Adagio leading to Allegro 2. Presto 3. 4. 5. Alla danza Tedesca 6. Finale-Allegro Andante con moto Cavatina This quartet belongs to Beethoven's third style; indeed the final movement was the last piece the composer ever finished. The slow introduction of fourteen bars is used repeatedly during the first movement, which is a fascinating compound of brusque energy, deep feeling and fleeting dreams of beauty. The Presto is a bustling little miniature, a curious premonition of a mood frequent with Brahms. The third movement, half-playful, half- tender, is neither an Andante nor a Scherzo but a mixture of both. The fourth, in the manner of a South German folk-dance, is followed by the ineffably sublime Cavatina with its unearthly episode which pulls at our heartstrings. The quick little finale, based on a funny jumping octave figure, shews us the great man making light of all his troubles and fears. A Beethoven quartet like this is a great spiritual experience; we drink deeply of it and it becomes part of our being. QUARTET IN G MAJOR I. -.Arnold Bax Allegretto semplice 2. Lento e molto espressivo 3. Allegro vivace. Arnold Bax is of Irish descent and was born in London in 1883. From 1900 to 1903 he studied with Frederick Corder, a famous composition teacher of the nineties. His earliest works caused

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something like a sensation for their precocious maturity, finished technique, and especially for their complexity. Bax dwells lovingly upon the beautiful legends of Irish folk-lore, upon intimate aspects of nature, and becomes at times somewhat of a mystic. Fortunately his music has become progressively clearer, and the present quartet presents no difficulties of comprehension. It is in the orthodox form, simple in style and happy in general feeling. The first movement is a gay little procession of lively themes, some neat and precise, others light and graceful, the fourth tune bearing some resemblance to a Russian folk-dance. These are developed and repeated in orthodox order. The slow movement is a soulful reverie, the first subject, devout in feeling, alternating with one of a more personal character, given out over a back- ground of nature's own music. The Rondo is a string of dance- tunes standing out against a setting of strong rhythmic figures. QUARTET. I. Allegro moderato 2. 3. 4. Assez vif, très rythmé Très lent Vif et agité .Maurice Ravel The two outstanding French composers of recent years are Debussy and Ravel. Although trained in Paris, Ravel was born sufficiently near the Pyrenees to reflect many of the Spanish traits in his music the gay outlook on life, the absence of introspection, the sensitiveness to light and movement, to lively rhythms, and merry fancies, the eschewing of sentimentality, even of sentiment, etc. This epoch-making quartet was first performed at the Paris Schola Cantorum in March, 1904. Whereas the folk-song element in the first movement is common to Brittany and Provence as well as the Bas Pyrenees, the second movement is undoubtedly from the land of the Gitanas, for the twanging of loose gut strings and the clacking of castanets are never absent from it. The languid nature of the third movement comes from some warmer clime than France, and the glitter and dazzle of the complex rhythms in the last movement takes us undoubtedly to the country of the sevillana and the zarzuela, of Velasquez, and Zuluaga-the Land of Joy.

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WEDNESDAY, 25th JANUARY, 1922, MRS. KENNEDY-FRASER with Miss Marjory and Miss Patuffa Kennedy-Fraser, will give an evening with their SONGS OF THE HEBRIDES. Some of these will be sung to the accompaniment of the Celtic Harp. WEDNESDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY, 1922, MR. ANDERSON TYRER, the British pianist who has played with such success at home and abroad. "Mr. Anderson Tyrer made an excellent impression. The first place amongst native pianists is easily within his reach."- (Ernest Newman, Manchester Guardian, 19/11/19). WEDNESDAY, 22nd MARCH, 1922, VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL RECITAL Miss ALICE STELL, Soprano, MR CARL FUCHS, 'Cello, MR. ISAACS, Pianoforte. Subscriptions for remaining three Concerts, 15/-, should be paid to the Hon. Treasurer, W. Cawthorn, Esq., National Provincial and Union -Bank, Westgate, Huddersfield.-

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Drawn by PATUFFA KENNEDY-FRASER rom a recumbent Celtic cross in the Isle of Eigg. Huddersfield Music Club E. J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. President Musical Director - A. EAGLEFIELD HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). Founder of the British Music Society, London. GLEDHOLT HALL Wednesday, January 25th, at 7.45 p.m. MARJORY & PATUFFA KENNEDY-FRASER WITH MARGARET KENNEDY SONGS of The HEBRIDES

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ΤΟ THE PIANO- +The Seagull of the Land-under-Waves (Air used as one of the principal themes in Bantock's Hebridean Symphony). "Snow-white Sca-gull, say where ah, where our lads are resting! Grief within my heart is nesting." *The Wind on the Moor (in Gaelic) - The wind is howling to and fro! The night is wet and cold! Warmth, shelter"? +Weaving Lilt TO THE HARP- "Shuttle nor loom, nor lint nor loom Have I to weave fine linen for thee, love."-M.K.-F. MARJORY KENNEDY-FRASER. +The Mull Fisher's Love Song TO THE PIANO- Raasay Love Lilt (with Gaelic Refrain) - "Thy voice like music o'er the sea Haunts me off Mull's wild shore."-M.K.-F. PATUFFA KENNEDY-FRASER. +Benbecula Bridal Procession- +Hebridean Mother's Song "So sweet is Morag, so dear is Morag, My joy, my Morag, my life, my child!" Love Song-A Mhairi Bhan "Blue thy dew-wet eyes, Mhairi Bhan, Cheeks like ripe rowan berries red. . . . +Sea Rapture Song-Kishmul's Galley SONGS OF THE HEBRIDES Collected in the Western Isles, and arranged by Mrs. Kennedy-Fraser PROGRAMME Benbecula. "Far through peat and bog and moorland, hie we with song and piping, White the mist the tarns a-veiling.. Red the moon swings o'er the moorland . . . Home at last the bridal convoy-Glow of peat, rap of reel-step, sea laughter, thrill of piping."-M.K.-F. (Air used in the battle section of Bantock's Hebridean Symphony). "Homeward she bravely battles... Anchor, cable, nor tackle has she, Here's red wine and feast for heroes, and harping too."-M-K.. .-F. MARGARET KENNEDY. An Island Tragedy-"The Sea Tangle or the Sisters" Jealous sister here enticed me and has left me here-a-drowning! My little child, love of cooing, seek'st thou to-night thy mother's bosom Full twill be of sea water, Uvil! Uvil i Humorous Labour Lilt "Hame oor Bollachan, hame cam' he, Angert, the quern-stanes crunch wad he." MARJORY KENNEDY-FRASER. Skye Eigg Barra -Eriskay Skye -Eriskay West Coast - (Barra) -Skye and Barra Barra The Nunnery Cross, Iona Drawn by P.K.F. From Volume III-Just out. $From "SEVEN SONGS OF THE HEBRIDES" with accompaniment for Harp or Simplified Piano. Separate Songs, Sea Pieces and Piano Lyrics, by BOOSEY & Co., 295 Regent Street, London, W. 1 Cala-Harbour. Labour Lilts- Spinning Song (with Gaelic Refrain) +Churning Lilt (in Gaelic) Thou the wheel and I the thread, White fate spinning o'er our head." Port-a-Bial-Hebridean Dance "Butter to the elbow, Buttermilk but to the wrist." PATUFFA KENNEDY-FRASER. Mermaid's Song to her Child-An Eriskay Lullaby From Piano Lyrics (Book I), by M. Kennedy-Fraser. MARJORY KENNEDY-FRASER. TO THE HARP- *To People who have Gardens While the sca-gull and swan for thy curach are caring, With his nets from the bay will thy father be faring." ΤΟ THE PIANO- +Of Mystic Sea Rapture-Land of Heart's Desire- "Isle of youth, dear western isle. There shalt thou and I Wander free, on sheen-white sands, dreaming in starlight."-M.K.-F. Words by Agnes Muir Mackenzie, Stornoway. +*The Dowerless Maiden (with Gaelic Refrain) + The Islay Reaper - "Reapin' the corn I cut my sheaf, But cutting my knee 'twas ochone and sighin'." PATUFFA KENNEDY-FRASER. tof Love to the Chief-Heart of Fire-Love "Croon of croons, re-born at dawn-light, thou'rt my waking, thou'rt my dreaming : Of the swan-flock, guiding swan thou, sailing thro' the Isles to icala."-Kenneth Macleod. MARGARET KENNEDY. +Dance Song-"The Sea-Bird to her Chicks (in Gaelic) "Feathers, Feathers, Eggs! Feathers, Feathers, Birds! 'Tis my daughter that will make music." Processional-To the Lord of the Isles Nallaibh o hi! Like the rising sun putting darkness on the stars, My King's son in his armour, with his spotted speckled shield, White his spear heads gleaming, swift his arrows in their flight, Great galleys sailing! Hero he like to Cuchullan, Like the rising sun! Nallaibh o hi."-K.M. MARJORY KENNEDY-FRASER. Skye *Also already published separately. Also to be had of Mrs. KENNEDY-FRASER, 6 Castle Street, Edinburgh. Barral -Eriskay Eriskay Eigg Skye Eigg Islay Islay Eigg Eigg The Songs are published in three volumes, Selected Albums, The Tales from the Gaelic are given in the English of Kenneth Macleod.

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On Wednesday, February 22nd, 1922 the Committee have engaged Mr. ANDERSON TYRER The British pianist who has played with such success at home and abroad and whose programmes are always delightfully varied, containing music by the earliest as well as the chief contemporary composers. Mr. Anderson Tyrer made an excellent impression. The first place amongst native pianists is easily within his reach."-(Ernest Newman, Manchester Guardian, 19/11/19). On Wednesday, March 22nd, 1922 A VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL RECITAL Miss ALICE STELL, Soprano Mr. CARL FUCHS, 'Cello Mr. ISAACS, Pianoforte Mr. Fuchs is known as one of the greatest 'Cellists of the age, and is a musician whose taste in the classics is irreproachable. Miss Alice Stell is a rising Yorkshire Soprano, who has recently made a very successful début in London. "Mr. Isaacs is a pianist of notable attainments."-Daily Telegraph. "He is not content to dazzle, whilst leaving us cold; his interpretations I have the inner glow."-Liverpool Post. The Subscription for the last two Concerts is 10/6 Hon. Secretary: G. FLEMING, Esq. Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. Hon. Treasurer: WALTER CAWTHORN, Esq. National Provincial & Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield

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Huddersfield Music Club (Affiliated to the British Music Society) President-E. J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. Musical Director-A. EAGLEFIELD HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). Hon. Treasurer-WALTER CAWTHORN, Esq., National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield. Hon. Secretary-G. FLEMING, Esq., Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. SEASON 1921-1922 Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, 1922 GLEDHOLT HALL, at 7-45 p.m. Mr. Anderson Tyrer Piano Recital 0 0 0 STEINWAY GRAND PIANOFORTE.

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I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. IO. I. Chaconne II. French Suite.. A short string of old dance measures in the style of the early French composer, Couperin. II. Prelude in G sharp minor Prelude in G minor Reflets dans l'eau. Jardins sous la pluie Etude in F minor (NEW).. An arrangement for piano of Bach's great Violin piece. .Bach (1685-1750) III. 8. Sonata op 30...... A Sonata in one movement, by the "Russian Brahms" Sonata in F sharp.... In two movements in the composer's middle style. Berceuse Valse in D flat 12. Valse in C sharp minor 13. Scherzo in C sharp minor Bach-Busoni. }...... Debussy (1862-1918) Lloyd Hartley (born in Leeds, 1891) IV. Rachmaninoff (born at Onega, Russia in 1873) Medtner (born Moscow, 1879) Scriabin (born Moscow, 1872-1915) Chopin (1809-1849)

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I. 2. A 3. Huddersfield Music Club (Affiliated to the Huddersfield Branch of the British Music Society). President--E. J. BRUCE, Esq., J.P. Musical Director-A. EAGLEFIELD HULL, Esq., Mus. Doc. (Oxon). Hon. Treasurer-WALTER CAWTHORN, Esq., National Provincial and Union Bank of England, Westgate, Huddersfield. Hon. Secretary-G. FLEMING, Esq., Clifton Lodge, Edgerton, Huddersfield. SEASON 1921-1922 Wednesday, March 22nd, 1922 GLEDHOLT HALL, at 7-45 p.m. Vocal & Instrumental Recital Miss ALICE STELL (Soprano). Mr. EDWARD ISAACS (Pianoforte). Mr. CARL FUCHS (Violoncello). AT THE PIANO :- Mrs. A. E. HULL, F.R.C.o. and Miss M. V. STELL, L.R.A.M. STEINWAY GRAND PIANOFORTE. VIOLONCELLO SOLO...... Sonata in G minor...... Henry Eccles Largo-Corrente-Adagio-Vivace. (1660-1742) SONGS: (a) They tell us that yon mighty Powers above (Indian Queen) Purcell (b) RECIT and AIR Thy hand Belinda When I am laid in earth) (Dido) Purcell (c) I'm ow're young to marry yet (Folk Song) ......E. Goossens (d) Bonnie Belle (Old English). ..........Albert Jowett SONATA FOR PIANOFORTE AND VIOLONCELLO, Op. 69 in A Beethoven Allegro' non tante-Scherzo (allegro molt) -Adagio cantabile- Allegro vivace

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4. SONATA IN B MINOR.... (Dedicated to Robert Schumann) In a letter This Sonata is not only one of Liszt's finest compositions, but is one of the greatest works in pianoforte literature. to Liszt, Wagner expressed himself as follows:- "The sonata is beyond all conception beautiful, great, lovely, deep and noble, sublime, even as thyself." Composed in 1853, during the period when Liszt was engaged on the production of his Symphonic Poems, the sonata, although devoid of any programme, possesses many characteristics similar to these. Unfettered by rules and precedents, Liszt here became a law unto himself. He discarded the three or four movements consecrated by long usage and conceived the sonata in one movement, developing his themes unconventionally, and following the ideas of metamorphosis which he used in his Symphonic Poems; the result is a work of extra- ordinary unity and astonishing originality. Liszt has not anywhere described the feelings which prompted him to compose this sonata, but probably it is due to some strong inward impulse to depict the struggle of one filled with the noblest aspirations, and battling against relentless destiny, ending in a spirit of intensely sad yet peaceful resignation, suggesting the capitulation of a human soul to the immanent forces of Nature. The work falls naturally into four sections: No. 1, an imposing statement and development of the themes of the work (Allegro energico); No. 2, a "slow" movement; No. 3, a tremendous "Fugato' corresponding to the working-out section of ordinary sonata-form; and No. 4, a recapitulation of previous musical material; here the music becomes more and more expressive of intense exaltation, and then, after a sudden stop, changes in character and gradually ebbs in strains ineffably sad and pathetic. Thus ends a work which, in originality of conception, depth of thought and emotional feeling, has not been surpassed in the whole realm of pianoforte literature. 5. 6. VIOLONCELLO SOLO: (a) Hamabdil (Hebrew Melody) (b) Waltz.... SONGS: (a) Ode (R. Bridges) (b) Celestial Weaver .......Liszt (c) Sheiling Song (d) Last Invocation Granville Bantock Davidoff (1839-89) 7. DUET FOR VIOLONCELLO AND PIANOFORTE: Introduction and Polonaise...... Albert Jowett Granville Bantock ....Arnold Bax Frank Bridge Chopin