BMS 3 1 5

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 5

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 5, Page 1

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THE BRITISH Jern MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK (Formerly the York Centre of the British Music Society) TWENTY-FOURTH SEASON, 1944-1945 300 BAS YORK SIR BENJAMIN DAWSON, BART. MR. R. ROSE, A.R.C.O. President: LADY DAWSON OC Vice-Presidents: SURTHWICK INSTITUTE * SMS 5/1/5 OF ALDERMAN W. H. BIRCH, J.P. AHMOD MR. ALFRED GRAY SIR EDWARD BAIRSTOW, MUS. Doc. THAUS Mus. Doc MRS. ALLEN MISS IRENE ANTHONY, L.R.A.M. MRS. H. E. BLOOR MISS O. CASS, A.R.C.M., L.R.A.M. MISS G. COBB, L.R.A.M. MR. H. H. DRYLAND, M.B.E. Committee: Chairman: MR. WALTER G. BIRCH. Vice-Chairman: MR. DENNIS LAUGHTON. HISTORICAL RESEARCH MRS. DRYLAND, J.P. MISS A. W. KNIGHT, Mus.B. MISS M. T. KROUS, A.R.C.M. MRS. GOODMAN PLATTS THE REV. P. J. SHAW, M.A. MRS. J. S. SYME Hon. Treasurer: MR. R. WILSON SHARP, M.C., Barclays Bank Limited, Mansion House Branch, York Assistant Hon. Treasurer: MR. T. H. WELCH Hon. Secretary: MR. R. A. GRAY, B.Sc., 6 Bootham Terrace, York Assistant Hon. Secretary: Miss H. PARKINSON Hon. Auditor: MR. C. J. SHIELDS KINDLY BRING THIS SYLLABUS TO THE NOTICE OF YOUR FRIENDS Further copies may be obtained from the Hon. Treasurer, Barclays Bank Limited, Mansion House Branch, York, and at Messrs. John Gray & Sons, Ltd., Coney Street, York.

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 5, Page 2

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YTHIDO SYLLABUS, 1944-45 1. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 7th OCTOBER, 1944, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). RECITAL by ALBERT SAMMONS and GERALD MOORE VIOLIN PIANO An outstanding feature of ALBERT SAMMONS' career is that he practically taught himself to play the violin. Apart from a few cursory lessons, and at a later period, a brief course of instruction, it was he himself who, by his assiduous applic- ation to the higher branches of technique, built and consolidated that remarkable mastery of the instrument which is his outstanding characteristic both as soloist and teacher. Although born England, GERALD MOORE was launched on his musical career. in Canada where, as a boy, he became famous throughout the Dominion as a solo pianist. The late Sir Landon Ronald, hearing GERALD MOORE accompanying at a concert fifteen years ago, said that he was a born accompanist and had all the possibilities of becoming a very great artist in that sphere. 2. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 28th OCTOBER, 1944, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). CHAMBER CONCERT by THE ZORIAN Olive Zorian (Violin) Marjorie Lavers (Violin) STRING QUARTET Winifred Copperwheat (Viola) Norina Semino (Violoncello) The members of this Quartet are all solo artists as well as being Chamber music players three of them have appeared at the Promenade Concerts in the Queens Hall and the Albert Hall, and the fourth has given recitals in France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany, and has played with nearly all the Great European Orchestras. 3. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 18th NOVEMBER, 1944, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). PIANOFORTE RECITAL by HARRIET COHEN HARRIET COHEN was awarded the C.B.E. in 1938 for her services to music and is as well-known on the Continent of Europe as she is in England and America. Casals, the famous Spanish 'cellist, on hearing her play Bach, immediately invited her to play a Bach Concerto with his orchestra in Barcelona, and when Dr. Furt- wangler heard her play in Switzerland, he asked her to play with him in Berlin. She was the first person to play Soviet piano music in this country. 4. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 9th DECEMBER, 1944, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). RECITAL by ELENA DANIELI - Soprano ELENA DANIELI is a singer of uncommon charm and a true artist. There are few singers who possess her vital personality and quality of voice to make a com bination which has so many of the elements of perfection.

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 5, Page 3

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5. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 20th JANUARY, 1945, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). Tenor HEDDLE NASH is so well known to York audiences that no introduction is necessary. HEDDLE NASH 6. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 10th FEBRUARY, 1945, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). CLIFFORD CURZON was born in London in 1907. He displayed exceptional for the piano when he was about six, and in 1919, at the age of twelve, he entered the Royal Academy of Music where he won not only scholarships but all the prizes open to pianists, including the McFarren Gold Medal. When he was sixteen he made his debut as a soloist at a Promenade Concert directed by Sir Henry Wood, playing the first London performance of Germaine Tailleferre's Ballade for piano and orchestra. RECITAL by 7. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 3rd MARCH, 1945, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). RECITAL by HENRY CUMMINGS PIANOFORTE RECITAL by CLIFFORD CURZON Baritone HENRY CUMMINGS received the greater part of his training at the Royal Academy of Music, London, where he won many prizes while a student, including the Mario Prize, Burgess Grant and the Westmorland Scholarship: He is well known as a broadcasting artist, having taken part in the Programme of the B.B.C. for many years with increasing popularity. - HENRY CUMMINGS has been engaged with most of the famous Societies and Conductors, and for the Queen's Hall Promenade Concerts. MARCEL GAZELLE Pianoforte. Violin. 8. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 24th MARCH, 1945, at 2-30 p.m. prompt. In the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens). MAURICE RASKIN CHAMBER CONCERT by the LONDON BELGIAN PIANOFORTE QUARTET Viola. LEONARD ARDENOIS Violoncello. RODOLPHE SOIRON -- Professor at the Royal Conservatoire of Music of Ghent. Professor at the Royal Conservatoire of Music of Brussels and leader of the Belgian National Orchestra. Member the Belgian National Orchestra. Director of the Conservatoire of Music of Louvain; Professor at the Royal Conservatoire of Music of Liége For the benefit of those living in outlying districts, who have to rely on bus services, it is necessary that all Concerts must start promptly at 2-30 p.m.

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 5, Page 4

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NOTES. The British Music Society was founded by Dr. Eaglefield Hull in 1918 to stimulate appreciation of music by lectures, concerts, etc. Charges of admission of non-members to each of the eight Concerts in the Syllabus 4/ and 2/6 (reserved), and 1/6 (unreserved at door) if accommodation is available. Seats may be booked and detailed programmes obtained in advance by applying to the Box Office at Messrs. John Gray & Sons, Ltd., Coney Street, York, by whom the piano is supplied. The booking plan will be open as follows:-For members, three weeks before the advertised date for each concert. For non-members, two weeks before the advertised date for each concert. Block booking of seats for the season is not allowed. Full Members (£1 1s.) and Junior Members (under 18, 10/6) are entitled, without further payment, to the best reserved seats at the eight Concerts in the Syllabus. For these eight Concerts, Full Members for this season will be provided with one Guest Ticket at a charge of 2/ for each Concert, which they can give to anyone who may be interested in the work of the Society, with the view to enlisting their support as future members. A strong The membership of the B.M.S. is the foundation of our success. membership provides the necessary security, and gives us increased freedom in the choice of artists a difficult problem under present conditions when en route district tours are no longer possible and travelling facilities are restricted. The co-operation of members is invited in procuring additional supporters. Subscriptions are now due, and should be paid to the Honorary Treasurer, Mr. R. WILSON SHARP, M.C., T Barclays Bank Limited, Mansion House Branch, York, who, on receipt, will forward the Membership Cards which admit to Concerts. SORTHWICK INSTITUTE SMS 3/1/5 OF HI TOPICAL RESEARCH Herald Printing Works, York-19075.