HMS 42

The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42

1 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 1

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HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC SOCIETY Brochure 42nd Season's programmes 1959-1960 14.12.1959 42/4. correction Schumann op 44 is a piano Quintel nor quarter. H. Norcente Archivist colorchecker Xx-rite + MSCCPPCC0613 ןווון/////////// SW

2 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 2

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THE HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB (Founded in 1918 by Dr. Eaglefield Hull) The National Federation of Music Societies, to which this Society is affiliated supports these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain A SERIES OF FIVE CONCERTS FOR THE FORTY SECOND SEASON 1959-60 no to be given in THE MAYOR'S RECEPTION ROOM TOWN HALL move On MONDAY EVENINGS at 7-30 p.m. President Vice-President S. H. CROWTHER DAVID DUGDALE Mrs. E. FENNER Mrs. E. GLENDINING E. GLENDINING Honorary Vice-Presidents: DAME MYRA HESS, BENJAMIN BRITTEN, F. W. GADSBY Mrs. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL Mrs. BRANSON Mrs. CALVERT Mrs. S. H. CROWTHER Mrs. F. A. DAWSON Miss K. EVANS Mrs. D. HIRST E. D. SPENCER, Esq.M Committee: Miss Z. E. HULL P. L. MICHELSON Cr. F. ROWCLIFFE TO MAX SELKA Miss A. SHAW 1016 1 Hon. Secretaries: Mrs. A. E. HULL, 13 Cedar Avenue. Tel. Hudd. 1094 STANLEY G. WATSON, 342 New Hey Road. Tel. Milnsbridge 1706 Hon. Treasurer: P. S. THEAKER, National Provincial Bank, King Street E. C. SHAW W. E. THOMPSON Mrs. S. G. WATSON C. R. WOOD Mrs. A. E. HORSFALL Mrs. A. E. HULL Miss Z. E. HULL Mrs. A. W. KAYES Miss H. LODGE Mrs. H. ROTHERY AH Ladies' Committee:TO Chairman: Mrs. E. FENNER Miss SAWERS Mrs. M. M. SAYER Miss A. SHAW Mrs. J. SHIRES Mrs. E. D. SPENCER Miss W. TOWNSEND Hon. Secretary: Mrs. E. GLENDINING Hon. Treasurer: Mrs. S. G. WATSON The Club is open to everyone

3 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 3

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THE HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB (Founded in 1918 by Dr. Eaglefield Hull) The National Federation of Music Societies, to which this Society is affiliated supports these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain A SERIES OF ush FIVE CONCERTS FOR THE FORTY SECOND SEASON 1959-60 to be given in THE MAYOR'S RECEPTION ROOM TOWN HALL On MONDAY EVENINGS at 7-30 p.m. President Vice-President S. H. CROWTHER DAVID DUGDALE Mrs. E. FENNER Mrs. E. GLENDINING E. GLENDINING Mrs. A. EAGLEFIELD HULL Honorary Vice-Presidents: DAME MYRA HESS, BENJAMIN BRITTEN, F. W. GADSBY E. D. SPENCER, Esq. M Mrs. BRANSON Mrs. CALVERT Mrs. S. H. CROWTHER Mrs. F. A. DAWSON Miss K. EVANS Mrs. D. HIRST Committee: E. C. SHAW Miss Z. E. HULL P. L. MICHELSON W. E. THOMPSON Cr. F. ROWCLIFFE TO Mrs. S. G. WATSON MAX SELKA C. R. WOOD Miss A. SHAW Hon. Secretaries: Mrs. A. E. HULL, 13 Cedar Avenue. Tel. Hudd. 1094 STANLEY G. WATSON, 342 New Hey Road. Tel. Milnsbridge 1796 Hon. Treasurer: P. S. THEAKER, National Provincial Bank, King Street He Chairman: Mrs. E. FENNER Mrs. A. E. HORSFALL Mrs. A. E. HULL Miss Z. E. HULL Mrs. A. W. KAYES Miss H. LODGE Mrs. H. ROTHERY AHLadies' Committee: TTO. Miss SAWERS Mrs. M. M. SAYER Miss A. SHAW Mrs. J. SHIRES Mrs. E. D. SPENCER Miss W. TOWNSEND Hon. Secretary: Mrs. E. GLENDINING Hon. Treasurer: Mrs. S. G. WATSON The Club is open to everyone

4 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 4

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The Committee is happy to announce another Season of Chamber Music Concerts of outstanding merit. A return. visit of the Amadeus String Quartet will be welcomed by all who have been privileged to hear this ensemble on previous occasions. The Laurance Turner String Quartet with Keith Swallow will doubtless attract great local interest. Pursuing as ever their quest for new talent, the Commit- tee have engaged Otto Freudenthal and Rohan de Saram, young artists who have already received the highest praise for their achievements. The Osian Ellis Harp Trio brings an unusual and interesting combination of instruments to complete the Season. A Series of Concerts of such quality and interest will, the Committee feel sure, command the approbation of our mem- bers, to whom we reiterate our appeal to introduce NEW MEMBERS. Monday, 5th October, 1959 THE AMADEUS STRING QUARTET Quartet in D minor K.421 Quartet in B flat major Op. 168 Quartet in F major Op. 135 Monday, 2nd November, 1959 OTTO FREUDENTHAL Piano Recital Six Bagatelles Op. 126 Sonata in B flat major Op. posth. Fantasy in C Minor K. 475 Sonata No. 3 Mozart Schubert Beethoven Beethoven Schubert Mozart Hindemith

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Monday, 23rd November, 1959 ROHAN DE SARAM Cello Recital At the piano-Geoffrey Parsons Sonata for cello and piano in D major Op. 102 No. 1 Beethoven Sonata for cello and piano Sonata for cello and piano Finale (from Sonata Op. 8 for solo cello) Monday, 14th December, 1959 THE LAURANCE TURNER STRING QUARTET KEITH SWALLOW (piano) Quartet in F major Op. 77 No. 2 Quartet in A flat major Op. 105 Quintet in E flat major Op. 44 Monday, 11th January, 1960 Trio Sonata in C minor Sonata for Harp Suite in E minor Debussy Rubbra Kodaly THE OSIAN ELLIS HARP TRIO Osian Ellis (Harp) Richard Adeney (Flute) Cecil Aronowitz (Viola) Trio in F major Two Movements from Fantasy Sonata Folk Songs Trio Sonata (1915) Haydn Dvorak Schumann Handel C. P. E. Bach J. S. Bach Haydn Arnold Bax arr. Osian Ellis Debussy

6 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 6

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THE HUDDERSFIELD MUSIC CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS A member's subscription for the Season is 35/-. Season tickets may be obtained from either of the Hon. Secretaries or from Messrs. J. Wood & Sons Ltd., 67 New Street. onnig bru allan not cteno As you were a Member last Season ticket (s) for the coming Season are enclosed herewith and it is requested that the appropriate subscription be forwarded to the Hon. Treasurer (Mr. P. S. Theaker, National Provincial Bank, King Street, Huddersfield) before the date of the FIRST Concert (6th October). Cheques should be made payable to "The Huddersfield Music Club". In the event of any of the tickets not being required this year, they must be returned to Mrs. Hull, 13 Cedar Avenue, Huddersfield, not later than 22nd September, after which date it will be assumed that they will be retain- ed and paid for. bandoit (qsH) il mai201 If you were not a member last Season and would like to join the Club, will you please make early application to either of the Hon. Secretaries. Hond 4 joni nbys We shall greatly appreciate it if you will please pass this Prospectus on to your friends. (aler) sin zeando a

7 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 7

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The Huddersfield Music Club Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall Monday, 5th October, 1959 at 7-30 p.m. The Amadeus String Quartet NORBERT BRAININ SIEGMUND NISSEL Quartet in D minor K421 PETER SCHIDLOF MARTIN LOVETT Programme I || Quartet in B flat major Op. 168 Allegro moderato Andante Minuet and Trio Allegretto ma non troppo Allegro ma non troppo Andante sostenuto Minuet and Trio Presto Mozart (1756-1791) Interval of ten minutes ||| Schubert (1797-1828) Beethoven (1770-1827) Quartet in F major Op. 135 Allegretto Vivace Lento assai, cantante e tranquillo Grave ma non troppo-Allegro COFFEE MORNING-10-30 to 12-30 on Saturday, November 7th at the Y.W.C.A. (New North Road) Tickets on sale during the Interval 2/- Programme-Three pence

8 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 8

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The Huddersfield Music Club Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall-Monday evenings at 7-30 p.m. Piano Recital Beethoven Schubert Mozart Hindemith November 2nd-OTTO FREUDENTHAL Six Bagatelles Op. 126 Sonata in B flat Op posth. Fantasy in C minor K.475 Sonata No. 3 November 23rd-ROHAN DE SARAM Cello Recital December 14th-THE LAURANCE TURNER STRING QUARTET with Keith Swallow (Piano) January 11th-THE OSIAN ELLIS HARP TRIO (Harp, flute, viola and songs) Single Tickets 7/6 from Wood's, 67, New Street or at the door The Halifax Philharmonic Society Lecture Hall of the Halifax Literary and Philosophical Society, Harrison Road-Friday Evenings at 7-30 p.m. October 9th-APRIL CANTELO (Soprano) THEA KING (Clarinet) € PHYLLIS PALMER (Piano) The Programme will include 'The Shepherd on the Rocks' (Schubert) and songs with Clarinet Obligato, works for Clarinet and Piano and Lieder. Single Tickets 7/6 from David Dugdale Esq., 291, Willowfield Road, Halifax and at the door The Huddersfield Thespians St. Patrick's Hall-October 5th to 10th The Chalk Garden by Enid Bagnold Tickets 3/6 and 2/- from Wood's, 67, New Street

9 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 9

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The Huddersfield Music Club Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall-Monday evenings at 7-30 p.m. November 23rd-ROHAN DE SARAM Cello Recital Sonata for Cello and Piano in D major Op. 102 No. 1 Beethoven Sonata for Cello and Piano Debussy Rubbra Sonata for Cello and Piano Finale (from Sonata No. 8 for solo cello) Kodaly December 14th-THE LAURANCE TURNER STRING QUARTET with Keith Swallow (Piano) January 11th-THE OSIAN ELLIS HARP TRIO (Harp, flute, viola and songs) Single Tickets 7/6 from Wood's, 67, New Street or at the door The Halifax Philharmonic Club November 12th-NEW DANISH STRING QUARTET Quartet in D major Op. 64 No. 5 Quartet in F major Op. 44 Quartet in F major Op. 135 Single Tickets 7/6 from David Dugdale Esq., 291, Willowfield Road, Halifax and at the door The Huddersfield Thespians St. Patrick's Hall-November 9th to 14th Haydn Nielson Beethoven Morning's at Seven by Paul Osborn Tickets 3/6 and 2/- from Wood's, 67, New Street

10 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 10

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The Huddersfield Music Club (The National Federation of Music Societies to which this Society is affiliated supports these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain). Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall Monday, 2nd November, 1959 at 7-30 p.m. OTTO FREUDENTHAL Piano Recital Six Bagatelles Op. 126 G major G minor Programme 1 E flat major B minor G major E flat major Sonata No. 3 Sonata in B flat major Op. posth Fantasy in C minor K. 475 Andante con moto Allegro Andante Presto Quasi allegretto Presto Andante amabile - Presto || Ruhig bewegt Sehr lebhaft Beethoven (1770-1827) Molto moderato-Andante sostenuto Scherzo Allegro vivace con delicatezza Allegro ma non troppo Interval of ten minutes ||| IV Schubert (1797-1828) Massig schneller Fugue Mozart (1756-1791) Hindemith (b. 1895) COFFEE MORNING-10-30 to 12-30 on Saturday, November 7th at the Y.W.C.A. (New North Road) Tickets on sale during the Interval 2/- Programme-Three pence

11 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 11

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The Huddersfield Music Club (The National Federation of Music Societies to which this Society is affiliated supports these with by the Arts of Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall Monday, 23rd November, 1959 at 7-30 p.m. ROHAN DE SARAM Cello Recital At the Piano: Geoffrey Parsons Sonata Sonata No. 5 in D major Op. 102 No. 2. Beethoven (1770-1827) Allegro con brio Adagio con molto sentimento d'affetto Allegro fugato Programm Sonata Op. 60 || Prologue Serenade et Finale Interval of ten minutes ||| Debussy (1862-1918) Edmund Rubbra (b. 1901) Andante moderato Vivace flessibile Theme, Variations and Fugue IV Third movement from Sonata for solo Cello Kodaly (b. 1882) Programme-Three pence

12 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 12

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The Huddersfield Music Club Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall-Monday evenings at 7-30 p.m. December 14th-THE LAURANCE TURNER STRING QUARTET with Keith Swallow (Piano) Quartet in F major Op 77 No. 2 Quartet in A flat major Op. 105 Piano Quintet in E flat major Op. 44 Haydn Dvorak Schumann January 11th-THE OSIAN ELLIS HARP TRIO (Harp, flute, viola and songs) Single Tickets 7/6 from Wood's, 67, New Street or at the door The Halifax Philharmonic Club Lecture Hall of the Halifax Literary and Philosophical Society, Harrison Road Friday Evenings at 7-30 p.m. February 19th-THE LONDON PIANO QUARTET Piano Quartet in G minor K 478 Serenade for String Trio in D major Op. 8 Piano Quartet in G minor Mozart Dohnanyi Brahms Single Tickets 7/6 from David Dugdale Esq., 291, Willowfield Road, Halifax and at the door Present Laughter by Noel Coward The Huddersfield Thespians Theatre Royal-November 30th to December 5th Monday - Friday 7-30 p.m. Saturday 6 p.m. and 8-20 p.m. Usual theatre prices including the Monday concession. (Members coupons do not apply). Booking at the Theatre now open.

13 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 13

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The Huddersfield Music Club (The National Federation of Music Societies to which this Society is affiliated supports these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain). Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall Monday, December 14th, 1959 at 7-30 p.m. THE TURNER STRING QUARTET Elizabeth Holbrook (Viola) Paul Ward (Cello) Laurance Turner (Violin) Fay Campey (Violin) Keith Swallow (Piano) Programme 1 Quartet in F major Op. 77 No. 2 Allegro moderato Minuet and Trio Andante Vivace assai || Quartet in A flat major Op. 105 Haydn (1732-1809) Dvorak (1841-1904) Adagio ma non troppo - Allegro appassionato Molto vivace Lento e molto cantabile Allegro non tanto Interval of ten minutes ||| Piano Quartet in E flat major Op. 44 Schumann (1810-1856) Allegro brillante In modo d'una Marcia. Un poco largamente Scherzo. Molto vivace Allegro ma non troppo Programme-Three pence

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The Huddersfield Music Club Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall-Monday evenings at 7-30 p.m. January 11th-THE OSIAN ELLIS HARP TRIO Trio Sonata in C minor Sonata for harp Suite in A minor Handel C. P. E. Bach J. S. Bach Haydn Arnold Bax arr. Osian Ellis Debussy € Trio in F major Two Movements from Fantasy Sonata Folk Songs Trio Sonata (1915) Single Tickets 7/6 from Wood's, 67, New Street or at the door The Halifax Philharmonic Club Lecture Hall of the Halifax Literary and Philosophical Society, Harrison Road- Friday Evenings at 7-30 p.m. February 19th-THE LONDON PIANO QUARTET Quartet in G minor K 478 Serenade for String Trio in D major Op. 8 Quartet in G minor Mozart Dohnanyi Brahms Single Tickets 7/6 from David Dugdale Esq., 291, Willowfield Road, Halifax and at the door The Huddersfield Thespians St. Patrick's Hall-January 18th to 23rd, at 7-30 p.m. Before the Party Based on a story by Somerset Maugham Adapted by Rodney Ackland Tickets 3/6 and 2/- from Woods, 67 New Street

15 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 15

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The Huddersfield Music Club (The National Federation of Music Societies to which this Society is affiliated supports these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain). Mayor's Reception Room, Town Hall Monday, January 11th, 1960 at 7-30 p.m. THE OSIAN ELLIS HARP TRIO Richard Adeney (Flute) Cecil Aronowitz (Viola) Osian Ellis (Harp and Voice) Programme Trio Sonata in C minor Sonata for Harp Trio in F major Largo Allegro Andante Allegro || Allegro moderato Adagio Allegro Suite in A minor for Solo Flute Allemande Corrente Sarabande Bouree anglaise IV Folk Songs Trio Sonata (1915) ||| Adagio Minuet and Trio Presto Interval of ten minutes V Pastorale Interlude Finale Handel (1685-1759) C. P. E. Bach (1714-1788) VI VII Two Movements from the Fantasy Sonata for Harp and Viola J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Haydn (1732-1809) Bax (1833-1953) arr. Osian Ellis Debussy (1862-1918) Programme-Three pence

16 The Huddersfield Music Society, HMS 42, Page 16

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The Huddersfield Music Club Arrangements for the 1960-61 Season will be announced in due course. Every effort is again being made to secure artists of international reputation who will present programmes of high musical value and interest. Members may, with the utmost confidence, anticipate a series of recitals as attractive as ve as any of those which have been presented by this Club in the 530 in the past, 2113 usizo Approbation of the endeavours of the Committee could not be better expressed by our present members than by the introduction of NEW MEMBERS; and a particular appeal is therefore made to those who have appreciated these Concerts in the past to support our efforts in the future. Please give to either of the Secretaries, or to any member of the Committee, the names and addresses of any possible new members, or of any person who would be interested in the Club, so that prospectuses may be sent to them before the start of the next season. que to The Halifax Philharmonic Club (0251 Lecture Hall of the Halifax Literary and Philosophical Society, Harrison Road-Friday Evenings at 7-30 p.m. February 19th-THE LONDON PIANO QUARTET (9031-SE Quartet in G minor K. 478 Mozart Dohnanyi Brahms Serenade for String Trio in D major Op. 8 Quartet in G minor an bas JeuniM Single Tickets 7/6 from David Dugdale Esq., 291, Willowfield Road, Halifax 293 and at the dooroveint qishi tot stance yasins eru mori zinginovoM OWT (21-The Huddersfield Thespians 2ill3 nol20170 St. Patrick's Hall-January 18th to 23rd, at 7-30 p.m. (6191-2881) (2cuued Before the Darty obuneini Based on a story by Somerset Maugham Adapted by Rodney Ackland Tickets 3/- and 2/- from Woods, 67 New Street 2