BMS AnnCat1922 2

BMS AnnCat1922 2, BMS AnnCat1922 2

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The Tobias Matthay Pianoforte School 96 & 95, WIMPOLE STREET, LONDON, W. OR instruction under his teachers, and under his supervision, of Pianoforte Playing," "Some Commentaries." "Relaxation Studies," "Child's First Steps," "Forearm Rotation Element,' "Musical Interpretation,"Pianist's First Music Making," etc. OPEN TO PROFESSIONALS AND AMATEURS Wow AND ALSO TO CHILDREN. The Staff consists of 37 Professors of great experience and platform reputation. all trained by the Founder. COMPLETE ONE-YEAR TRAINING COURSE FOR TEACHERS (Accepted by Registration Council). Comprises Lecture Lessons as above, also in Psychology. Aural Training, Child Teaching, Singing-class management and Solo Lessons weekly. For further particulars write Mrs. MARION COLE, Secretary. MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF MUSIC Founded 1892. vizs Thirtieth Year. Principal: ALBERT J. CROSS, A.R.A.M. 60 Professors. The oldest Institution in Manchester devoted to the interests of Music. ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC TAUGHT DAY AND EVENING LESSONS SINGLE SUBJECTS MAY BE STUDIED. Concert Orchestra (Wind Instrument Players free when proficient), Intermediate and Elementary String Orchestras, Ensemble, Choral, and Elocution Classes. Operas, Lectures, Recitals, Chamber and Orchestral Concerts, Private Musical Evenings and Afternoons. 2MALLIIN KAHOUAV HAWAHTJAVI OPERAS ALREADY PRODUCED:-Maritana (Wallace), Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni), Trial by Jury (Sullivan), Mirella (Gounod), Shamns O'Brien (Stanford), Pré aux Clercs (Herold), Star of the North (Meyerbeer), Djamileh (Bizet), Le Domino Noir (Auber), La Bohème (Puccini), Esmeralda (Goring Thomas), Un Ballo in Maschera Verdi), Huguenots (Meyerbeer), Colomba (Mackenzie), Fra Diavolo (Auber) the Opera-Ballet Pierrot and Pierrette (Holbrooke). The Golden Web (Goring Thomas), and La Fille de Madame Angot (Lecocq). 200 Prospectus from the Secretary, Albert Square.VATE

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‒‒‒‒‒ New Educational Works for Piano BOWEN, YORK, Suite for Piano Duet. In three movements: Prelude, Nocturne, and Dance DARKE, HAROLD E. Five Miniatures DYSON, GEORGE. Six Lyrics. In two books DYSON, GEORGE. "Twilight." Four Preludes DUNHILL, THOMAS F. "Time and Tune.". Five Pieces FORBES, GRAHAM. "Moods." Six Pieces Miniatures." Five Pieces FORBES, GRAHAM. FOWLES, ERNEST. GIBBS, C. ARMSTRONG. "Under a Sussex Down." Six Pieces.. "Everyday Doings." Five Pieces GILBERT, GLADYS V. Seven Little Pieces .. .. HAIGH, T. Six Australian Sketches. Elementary Grade HAIGH, T. Second Set. Easy HART, F. BENNICKE. Settings of English Folk Songs. In two books each .. each HATHAWAY, J. W. G. 50 Sight-reading Exercises HATHAWAY, J. W. G. "Wattle-Blooms." Six Pieces HOWELLS, HERBERT. "Once Upon a Time." Six Pieces JOHNSON, J. St. A. "In the Spring." Three Pieces JOSEPH, J. M. Seven Short Pieces LANE, J. M. Ten Preludes. LANG, C. S. Six Tone Pictures Books 1 and 2 LANG, C. S. Six Short Sketches each WHITEHEAD, PERCY A. 18 Nursery Rhyme Canons WHITEHEAD, PERCY A. "Triples." Ten Valsettes. books .. 0 6 2 6 3 0 4 2 Det of Extracts from our Educational Series will be sent Teachers on receipt of Professional Card. 20 20 20 26 0 20 20 20 each 1 6 LEE, E. MARKHAM. Six Little Sketches (without octaves) NICHOLLS, HELLER. "Early Days." Four Pieces.. O'NEIL, J. Picturesque Technique. Two books.. POLLITT, ARTHUR W. "Coral Island." Six Pieces REES, HAMILTON. "Tone Pictures from India." Five Pieces 3 REES, HAMILTON. "Tone Pictures from Italy." Four Pieces 3 0 26 SMITH, J. SUTCLIFFE. "Children's Corner." Six Pieces.. SMITH, J. SUTCLIFFE, Pieces, with Words and Introductory Exercises for Tiny Fingers.. 26 0 STANFORD, CHARLES V. "A Toy Story." STANFORD, CHARLES V. Six Song Tunes TWINNING. "Treasure Island." Six Pieces VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R. Suite of Six Short Pieces WALTHEW, R. H. Five Dance Sketches 2 20 30 30 3 0 40 20 26 2 6 2 6 2 0 2 6 2 6 20 20 30 3 3 0 20 In each 2 0 STAINER & DELL, Ltd., LONDON. 58, BERNERS ST. W.1.

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THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY CATALOGUE 7. The amount of the annual subscription and the date of payment shall from time to time be fixed by the Committee of Management, but the amount of the annual subscription shall never exceed £1 1s. in any year. A reduced annual subscription may be made payable in the case of professional musicians and those engaged in educational work, choir or chorus singers, and all persons in statu pupillari. 8. The subscriptions of Members shall be paid to the Secretary. 9.-A Member whose subscription is unpaid after it becomes due shall have no power of voting at any meeting, and if it remains unpaid for one year he shall lose all privileges of Membership without prejudice to his liability to the Society for the subscription in arrear. 10. Any Member who shall at any time change his address shall immediately give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary. 11. A Member may retire from the Society at the end of any year covered by his subscription by sending in his resignation in writing to the Secretary at least one month prior to the day for renewal of his subscription 7 12. The name and address of every Member shall be entered in a Register of Members to be kept by the Secretary in pursuance of Section 25 of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908. PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERSHIP. 13. A Member shall be entitled - (a) To have his name enrolled as a Member of the Society. (b) To receive a copy of all publications issued for circulation amongst the Members. (c) To be eligible for election to any office in the Society. (d) To attend and take part in the proceedings at all meetings of the Society. (e) To vote at any General Meeting. Io no (f) To receive advice, information, and either free or privileged admission to any lectures or concerts specially arranged by CH malo the Society. Sit jy todmolen betools solmu ajev od nawg wagili COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. 14. The management and control of the Society and its affairs shall be vested in a Committee of Management subject to the provisions of these Articles. The Committee shall consider what steps are necessary to forward the objects for which the Society was established, and shall take. measures to carry them out. 15. The Committee of Management shall consist of not less than ten and not more than fourteen Members. 16. The first Committee of Management shall consist of such of the following persons as shall become Members and consent to act, namely Mr. Adrian C. Boult, Mr. W. W. Cobbett, Mr. Alvin Langdon Coburn, Sir. Edward E. Cooper, Mr. W. R. Davies, Mr. Edward J. Dent, the Rev. Dr. E. H. Fellowes, Col. W. J. Galloway, Mr. H. Cart de Lafontaine, Mrs. Wis

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8 THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY CATALOGUE Lee Mathews, Mr. G. Bernard Shaw and Major E. Geoffrey Toye, who shall be entitled to hold office until the Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 1920, when they shall all retire from office. 17. Subject as aforesaid, an election of Members of the Committee of Management shall take place annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Society. In the event of the death or resignation of any Member of the Committee of Management (including the first Committee) the vacancy may be filled up by the Committee of Management; the person so elected to fill a vacancy shall retire at the date when the person in whose place he shall be elected would have retired. 18. The Committee of Management shall be deemed to be properly constituted notwithstanding any defect or irregularity in any election. 19. At the Annual General Meeting to be held in the year 1920 all the Members of the Committee of Management shall retire from office. At every subsequent Annual General Meeting two Members of the Committee of Management shall retire, such Members to be selected in the manner provided for by the Bye-laws for the time being of the Society. All who have served shall be eligible for re-election. No Member whose subscription is in arrear shall be elected on the Committee of Management. 20. The quorum at any meeting of the Committee of Management shall be four. THEMUM 21. The Committee of Management may appoint Sub-Committees of their body to consider and carry out any business committed to them, and may delegate to any Sub-Committee any of the powers of the Committee of Management except those of making, altering or rescinding Bye-laws. 22. The Committee of Management shall have power from time to time to form and organise Local Committees of the Society in any part of the British Empire or foreign countries, and shall have power from time to time to rearrange, merge or combine Local Committees and to confer such powers on Local Organisations or any such Local Committees as they shall think fit. 23. The Committee of Management shall from time to time elect an Honorary Treasurer, who shall attend the meetings of the Committee of Management, but without power to vote unless elected as a Member of the Committee of Management. CHA 24. The Committee of Management may appoint a Principal, a Secretary and such other Secretaries and such assistants, clerks, officers and servants as may be required for the business of the Society, and at such remuneration as they shall from time to time determine. 25. The Committee of Management may from time to time make, alter and rescind regulations or Bye-laws for their meetings and proceedings, and for the appointment, meetings and proceedings of Sub-Committees of their body, and for the rotation or retirement of Members of the Committee and for any of the special purposes directed by these Articles, and generally for the management of the affairs of the Society, but so that no such regulations or Bye-laws shall be contrary any of these Articles, or amount to such an alteration of or amendment to these Articles as could

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THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY CATALOGUE only legally be made by a special resolution. Bye-laws made by the Committee of Management shall, until rescinded, be binding on all Members of the Society. 9 GENERAL MEETINGS. 26. The first General Meeting shall be held at such time within not less than one month or more than three months from the Incorporation of the Society, and at such place as the Committee of Management may determine. Subsequent General Meetings shall be held once in every year at such time and place as may be determined by the Committee of Management. Provided that every General Meeting except the first shall be held not more than fifteen months after the holding of the last preceding meeting. The above-mentioned General Meetings shall be called Ordinary Meetings; all other General Meetings shall be called Special Meetings. 27. To constitute a General Meeting there must (subject as hereinafter provided) be at least twenty Members present. In case within half an hour after the time appointed for a General Meeting twenty Members are not present, the meeting, if a Special Meeting, shall not be held, but if the meeting is an Annual General Meeting it shall be adjourned to a day and hour and place to be fixed by a majority of the Members present, and if within half an hour after the hour so fixed twenty Members are not present, then the Members present shall constitute the meeting.o 28. At all General Meetings (Annual or Special) one of the Members of the Committee of Management to be chosen by the meeting, and in the absence of all the Members of the Committee then some Member of the Society to be chosen by the meeting shall preside as Chairman. 29. At every General Meeting each Member shall have one vote, and the voting shall be by ballot. 30. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be the reception of the accounts submitted by the Committee of Management for approval; the reception of the annual report of the Committee of Management; the election of Members of the Committee of Management; the election of Auditors; the disposal of business introduced by the Committee of Management; and of any other matter which may be consistent with these Articles and the Bye-laws of the Society for the time being in force to be introduced at such meeting. to nohrijgea siti de mai no hay 31. A Special General Meeting of the Members may at any time be called by the Committee of Management.lize on bass 32. The provisions of Section 66 of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, for the convening of a General Meeting on requisition shall apply to the Society, "ten Members" being substituted for "holders of not less than one-tenth of the issued share capital" and the "Committee of Management" being substituted for "the Directors" in the said Section roqqu olan foil ne lui vah 33. Notice of every General Meeting shall be sent to each Member by the Secretary at least fourteen clear days before the day for holding the same. 34.-Notice in writing shall be given to the Secretary at least 30 days the same before the date fixed for holding a General Meeting of any motion to be moved at such meeting.issur que ta benq noitulo291

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THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY CATALOGUE 35. In case a General Meeting shall be adjourned for any purpose, the business to be transacted at the adjourned meeting shall be specified previous to the adjournment taking place, and shall be entered on the minutes, and no business shall be transacted at such adjourned meeting which shall not have been so specified and entered. 10 36. Whenever at any meeting an equality of votes shall be declared, the Chairman of that meeting shall in order to decide the question, and in addition to any vote he may have given as a Member of the Committee or of the Society, give a casting vote. 37.-No press reporter shall attend a General Meeting except by request of the Committee of Management, and no report of or comments upon the business of the Society considered at any meeting shall be supplied to any newspaper or periodical, or be printed and published in any form, except with the sanction of the Committee of Management. THE SEAL. 38. Certificates of Membership shall be sealed with the Seal of the Society. 39. The Seal of the Society shall only be affixed to documents ordered to be sealed by a resolution of the Committee of Management, and shall be so affixed in the presence of one Member of the Committee of Management and countersigned by the Secretary. 10 AUDIT. ssk ins 40. The provisions of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, as to audit and auditors shall apply to the Society, the words "Statutory Meeting" being read as "First General Meeting," Shareholders" as "Members," and "Directors" as "Committee of Management." 60 llare tasol NOTICES. 41. A notice may be served by the Society upon any Member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed. to such Member at his address as entered in the Register of Members. 42. As regards those Members who have no registered address in the United Kingdom, a notice posted up in the office shall be deemed to be well served on them at the expiration of 24 hours after it is posted up. 43. Any notice required to be given by the Society to the Members or any of them and not expressly provided for by these Articles shall be sufficiently given if given by advertisement. 44. Any notice to be or which may be given by advertisement shall be advertised once in two London newspapers. 45. Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing the same is posted, and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly addressed and put into the Post Office. Hade you 46. The accidental omission to give any notice to any Member shall not invalidate any resolution passed at any meeting.wim jou de bovom

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THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY CATALOGUE TATAKI CENTRES E CENTRES mojiga (0 LIST OF SECRETARIES OF 11 AND BRANCHES. AYLESBURY.-S. B. Sheckell, Esq., 146, High Street, Aylesbury. BACUP C. C.-S. Lord, Esq., 508, Rochdale Road, Britannia, Bacup. A BATH.-H. Baker, Esq., Woodwick, Limpley Stoke, Bath. BELFAST.-Miss I. McAlery, Moyallan, Annadale Avenue, Belfast. BIRMINGHAM.-H. G. Sear, Esq., 90, Sarehole Road, Hall Green, Birmingham. BLACKHEATH.-B. E. C. Davis, Esq., Medencroft, Blackheath Rise, S.E. 5. BLACKPOOL.-Vernon Holt, Esq., Mayfield, St. George's Avenue, Blackpool BOURNEMOUTH. Bournemouth. 2010.12 Hamilton. Law, Esq., 10, Dean Park Road, BRADFORD.-C. Lee Jagger, Esq., 5, Nab Lane, Shipley. BURNLEY C. C.-A. S. Bridge, Esq., 273, Brunshaw Road, Burnley. COLNE C. C.-Miss H. Hargreaves, Bank of Liverpool and Martins Limited, Colne. Hika C. M. C. Mrs. V. I. Balkwill, 3, Berners Street, London, W. 1.00 EASTBOURNE.-Miss Lily Rendle, 8, Elms Avenue, Eastbourne. EAST GRINSTEAD.-Walter Giles, Esq., Whitehall, East Grinstead. GLASGOW-Miss A. E. Tennant, 76, Ann Street, Hilleead, Glasgow. HASLEMERE, -Miss D. Mozley, The White House, Haslemere. HUO HUDDERSFIELD.-G. H. Osborne, Esq., 40, Cleveland Road, Marsh, Huddersfield. ляю KEIGHLEY C. C.-T. F. Jervis, Esq., 32, Nashville Terrace, Keighley. KENSINGTON.-Arnold Jones, Esq., 22, Edwardes Square, London, W.8. LEEDS. J. F. Chalmers Park, Esq., 3, Belmont Grove, Clarendon Road, Leeds. LIVERPOOL.-W. Rushworth, Esq., 13, Islington, Liverpool. MANCHESTER. W. H. Rains, Esq., Lloyds Bank, Limited, King Street, Manchester. MARYLEBONE. Miss D. Walenn, 27, York Street, Baker Street, London, W. 1. NELSON C. C.-Miss Gladys Barker, 124, Napier Street, Nelson. NEWCASTLE.-E. J. Potts, Esq., 7, Gowan Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle. OSSETT. Miss W. M. Rhodes, The Gables, Ossett. BVD PALMERS GREEN.-A. F. Paddon, Esq., 34, Ulleswater Road, Southgate, London, N. 14. PLYMOUTH.-A. C. Rolston, Esq., 14, The Crescent, Plymouth. SALTBURN.-Miss M. J. Overton, The High School, Saltburn. SHEFFIELD.-Mrs. D. Rodgers, c/o Wilson Peck, Ltd., Fargate, Sheffield. SHIPLEY and SALTAIRE.-Miss K. A. Sutcliffe, Glenroyde, Ivy Road, Shipley. Antes de order by (UTAD SOUTHPORT.-Mrs. Patrick Collins, 14, Weld Road, Birkdale, Southport. STRATFORD-ON-AVON.-Mrs. du Sault, Stratford-on-Avon.dooM (E. L. Bentley, Esq., Thorn Place, Kilnhurst, Todmorden. TODMORDEN C. Cs. Dennett, Esq., Thorn Place, Kilnhurst, Tod- Plaz morden.

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THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY CATALOGUE TUNSTALL C. C..-G. Baskeyfield, Esq., 55, Windmill Street, Tunstall. WAKEFIELD.-Miss I. Pollard, 11, Oxford Road, St. Johns, Wakefield. WORTHING.-Miss M. Hodge, Downlands, Cissbury Road, Worthing. YORK.-D. Laughton, Esq., The Elms, Heworth Green, York. 12 FOREIGN. BANGALORE, INDIA.-J. A. Yates, Esq., Inspector of Schools Office, Bangalore, Mysore, India. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA (Victorian Branch).-Mrs. James Dyer, Torryburn, Hawthorne Grove, Melbourne. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA.-Wilfred Arlom, Wyvern, Gerald Avenue, Roseville, Sydney, N.S.W. 18 SCHOOL BRANCHES. ALLEYN'S SCHOOL.-E. Carrick, Esq.. Alleyn's School, Townley Road, Dulwich, S.E. ROYAL SCHOOL, BATH.-Miss Christian Carpenter, The Royal School, Bath. BLACKPOOL HIGH SCHOOL.-Miss Smallpage, Girls' High School, South Shore, Blackpool. BOURNEMOUTH CONSERVATOIRE.-Hamilton Law, Esq., 10, Dean Park Road, Bournemouth. BOURNEMOUTH SCHOOL OF MUSIC.-Miss D. Willes, Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. 136, Old SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, BRIGHOUSE. Miss M. B. Hulland, B.A. GRASSENDALE GIRLS' SCHOOL.-Miss Louise Lockhart, Grassen- dale, Southbourne, Bournemouth. Miss Ley, Drake & Tonson's DRAKE & TONSON'S SCHOOL, School, Keighley. KEIGHLEY Miss Hatton, Drake & Tonson's School, Keighley. LIC PAISLEY HIGH STREET SCHOOL.-Miss Kate Ross, 93, High Street, Paisley. WAKEFIELD HIGH SCHOOL.-Miss I. Pollard, 11, Oxford Road, St. John's, Wakefield. AFFILIATED SOCIETIES. AMHERST MUSICAL CLUB.-Miss W. Holland, 40, Woodberry Grove, bo Finsbury Park, London, N. TITH 739 TAR CARDIFF MUSIC CLUB.-John Keane, Esq., O.B.E., 9, Balaclava Road, Roath Park, Cardiff. York. WOOLWICH & DISTRICT ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY.-William J. Hill, Esq., 44, Plum Lane, Plumstead, S.E. 18. YORK MUSICAL SOCIETY.-Miss Violet Argles, The Old Residence,