BMS AnnCat1922 9

BMS AnnCat1922 9, BMS AnnCat1922 9

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CARNEGIE Collection of British Music ORCHESTRAL WORKS. BAINTON, EDGAR L. CONCERTO FANTASIA. For Piano and Orchestra. Full Score *Orchestral Parts Pianoforte Solo .. ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Full Score .. *Orchestral Parts .. BOYLE, INA. BANTOCK, GRANVILLE. THE HEBRIDEAN SYMPHONY. Length of performance-32 minutes. .. £ 5 0 1 10 0 046 .. .. £3 3 0 220 THE MAGIC HARP. performance-14 minutes. .. Full Score .. .. £0 12 6 *Orchestral Parts. .. .. 0 17 6 Length of BRIDGE, FRANK. THE SEA. Symphonic Suite. Length of performance-20 minutes. Full Score *Orchestral Parts COLLINGWOOD, £2 2 0 500 LAWRANCE A. SYMPHONIC POEM. Length of per- formance-20 minutes. 0 Full Score *Orchestral Parts FARRAR, ERNEST BRISTOW ENGLISH PASTORAL IMPRESSIONS. Suite. Length of performance- 10 minutes. £1 1 0 TO 1 10 0 DRYSDALE, LEARMONT. TAM O'SHANTER. Concert Over- ture. Length of performance- 10 to 12 minutes. Full Score *Orchestral Parts Full Score *Orchestral Parts Pianoforte Conductor McEWEN, J. B. SOLWAY. A Symphony. Full Score *Orchestral Parts MITCHELL, EDWARD. FANTASIA. Overture. Full Score *Orchestral Parts 10 bus £0 12 6 0 15 6 0 26 STANFORD, CHARLES L'ALLEGRO. Symphony. Full Score *Orchestral Parts * Orchestral Parts may be hired from the Publishers. 20 250 £0 10 6 .. 0 15 0 VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R. A LONDON SYMPHONY. Length of performance-40 to 45 minutes. Full Score. Initi *Orchestral Parts Miniature Score £2 10 0 2 10 0 Pianoforte Solo 0 10 6 04 0 ..40 15 0 Slow Movement arranged . 0 17 6 mon for Organ by Henry G. Ley 0 2 0 VILLIERS. STAINER & BELL, Ltd., LONDONE ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ £2 2 0 58, BERNERS ST. WT

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CARNEGIE Collection of British Music BLISS, ARTHUR. *RHAPSODY. For Flute, Cor Anglais, String Quartet, Bass, and Two Voices (Soprano and Tenor). Score Complete Parts Arrangement for Voices and Pianoforte MINOR. and Violoncello. ‒‒‒‒‒ ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ CHAMBER MUSIC. Score.. Parts .. .. BOWEN, YORK. STRING QUARTET (No. 2) IN D For two Violins, Viola, Score and Parts £0 5 0 050 0 26 ... DYSON, GEORGE. THREE RHAPSODIES. For String Quartet (Two Violins, Viola, and Violoncello). Length of performance each 10 minutes. Score 40 4 6 .. 0 7 6 String Parts .. £0 5 0 07 HAY, EDWARD NORMAN. STRING QUARTET IN A MAJOR. For Two Violins, Viola, and Violon- cello. Length of performance- 25 to 27 minutes. Score and Parts ..£0 10 6 RHAPSODIC QUINTET. For Clarinet, Two Violins, Viola, and Violon- cello. Score.. Parts MILES, PERCY HILDER. SEXTET FOR STRINGS IN G MINOR. For Two Violins, Two Violas, Violoncello, and Double Bass. Length of performance-40 minutes. Score String Parts :: MORRIS, R. O. FANTASY FOR STRING QUARTET. For Two Violins, Viola, and Violoncello. Score.. Parts .. £0 2 6 ..050 ..£0 9 0 * Orchestral Parts may be hired from the Publishers. ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ £0 5 0 .. 0 10 0 WALL, ALFRED M. QUARTET IN C MINOR. For Piano- forte, Violin, Viola, and Violon- cello. Length of performance- 30 minutes. Score and Parts .. £0 12 0 WHITE, FELIX. CAM THE NYMPH'S COMPLAINT FOR THE DEATH OF HER FAWN. For Oboe (or Violin), Viola, and } HOWELLS, HERBERT. WHITTAKER, W. G. QUARTET IN A MINOR. For Piano- forte, Violin, Viola, and Violon- AMONG THE NORTHUMBRIAN HILLS. Theme and Variations. Quintet cello: Length of performances for Pianoforte, Two Violins, 28 Viola, and 10s. 6d. STAINER & BELL, Ltd., £0 2 6 040 W.1. 58, BERNERS ST. LONDON,

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ЗЮЮНИЯАЮ TES, to DS CLARINETS, FLUTES, FRENCH HORNS, ount 101 YOUT CORNETS, TRUMPETS ON OBOES, AND EVERYTHING FOR THE ban lor7 aniloiy owT ollsorolor/ зряоза иог а ORCHESTRA, MILITARY, BRASS,T MADE AND SUPPLIED BY BUGLE AND FLUTE BANDS.zaq stol XATTIHY MEWOR olleonolorV bas KAMION CAWG YAH TOT HOLA A -noloi ba RUDALL, CARTE & CO., 2.1.14WO 19Tuin Q eniloty 50 01 olisontoloi bas sloi o e TexTelephone hodkolbid 10 LTD., -noloiy bus cloi hil . 2 LONDON, W. dransl olles 23, Berners Street, Oxford Street, Sunim 89 s bus 21002 Museum 7281.

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The Enoch Art Song Library An u An unique series of modern English nglish songs. W Many of the songs may be sung with string sed quartet or orchestral accompaniment if desired. 2 Messrs. Enoch & Sons would appreciate a call from artists who are interested in modern music, so that they might have an opportunity of personally showing the merit of the collection. The composers include: Austin, Frederic Bairstow, Edward C. Bantock, Granville 08. Bax, Arnold Bowen, York Brian, Havergal 201 IZHO Collingwood, Lawrance A. ALIW GA Fothergill, Helen Harrison, Julius O Hazlehurst, Cecil Heath, John R. Holbrooke, Josef Maddison, Adela Martin, Easthope Ronald, Landon d A complete list and descriptive booklet by Mr. Ernest Newman will be sent post free. voor in deitina od to edmom visva English Ayres 1598-1612 TWENTY-ONE SONGS transcribed and edited from the original editions by Peter Warlock and Philip Wilson. Messrs. Enoch & Sons have pleasure in announcing the publication of a first volume of English Ayres from the wonderfully musical and prolific period 1598 to 1612. The music is of the utmost simplicity and beauty, and the lyrics include a large number of gems of English literature. The composers whose songs are included in this first volume are: Robert Jones Philip Rosseter Thomas Greaves noe lo 2008 John Danyel wou WHOL Michael Cavendisho to dood William Corkine PHOT John Dowland Thomas Campian AMOHT he hobiell In view of the public interest in purely English music, it is anticipated that this first collection will have a world-wide demand. Final-0001 211A-10 aang boosse LT-2001",aniA 10 202 Price 5/- net. MAWO MOL DI MA The Muses' Garden for Delights browoday rusdaueri Composed by Robert Jones (1610). jy dool yotiba adT Transcribed and edited by Peter Warlock.oto Price 3/6 net. alsoir dos 150 ENOCHO & SONSV-oing 58, Great Marlborough Street, London, W. 1. 1.W 199 And at Paris, New York, Toronto and Melbourne. niw

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16 BRITISH COMPOSERS Visidi SHdT represented in the Catalogue of WINTHROP ROGERS, LIMITED. SONGS by EDGAR L. BAINTON ANTHONY BERNARD FRANK BRIDGE S. COLERIDGE-TAYLOR MALCOLM DAVIDSON FREDERICK DELIUS C. ARMSTRONG GIBBS IVOR GURNEY JOHN IRELAND H. V. IERVIS-READ ROGER QUILTER SYDNEY ROSENBLOOM JOSEPH SPEAIGHT PETER WARLOCK MAUDE VALERIE WHITE GERRARD WILLIAMS PIANO MUSIC by FREDERICK AUSTIN M FRANK BRIDGE S. COLERIDGE-TAYLOR 191 H. FARJEON IVOR GURNEY JOHN HEATH a JOSEPH HOLBROOKE JOHN IRELAND LEO LIVENS JAMES LYON ROGER QUILTER ALEC ROWLEY nowod JOSEPH SPEAIGHT CHARLES VINCENT W. G. WHITTAKER GERRARD WILLIAMS IST ON APPLICATION. Every member of The British Music Society should own THE ENGLISH SCHOOL OF LUTENIST SONG-WRITERS TRANSCRIBED, SCORED AND EDITED FROM THE ORIGINAL EDITIONS BY EDMUND H. FELLOWES, M.A., Mus. Doc. crees M This Series is planned to produce in complete form the Songs of the great Elizabethan and early Jacobean Lutenists. bortsq The Songs will be published in volumes, each containing ten or eleven di bas songs, and the complete series should include upwards of 500 songs, are set to poetry The first Eight Volumes will be the following: 1. JOHN DOWLAND. First Book of Songs or Airs," 1597-Part I 2. JOHN DOWLAND. "First Book of Songs or Airs," 1597-Part II 3. THOMAS FORD. Songs from Music of Sundry Kinds," 1607 4. THOMAS CAMPIAN. Songs from Rosseter's "Book of Airs," 1601-Part I 5. JOHN DOWLAND. "Second Book of Songs or Airs," 1601-Part I 6. JOHN DOWLAND. "Second Book of Songs or Airs," 1600-Part II 7. FRANCIS PILKINGTON. "First Book of Songs or Airs,"1605-Part I 8. JOHN BARTLET. "Book of Airs," 1606-Part I The extent to which the scheme can be carried and the speed of production must depend entirely upon the measure of support which is given to it. The Editor looks with confidence to the English-speaking people throughout the world, as well as to musicians of other nationalities, to support this effort to supply a complete edition of this priceless store of song, the combined product of English Music and Literature at their greatest period. The first Seven Volumes are now ready. Prices-Volume 1 5s. net; Other Volumes - 6s. net each. Winthrop Rogers, Ltd., 18, Berners Street, W.1

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Curwen Edition of English Songs SONGS BY CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS sdug. 'The whole series of songs should, in justice to the more youthful among our composers, be in the possession of everyone whose first interest is singing." g."-Manchester Guardian (S.L.). "For some time past Messrs. Curwen have been making a specialité of high class modern songs by the younger generation of composers." Referee (Lancelot). "The English song-writers are having a glorious time of it just now. . . . . Messrs. Curwen . . . . have done as much as anyone to give the new English song its chance." Manchester Guardian (Ernest Newman). LATEST SUCCESSES. MARTIN SHAW Compass - D-D 2141 Cuckoo 2133 Down by the salley Gardens - - 2121 Easter Carol - B-D C-E 2131 Heffle Cuckoo Fair E-E 2122 Land of Hearts' Desire C-E(G) 2124 Song of the Palanquin Bearers - 2125 Summer - COLIN TAYLOR 2143 The Downs E-F e D-G 2149 Immanence - wiedt to teils bas 99sq ignseument E-A FELIX WHITE 2262 Leap into a Dance E-F (A) 2246 Up the Airy Mountain D-G 2213 Moon 2220 Idyll 2242 River Song GERRARD WILLIAMS C-F D-E flat E flat-F FREDERICK NICHOLLS 2269 The Quest - da - C-D alqmo ARTHUR BAYNON Compass - D-F 2180 Forest Lullaby GRANVILLE BANTOCK bas MAURICE BESLYMO 2232 Listening 2277 An Epitaph RUTLAND BOUGHTON E-A (B) A-E flat 2153 ERNEST BULLOCK I Love my God as He Loves Me bied B-E - D-E PERCIVAL GARRATT 2207 Prayer B-G sharp DOROTHY HOWELL 2265 If You Meet a Fairy B flat-F MAURICE JACOBSON 2264 Last Hours E flat-F sharp CYRIL ROOTHAM 2196 The Naiad - - B-G 2202 Morning Glory - D-E flat noitgoed Price TWO SHILLINGS EACH. Full Thematic Catalogue upon application. London: J. CURWEN & SONS, LTD, 24, Berners St., W.1

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J. & W. CHESTER, LTD YSL A SOS MEDŽIO Publishers of High-Class Music of the British, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and other schools. LARGEST STOCK IN LONDON OF MODERN AND GENERAL PUBLICATIONS. Complete Lending Library of Chamber and Orchestral Music and Modern Piano and Instrumental Music, Songs, etc. Particulars on application. Complete Catalogues and List of Miniature Scores post free on application. Miniature Essays on the following composers in English and French, with a portrait, a fac-simile reproduction of a manuscript page and a list of their works :- IS 3-0 Granville Bantock SH Arnold Bax vo Lord Berners Arthur Bliss TT Alfredo Casella Louis Durey Manuel de Falla Eugene Goossens Gabriel Grovleza COSS John R. Heatheast Joseph Holbrooke D. E. Inghelbrecht John Ireland would al Joseph Jongen Paul de Maleingreau (A) G. Francesco Malipiero SOSS Erkki Melartin Selim Palmgren Ildebrando Pizzetti 30 Poldowski nool EISS Francis Poulenc Jean Sibelius noe vi SASS Igor Strawinsky Germaine Tailleferre MO Gustav Holst UAM Arthur Honegger quada 4-sterol Price Sixpence each. POS МАНТООЯ ЛЯYD -ротила 3ЛДМИАЯЮ Publishers of "The CHESTERIAN," a progressive Musical Magazine. Eight numbers per annmm. Subscription, 5s. 11, Great Marlborough Street, London, W.1 4196 Telephone: Gerrard 7841.obod

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THE "SPENCER" PIANO is the finest moderately priced piano in the world. Its enormous popularity over 75,000 have been sold is the result of consistent endeavour to produce the ideal instrument. It is unequalled for purity of tone, responsive touch and excell- ence of construction, and meets dan every artistic requirement.isbol It is guaranteed for 10 years against any defect in manufac- ture, but it will give a lifetime 981050 be of satisfaction. bas enote Write or call for details. qo¹2 MURDOCH'S The Great Piano House 461-463, OXFORD STREET M State LONDON ssbind Я29АЛЯ W.1 HTLOWHE

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-King George's Hall, Blackburn.onof } dosm ons nois io sons Modern Organ Craftsmanship The Four-Manual Organ built by Rushworth & Dreaper in the new King George's Hall, Blackburn, is one of the largest and finest instruments erected in recent years. It contains 91 Draw Stops, and 38 Thumb and Foot Pistons. Specification upon Application. Other recent contracts include St. Columba's (Church of Scotland), Pont Street, Belgravia, S.W.; Westminster Chapel, S.W.; St. Stephen's Church, Bow, E.; Mold Parish Church St. Paul's, Knights- bridge, S.W.; St. John's, Ealing, etc., etc. RUSHWORTH & DREAPER, LTD. Church and Concert Organ Builders, 113-115, GREAT GEORGE STREET LIVERPOOL

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