BMS AnnCat1922 1

BMS AnnCat1922 1, BMS AnnCat1922 1

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Bull Fam P Dowland Munst.. Hort Byrc Orlando ibbons THE J BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY Tallis CATALOGUE of COMPOSERS Wil Jes Berners Street, London, W. 1 1922 Arne Wilbye 05.08 Field Sullivan

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3 BMS AnnCat1922 1, 3

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The English Madrigal School The complete works of English Madrigalists in thirty-six volumes, transcribed, scored, and edited from the original editions by EDMUND H. FELLOWES, M.A., Mus. Doc. VOL. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. NOW READY. Part i. THOMAS MORLEY. Canzonets to two voices (1595)) Part ii. THOMAS MORLEY. Canzonets to three voices (1593) Parts i and ii complete.. THOMAS MORLEY. THOMAS MORLEY. THOMAS MORLEY. Ballets to five voices (1600) ORLANDO GIBBONS. (1612) JOHN WILBYE. JOHN WILBYE. JOHN FARMER. Madrigals to four voices (1594) Canzonets to five and six voices (1597) .. .. First set of madrigals (1598) Second set of madrigals (1609) Madrigals to four voices (1599) .. Madrigals and Motets of five parts Motets .. Madrigals to three, four, five and six THOMAS WEELKES. voices (1597) X. THOMAS WEELKES. (1598) THOMAS WEELKES. THOMAS WEELKES. XIII. THOMAS WEELKES. XI. XII. XIII. THOMAS WEELKES. Airs on Fantastic Spirits to three voices (1608) XIV. WILLIAM BYRD. Psalms, Sonnets and Songs for five voices (1588) XV. WILLIAM BYRD. Songs of Sundry Natures (1589) XVI. WILLIAM BYRD. Psalms, Songs and Sonnets (1611) XVII. HENRY LICHFILD. Madrigals of five parts (1613).. XVIII. THOMAS TOMKINS. Songs of three, four, five and six parts (1622) 15 0 .. Ballets and madrigals to five voices ". .. .. Madrigals of five parts (1600) Madrigals of six parts (1600) Madrigals of six parts (1600) .. .. PRICE 12 6 8 6 90 76 126 16 6 16 6 8 0 90 90 60 7.6 7 6 8 6 17 6 17 6 6 9 0 .. 17 XIX. JOHN WARD. Madrigals to three, four, five and six parts 1. 15 0 .. (1613) .. XX. GILES FARNABY. Canzonets to four voices (1598) M 60 XXI. THOMAS BATESON. First set of madrigals (1604).. XXII. THOMAS BATESON. Second set of madrigals (1618) XXIII. JOHN BENNET. Madrigals to four voices (1599) XXIV. GEORGE KIRBYE. Madrigals to four, five and six voices. (1597) To be completed in thirty-six volumes. .. 12/0 .. 12 0 6 6 10 6 enshers. Special rate to Subscribers. Order Form on application table All the madrigals published in this series and detailed separately in single numbers. For catalogues apply to- STAINER & BELL, Ltd., 58. BERNERS ST.

4 BMS AnnCat1922 1, 4

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For 200 years the Broadwood Piano has reigned supreme- the finest in the world. An exquisite purity and richness of tone, perfection of touch and power of "expression" give the Broadwood Piano a character which has often beenden imitated but never equalled. nice byle E 402 on 200 A copy of an interesting booklet "How I Would Choose My Piano," by William Murdoch, the famous pianist, will be sent post free on request. 20 H elagin BROADW succ airgrips) BROADWOOD JOHN BROADWOOD & SONS, LTD., HXX Conduit Street. LONDON, W.1.3ATE

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6 BMS AnnCat1922 1, 6

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SECOND SERIES OF 60 Graded Teaching Pieces FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO. DE 100 URADE II-continued. GRADE I. Twenty Pieces. First Position. 61 Carse, Adam 62 Hood, Ralph 63 Kent, William 64 Carse, Adam 65 Ackroyd, William 66 Carse, Adam 67 Carse, Adam 68 * * 69 Hood, Ralph 70 Carse, Adam 71 Ackroyd, William 72 Ackroyd, William 73 Carse, Adam 74 Somervell. A. 75 Bridge, Frank 76 Hill, Claud H. 77 Moffat. Alfred 78 Ackroyd, William 79 Moffat, Alfred 80 Somervell, A. GRADE II. Twenty-five Pieces. 81 Irish Air 84 Elliot, Muriel 85 Somervell, A. 86 Saint-George, G. 87 Bridge, Frank 88 Carse, Adam 89 Irish Airs Reverie & Minuet 10 Step by Step & A Little Waltz 10 A Short Reverie & Gavotte 10 Song without words & Waltz 10 Little Dance 10 Waltz Steps 16 Bluebell Chimes 10 Rule Britannia & Robin Adair 10. Barcarole 16 Sweet Sorrow & Hopping Dance 16 Spring Song 16 Minuet 16 16 Frog Dance Minuet Lullaby.. Allegretto Lullaby A Winter Tale Cradle Song Allemande Up to Third Position. O blame not the Bard 10 10 10 82 Somervell, A. A Lament 83 Irish Airs (Top of Cork Road & By the Feal's Wave benighted) Albumleaf A.HD6 Waltz 16 16 Giga Spring Song Minuet from 16 AU Net 90 Moffat, Alfred Old Chelseal s. d 91 Coleridge .. UTM Remember thee & St. Patrick was a gentleman W. 1. 10 10 16 Taylor, S. Nourmahal's Song 1 6 92 Leary, A. Haydn Lullaby 93 Carse, Adam Gavotte from Sonatina in D 16 Arioso .. Two Hornpipes Minuet.. 10 10. 16 94 Boyce, William 95 Purcell, Daniel 96 Carse, Adam 97 Moffat, Alfred Spring's Return 16. 98 Festing Michael Christian 99 Carse, Adam 100 Carse, Adam 101 Irish Air 102 Bridge, Frank 103 Carse, Adam 104 Jones, Richard 10 16 20 OW H 10 16 106 Carse, Adam 107 Maccunn," Sarabanda Gavotte.. Rigaudon The Rakes of Hamish 108 Granom, Lewis 2 Edward 117 Reed, W. H. Sonatina in G 1:01 118 Somervell, A. 10 Mallow Meditation Capriccietto .. 20 Corrente 16 165 Bridge, Frank Country Dance 16 .. GRADE III. Fifteen Pieces. Up to Seventh Position. Berceuse. 109 Farjeon, H. 110 Carse, Adam 111 Ireland, John 112 Somervell, A. 118 Moffat, Alfred Berceuse Aria Berceuse Whims.. Pierrette 114 Purcell, Henry Air.. 115 Farjeon, H. Chant d'été Song without 116 German, Net. s.d 16 10 16 16 10 16 16 On the Loch .. 16 Tempo di 57: HT MARLBOROUGH STREET. TREET (Regent St. Corner). MARYLEBONE. Gavotta 10 20 16 16 20 20 16 20 Rosenlied The Dove (Welsh Air) 20 119 Squire, W. H. Serenade 120 German, Edward Saltarelle 20 30 LONDONNER LIMITED, 128 words 20 16 ..

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You can obtain the FINEST PIANOS 120 W.2 at MURDOCH'S 120020102 avri aashba Centub, St An Monogals T THE largest and most varied stocks of pianos and player- pianos in London. The best makers are represented by no selected instruments at the OBS Sval lowest prices. We offer the meand ne Have greatest value obtainable any- bizum, os do barwhere. $3.99 99 LOCU 3-ler zudellva Call or write us your cou idasalonge 10, exclusite not asgeinsv requirements. 519 23 MAT T 199 2 MURDOCH'S quq not onlyonqor beradies need ae anamored Rd to esitieass The Great Piano House masT teqed di af 954 mortugu 461-463, OXFORD STRES un biauM to sello attinage levo edi 60 23. LONDON babauet) baut en inomsTUOSA TUCH 607 noisiuT allo 28 Meni 20826 AT debi obta

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THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC Prince Consort Road, SOUTH KENSINGTON, LONDON, S.W.7. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER, 1883. Telegraphic Address: "INITIATIVE, SOUTHKENS, LONDON." Telephone: WESTERN 1160. PATRON HIS MAJESTY THE KING. PRESIDENT-H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Director Sir HUGH P. ALLEN, M.A., D.Mus. Honorary Secretary-GEORGE A. MACMILLAN, Esq., D.Litt. Registrar-CLAUDE AVELING, Esq., M.A. Ho THE HE COLLEGE offers a complete course of musical instruction to pupils of both sexes, both professional and amateur, by teachers of the highest eminence. Pupils sufficiently advanced have the opportunity of putting their knowledge into practice in Ensemble Classes, in College Concerts, and Opera Classes. The College enjoys a permanent Endowment Fund, from which upwards of seventy Scholarships and Exhibitions are founded which provide free musical education. There are also Council Exhibitions, Prizes, and other advantages, for particulars of which see the Syllabus. ch seine TERMS, FEES, etc. The Tuition Fee is £12 12s. per Term. Entrance Fee, £2 2s. Students must continue at College for at least three terms. Students must enter at the beginning of a term, or at the half-term. A Junior Department has been established to provide for pupils under 16 whose time is also occupied by the necessities of their gral education. The Tuition Fee is £6 6s. per Term. Entrance Fee, .. 09 (A.R.C.M.) is held for "Associate of the Royal College of Music " and September. Fee £5 5s. The Royal College o ir S. Ernest Palmer, Bart., F.nsic Patrons' Fund (founded by British Composers and Executive For the encouragement of ained from the Registrar of the College. Particulars may be

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THE ASSOCIATED BOARD OF The Royal Academy of Music & The Royal College of Music FOR LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. Patron: HIS MAJESTY THE KING. President: H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Associated Board: ERNEST MATHEWS, C.V.O., M.A., LL.D., Chairman. SIR ALEXANDER C. MACKENZIE, K.C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., Mus. Doc., Oxon., Cantab, St. And. et Edin., Principal of The Royal Academy of Music. SIR HUGH P. ALLEN, M.A., Mus. Doc., Oxon., Professor of Music, University of Oxford, Director of The Royal College of Music. The Board holds Examinations throughout Great Britain and Ireland. and in the Colonies, in both Theoretical and Practical Music, and in Elocution in Great Britain and Ireland. The Examinations in Music are of two kinds, "Local Centre" and "School," and include the following subjects :- JES Wind Instruments Grammar of Music Rudiments of Music Harmony Counterpoint Pianoforte Organ Violin Viola Violoncello Double Bass Harp Singing Instrumental and e Vocal Ensembles Elocution LOCAL CENTRE EXAMINATIONS (Syllabus A). Written Examinations held at all Centres in March and November. Practical Examinations at all Centres in March-April, and in the London District and certain Provincial Centres in November-December also. For dates of entry, see current Syllabus. "SCHOOL" EXAMINATIONS (Syllabus B). Held three times a year, viz, March-April, June-July and October-November, in all places from which entries are received, except where the number of candidates in any Period is insufficient. For dates of entry, see current Syllabus. TELEGRAMS: "ASSOCIA, LONDO MUSEUM TELEPHONE: ELOCUTION EXAMINATIONS will be held in each period at certain fixed centres. For full particulars, see special Elocution Syllabu The Board offers annually SIX EXHIBITIONS in Music, tenable for two or three years, at The Royal Academy of Music or The Royal College of Music. Examination Music and Scales for Pianoforte and for Violin, and pas Written Papers, are published officially by the Board, and ca obtained from the Central Office, or through any Music Sellensembles Syllabuses, Copies of Syllabuses A and B. Elocution will be sent post free on Entry Forms, and any further informAMES MUIR, Secretary, application to- 14 & 15, BEDFORD SQUARE, LONDON, WC.

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THE Royal Academy of Music YORK GATE, MARYLEBONE ROAD, N.W.1. INSTITUTED 1822. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 1830. Patron HIS MAJESTY THE KING. President: H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT & STRATHEARN, K.C. Principal Sir ALEXANDER CAMPBELL MACKENZIE, Mus.D., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.A.M. THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC offers to students of both sexes (whether amateur or professional) a thorough training in all branches of music under the most able and distinguished Professors. In addition to receiving individual lessons in the various branches of the Curriculum, students have the advantage of attending the Orchestral, Choral and Chamber Music Classes, and the occasional Lectures on Music and Musicians. Evidence of their progress is given at the Fortnightly and Public Concerts and by periodical Operatic and Dramatic Performances. There are three Terms in the Academic year, commencing in September, January and May respectively. DIALOO The fee for the ordinary Curriculum is 14 Guineas per Term.nia A large number of Scholarships and Prizes are founded and are competed for periodically. 2nOITAMIMAX JO Students who show special merit and ability receive the distinction of being elected by the Directors Associates of the Institution, and are thereby entitled to the use after their names of the letters A.R.A.M. Students who distinguish themselves in the musical profession after leaving the Institution may be elected by the Directors Fellows of the Royal Academy of Music, and are thereupon entitled to the use after their names of the letters F.R.A.M. Subscribers have the privilege of attending the Lectures and Public Concerts, and of introducing friends in proportion to the amount of their subscriptions.blad od liw enoITAMAX MOT An examination of persons trained independently of the Academy is held twice a year--viz, during the Summer and Christmas vacations- successful candidates at which are entitled to use the letters L.R.A.M. The Syllabus is issued at Easter. Teachers Apecial Teachers' Training Course, to meet the requirements of the is now ready.tration Council, has been instituted, prospectus of which y A Junior Departme. 109 910 mol 8 до All further information 10w open. moinsoleudslive to asiqo RAUDE COR & T w иодио htained on application. notagge IGHTON, Secretary.