BMS 3 1 47

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 1

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69TH SEASON The BMS presents some of the world's finest chamber music, played by artists of national and international reputation, for as little as £3.00 per concert. Our concerts are held in a modern, comfortable con- cert hall ideally suited to the intimate atmosphere needed for this music. The hall has 330 fixed seats, but more are provided as needed. The bar area has space for socialising and is open at 7.30 p.m. Coffee and drinks are also available during the interval. You can become a full member by buying a season ticket for £18.00, which also gives you six concerts for the price of four! Single tickets are available for each concert at £4.50. If you have never sat within a few feet of a famous quartet and experienced the magic of hearing and seeing music made in live performance, join us for our first concert on Thursday 12th October. OTHER CONCERTS AT THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL The Department of Music of the University promotes a series of public concerts, every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m., during the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. These feature the re- markable talent of the University's own students alongside a diverse and impressive range of professional artists. Full details are available from the Concerts Secretary on York 432447, or the Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall Box Office, Department of Music, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD. GMS 3/1/47 (1) BMS CONCERT SEASON 1989/90 BAS YORK OPTIMA THURSDAYS AT THE LYONS THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Presented by the British Music Society of York in association with the Department of Music, University of York.

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 2

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Thursday 12th October 1989 at 8 p.m. THE VANBRUGH STRING QUARTET Gregory Ellis & Elizabeth Charleson (violins) Simon Aspell (viola), Christopher Marwood ('cello) Quartet in E flat, K.428 Quartet No. 3 in F (1900) Quartet No. 2 (Intimate letters) Mozart Stenhammar Janacek The Vanbrugh Quartet is making a most welcome return visit to York, following their splendid concert for us during the 1988 York Festival. Based in Cork, they are assisted in fulfilling concert engagements in this country and elsewhere by gener- ous sponsorship from Aer Lingus. Semi-finalists in both the Banff and Portsmouth string quartet compétitions in 1986, they gained outright victory at Portsmouth in 1988. "They are, perhaps, at that perfect stage where the masterpieces of the repertoire are freshly intimate to them. Nothing daunts with newness, but nothing palls with familiarity." The Times Thursday 9th November 1989 at 8 p.m. THE JOACHIM PIANO TRIO Rebecca Hirsch (violin), Caroline Dearnley ('cello) John Lenehan (piano) Trio in F, Op.80 Trio (1921) Trio in A minor, Op.50 Schumann Rebecca Clarke Tchaikovsky The Joachim Piano Trio made their debut in 1986 at the Purcell Room on London's South Bank. "This obviously outstanding piano trio . . ." The Times "...a brilliant young violinist..." Musical Times expressive and authoritative 'cellist..." Sunday Telegraph "John Lenehan is clearly an exceptional artist..." The Times Thursday 7th December 1989 at 8 p.m. THE ARIENSKI ENSEMBLE Elisabeth Perry & Gustav Clarkson (violins) Simon Rowland-Jones (viola) Moray Welsh & Melissa Phelps ('cellos) Quintet in E, Op.13 No.5 Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op.35 Quintet in C, D.956 Boccherini Arienski Schubert The Arienski Ensemble is a group specially formed by Moray Welsh to play the chamber music repertoire requiring two 'cellos. They appear for us as a string quintet to play Schubert's masterpiece. Moray Welsh is well known in York, having been a student in the University of York music department. He subsequently studied in Russia with Rostropovich. He and Elisabeth Perry played in a memorable concert for this Society given by the Musicians of the Royal Exchange in 1986. Thursday 18th January 1990 at 8 p.m. THE COULL STRING QUARTET Roger Coull & Philip Gallaway (violins) David Curtis (viola), John Todd ('cello) Quartet No. 8 in C minor, Op.110 Shostakovich Quartet in D minor (Voces intimae) Sibelius Quartet in E minor, Op.59 No.2 Beethoven We look forward with pleasure to another visit from the Coull String Quartet, the resident quartet at the Univer- sity of Warwick. As with the Vanbrugh Quartet, their programme includes both a Slav and a Nordic quartet, in this case coupled with one of Beethoven's great "Rasumovsky" quartets which the Coull Quartet will record for the BBC. Mu Fec Yo spo Sin rec ISS TH of ha R. TI a N D

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 3

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Thursday 22nd February 1990 at 8 p.m. MURRAY MCLACHLAN (piano) Bach-Busoni Chopin Schubert Debussy Peter Grimes Fantasy (1971) Ronald Stevenson Fantasia quasi Sonata: Après une lecture de Dante, S.161/7 Chaconne in D minor. Scherzo No.1 in B minor, Op.20 Fantasia in C, D.760 (Wanderer) Etudes (selection) Liszt Murray McLachlan was a finalist in the recent National Federation of Music Societies / ESSO competition for Young Concert Artists; he plays for us with generous sponsorship from ESSO UK plc. Since 1985 he has been studying with Peter Katin. recent recording of sonatas by Myaskovsky has been issued on compact disc. Thursday 15th March 1990 at 8 p.m. THE DANISH STRING QUARTET Tim Frederiksen & Arne Balk Møller (violins) Claus Myrup (viola) Niels Sylvest Jeppesen ('cello) Quartet in G, Op.77 No.1 Quartet No. 4 in F, Op.44 Quartet No. 3 in B flat, Op.67 Haydn Nielsen Brahms This "new" Danish Quartet was formed in 1985 by four of the most talented young string players in Copen- hagen, who are all prominent musicians in the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Orchestra. Their programme for us includes the most popular quartet of their country's national composer, Carl Nielsen. They play for us through the courtesy of the Danish Cultural Institute. BOOKING DETAILS Adults Students & Under 18. Youth & Music £18.00 £10.00 £ 8.00 Special rates for groups of 10 or more. Please write to Mr. J. Briggs (address below) for details. Single Tickets £4.50 £2.50 £2.00 Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Claire Wilson, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford, BD5 OBQ. Tel: Bradford (0274) 307417. Season Tickets (six concerts) Season and single tickets may be purchased NOW by using the Booking Form or at the Hall before each concert. Single tickets are available from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194). Season Tickets BOOKING FORM Cheques payable to "B.M.S." Post with payment and S.A.E. to Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 ELMLANDS GROVE, YORK, YO3 OEE. PLEASE SEND ME : Single Tickets Name Address Quantity Price Date Quantity Price Total Total Postcode ........... Tel. No. If applying for more than one Season ticket please give name and address of each person.

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 4

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THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK The BMS is one of many similar voluntary organisations throughout the country - fourteen in Yorkshire alone - whose prime purpose is to promote PROFESSIONAL CHAMBER MUSIC RECITALS. The forthcoming season will be the sixty- ninth in succession to be given in York under the name of the British Music Society. During our last season, the following comments were made about our concerts: "The British Music Society's concert season continues to be amongst the most exciting contributions to the musical life of the city..." Paul Mann, Yorkshire Evening Press, 13th January Noriko Ogawa "A truly stunning piano recital of the most distinguished musical as well as interpretive calibre was given..." J.R., Yorkshire Post, 7th October Esbjerg Ensemble "The Esbjerg Ensemble. . . has become one of the most exciting groups on the international scene..." Paul Mann, Yorkshire Evening Press, 2nd December Lorraine McAslan John Blakely ... But the great glory of the evening was Lorraine McAslan's performance of Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata..." D.W., Yorkshire Post, 13th January Allegri String Quartet "... The Allegri know that chamber music must draw the listener into a private confidence, cloaking concentration with intimacy. Undaunted by an overflow house (there were extra chairs on the stage), they did just that ..." Martin Dreyer, Yorkshire Evening Press, 17th February. Sorrel and Simon String Quartets "... Promising though the Sorrel Quartet was, we were hardly prepared for the Simon Quartet's playing of the Ravel String quartet. This was simply absolutely stunning, the sort of playing that makes one sit on the edge of the seat from the very start,... This was a superb concert!" Christopher Liddle, Yorkshire Evening Press, 22nd April PRS 1914 1989 BUS SERVICES No. 7A bus runs every half hour from Acomb, the Railway Station and Tang Hall. Alight at the first stop on the University Campus. CAR PARKS Use Conference Car Parks c, d, e, as shown on the map below. HULL ROAD University Road W Pd ARTS BUS STOPS ROUTE 7A Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall 0 0 ENTRANCE Biology 50 50 Vanbrugh 100 yards N 100 metres IN THE VALE OF FACILITIES FOR THE DISABLED AND FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6 Bishopgate Street, York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 637984 Pc THE SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VARY THE ARTISTS OR PROGRAMMES AS IT MAY FIND NECESSARY. Central Hall YORK City of York Leisure Services NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES SELBY NEMS

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BUS SERVICES No. 7A bus runs every half hour from Acomb, the Railway Station and Tang Hall. Alight at the first stop on the University Campus. CAR PARKS Use Conference Car Parks c, d, e, as shown on the map below. HULL ROAD University Road YORKSHIRE 0 BUS STOPS ROUTE 7A 1 Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall ARTS 0 ENTRANCE Biology 50 50 72 Vanbrugh 100 yards N 100 metres FACILITIES FOR THE DISABLED AND FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6 Bishopgate Street, York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 637984 THE SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VARY THE ARTISTS OR PROGRAMMES AS IT MAY FIND NECESSARY. Pc SELBY Central Hall City of York Leisure Services IN THE VALE OF YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS SMS 3/1/47 (2) THE VANBRUGH STRING QUARTET BS YORK THURSDAY 12th OCTOBER 8 p.m. THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Presented by the British Music Society of York in association with the Department of Music, University of York.

6 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 6

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Thursday 12th October 1989 at 8 p.m. THE VANBRUGH STRING QUARTET Gregory Ellis & Elizabeth Charleson (violins) Simon Aspell (viola), Christopher Marwood ('cello) Quartet in E flat, K.428 Quartet No. 3 in F (1900) Quartet No. 2 (Intimate letters) Mozart Stenhammar Janacek The Vanbrugh Quartet is making a most welcome return visit to York, following their splendid concert for us during the 1988 York Festival. Based in Cork, they are assisted in fulfilling concert engagements in this country and elsewhere by gener- ous sponsorship from Aer Lingus. Semi-finalists in both the Banff and Portsmouth string quartet competitions in 1986, they gained outright victory at Portsmouth in 1988. "They are, perhaps, at that perfect stage where the masterpieces of the repertoire are freshly intimate to them. Nothing daunts with newness, but nothing palls with familiarity." The Times FUTURE CONCERTS 8.00 Thursday 9th November 1989 THE JOACHIM PIANO TRIO • 8.00 Thursday 7th December 1989 THE ARIENSKI ENSEMBLE . 8.00 Thursday 18th January 1990 THE COULL STRING QUARTET • 8.00 Thursday 22nd February 1990 MURRAY MCLACHLAN (piano) . 8.00 Thursday 15th March 1990 THE DANISH STRING QUARTET BOOKING DETAILS Adults Students & Under 18 Youth & Music Special rates for groups of 10 or more. Please write to Mr. J. Briggs (address below) for details. Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Claire Wilson, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford, BD5 OBQ. Tel: Bradford (0274) 307417. PLEASE SEND ME : Single Tickets £4.50 £2.50 £2.00 Season and single tickets may be purchased NOW by using the Booking Form or at the Hall before each concert. Single tickets are available from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194). BOOKING FORM Cheques payable to "B.M.S." Post with payment and S.A.E. to Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 ELMLANDS GROVE, YORK, YO3 OEE. Season Tickets Season Tickets (six concerts) Single Tickets Name Address Date £18.00 £10.00 £ 8.00 Quantity Price Quantity Price Total Total Postcode Tel. No. If applying for more than one Season ticket please give name and address of each person.

7 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 7

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BUS SERVICES No. 7A bus runs every half hour from Acomb, the Railway Station and Tang Hall. Alight at the first stop on the University Campus. CAR PARKS Use Conference Car Parks c, d, e, as shown on the map below. HULL ROAD University Road YORKSHIRE 25 Pd BUS STOPS ROUTE 7A Į 0 Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall 0 ENTRANCE Biology 50 50 Vanbrugh 100 yards N 100 metres FACILITIES FOR THE DISABLED AND FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6 Bishopgate Street, York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 637984 IN THE VALE OF THE SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VARY THE ARTISTS OR PROGRAMMES AS IT MAY FIND NECESSARY. ARTS SELBY Pc Central Hall City of York Leisure Services YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS BMS 3/1/47(3) THE JOACHIM PIANO TRIO B'S YORK THURSDAY 9th NOVEMBER 8 p.m. THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Presented by the British Music Society of York in association with the Department of Music, University of York.

8 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 8

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Thursday 9th November 1989 at 8 p.m. THE JOACHIM PIANO TRIO Rebecca Hirsch (violin), Caroline Dearnley ('cello) John Lenehan (piano) "1 Trio in F, Op.80 Trio (1921) Trio in A minor, Op.50 Schumann Rebecca Clarke Tchaikovsky The Joachim Piano Trio made their debut in 1986 at the Purcell Room on London's South Bank. "This obviously outstanding piano trio . . ." The Times ...a brilliant young violinist..." Musical Times expressive and authoritative 'cellist..." Sunday Telegraph " "John Lenehan is clearly an exceptional artist... The Times FUTURE CONCERTS • 8.00 Thursday 7th December 1989 THE ARIENSKI ENSEMBLE • 8.00 Thursday 18th January 1990 THE COULL STRING QUARTET • 8.00 Thursday 22nd February 1990 MURRAY MCLACHLAN (piano) 8.00 Thursday 15th March 1990 THE DANISH STRING QUARTET BOOKING DETAILS Adults Students & Under 18 Youth & Music Special rates for groups of 10 or more. Please write to Mr. J. Briggs (address below) for details. Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Claire Wilson, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford, BD5 OBQ. Tel: Bradford (0274) 307417. PLEASE SEND ME : Single Tickets £4.50 £2.50 £2.00 Season and single tickets may be purchased NOW by using the Booking Form or at the Hall before each concert. Single tickets are available from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194). BOOKING FORM Cheques payable to "B.M.S." Post with payment and S.A.E. to Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 ELMLANDS GROVE, YORK, YO3 OEE. Season Tickets Season Tickets (six concerts) Single Tickets Name Address Date £18.00 £10.00 £ 8.00 Quantity Price Quantity Price Total Total Postcode ...... Tel. No. If applying for more than one Season ticket please give name and address of each person.

9 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 9

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BUS SERVICES No. 7A bus runs every half hour from Acomb, the Railway Station and Tang Hall. Alight at the first stop on the University Campus. CAR PARKS Use Conference Car Parks c, d, e, as shown on the map below. HULL ROAD University Road YORKSHIRE Pd BUS STOPS ROUTE 7A ↓ 0 Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall 0 ENTRANCE) Biology 50 50 Vanbrugh 100 yards N 2 100 metres FACILITIES FOR THE DISABLED AND FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6 Bishopgate Street, York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 637984 Pc THE SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VARY THE ARTISTS OR ROGRAMMES AS IT MAY FIND NECESSARY. ARTS SELBY Central Hall IN THE VALE OF YORK City of York Leisure Services NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS SMS 3/1/47 (4) THE ARIENSKI ENSEMBLE BS YORK THURSDAY 7th DECEMBER 8 p.m. THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Presented by the British Music Society of York in association with the Department of Music, University of York.

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● Thursday 7th December 1989 at 8 p.m. THE ARIENSKI ENSEMBLE Elisabeth Perry & Gustav Clarkson (violins) Simon Rowland-Jones (viola) Moray Welsh & Melissa Phelps ('cellos) Quintet in E, Op.13 No.5 Quartet No. 2 in A minor, Op.35 Quintet in C, D.956 Boccherini Arienski Schubert The Arienski Ensemble is a group specially formed by Moray Welsh to play the chamber music repertoire requiring two 'cellos. They appear for us as a string quintet to play Schubert's masterpiece. Moray Welsh is well known in York, having been a student in the University of York music department. He subsequently studied in Russia with Rostropovich. He and Elisabeth Perry played in a memorable concert for this Society given by the Musicians of the Royal Exchange in 1986. Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert A single ticket for any concert may be exchanged for a subscription ticket for the remainder of the season at a considerable discount. This may be done at the Membership Desk in the lobby either during the interval or immediately after the concert. Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Claire Wilson, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford, BD5 OBQ. Tel: Bradford (0274) 307417. FUTURE CONCERTS Thursday 18th January 1990 at 8 p.m. THE COULL STRING QUARTET Roger Coull & Philip Gallaway (violins) David Curtis (viola), John Todd ('cello) Quartet No. 8 in C minor, Op.110 Shostakovich Quartet in D minor (Voces intimae) Sibelius Quartet in E minor, Op.59 No.2 Beethoven Thursday 22nd February 1990 at 8 p.m. MURRAY MCLACHLAN (piano) Chaconne in D minor Scherzo No.1 in B minor, Op.20 Fantasia in C, D.760 (Wanderer) Etudes (selection) Debussy Peter Grimes Fantasy (1971) Ronald Stevenson Fantasia quasi Sonata: Après une lecture de Dante, S.161/7 Bach-Busoni Chopin Schubert Thursday 15th March 1990 at 8 p.m. Quartet in G, Op.77 No.1 Quartet No. 4 in F, Op.44 Quartet No. 3 in B flat, Op.67 Liszt THE DANISH STRING QUARTET Tim Frederiksen & Arne Balk Møller (violins) Claus Myrup (viola) Niels Sylvest Jeppesen ('cello) Haydn Nielsen Brahms

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BUS SERVICES No. 7A bus runs every half hour from Acomb, the Railway Station and Tang Hall. Alight at the first stop on the University Campus. CAR PARKS Use Conference Car Parks c, d, e, as shown on the map below. HULL ROAD University Road YORKSHIRE Pd BUS STOPS ROUTE 7A 1 ARTS Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall 0 ENTRANCE Biology 0 50 50 Vanbrugh IN THE VALE OF FACILITIES FOR THE DISABLED AND FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6 Bishopgate Street, York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 637984 THE SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VARY THE ARTISTS OR PROGRAMMES AS IT MAY FIND NECESSARY. 100 yards N in yo 100 metres SELBY PC City of York Leisure Services Central Hall YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS SMS 3/1/47(5) THE COULL STRING QUARTET B'S YORK THURSDAY 18th JANUARY 8 p.m. THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Presented by the British Music Society of York in association with the Department of Music, University of York.

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Thursday 18th January 1990 at 8 p.m. THE COULL STRING QUARTET Roger Coull & Philip Gallaway (violins) David Curtis (viola), John Todd ('cello) Quartet No. 8 in C minor, Op.110 Shostakovich Quartet in D minor (Voces intimae) Sibelius Quartet in E minor, Op.59 No.2 Beethoven We look forward with pleasure to another visit from the Coull String Quartet, the resident quartet at the Univer- sity of Warwick. As with the Vanbrugh Quartet, their programme includes both a Slav and a Nordic quartet, in this case coupled with one of Beethoven's great "Rasumovsky" quartets which the Coull Quartet will record for the BBC. Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert A single ticket for any concert may be exchanged for a subscription ticket for the remainder of the season at a considerable discount. This may be done at the Membership Desk in the lobby either during the interval or immediately after the concert. Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Claire Wilson, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford, BD5 OBQ. Tel: Bradford (0274) 307417. FUTURE CONCERTS Thursday 22nd February 1990 at 8 p.m. MURRAY MCLACHLAN (piano) Chaconne in D minor Scherzo No.1 in B minor, Op.20 Fantasia in C, D.760 (Wanderer) Etudes (selection) Bach-Busoni Chopin Schubert Debussy Peter Grimes Fantasy (1971) Ronald Stevenson Fantasia quasi Sonata: Après une lecture de Dante, S.161/7 Liszt Murray McLachlan was a finalist in the recent National Federation of Music Societies / ESSO competition for Young Concert Artists; he plays for us with generous sponsorship from ESSO UK plc. Since 1985 he has been studying with Peter Katin. His recent recording of sonatas by Myaskovsky has been issued on compact disc. Thursday 15th March 1990 at 8 p.m. THE DANISH STRING QUARTET Tim Frederiksen & Arne Balk Møller (violins) Claus Myrup (viola) Niels Sylvest Jeppesen ('cello) Quartet in G, Op.77 No.1 Quartet No. 4 in F, Op.44. Quartet No. 3 in B flat, Op.67 Haydn. Nielsen Brahms This "new" Danish Quartet was formed in 1985 by four of the most talented young string players in Copen- hagen, who are all prominent musicians in the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Orchestra. Their programme for us includes the most popular quartet of their country's national composer, Carl Nielsen. They play for us through the courtesy of the Danish Cultural Institute.

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BUS SERVICES No. 7A bus runs every half hour from Acomb, the Railway Station and Tang Hall. Alight at the first stop on the University Campus. CAR PARKS Use Conference Car Parks c, d, e, as shown on the map below. HULL ROAD University Road YORKSHIRE Pd BUS STOPS ROUTE 7A ↓ 0 Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall 0 ENTRANCE Biology 50 50 100 yards N -- 100 metres Vanbrugh Pc FACILITIES FOR THE DISABLED AND FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6 Bishopgate Street, York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 637984 THE SOCIETY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO VARY THE ARTISTS OR PROGRAMMES AS IT MAY FIND NECESSARY. ARTS SELBY Central Hall IN THE VALE OF YORK City of York Leisure Services NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS GMS 3/1/47 (6) MURRAY MCLACHLAN (piano) BS YORK THURSDAY 22nd FEBRUARY 8 p.m. THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Presented by the British Music Society of York in association with the Department of Music, University of York.

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● Thursday 22nd February 1990 at 8 p.m. MURRAY MCLACHLAN (piano) Chaconne in D minor Scherzo No.1 in B minor, Op.20 Fantasia in C, D.760 (Wanderer) Etudes (selection) Bach-Busoni Chopin Schubert Debussy Peter Grimes Fantasy (1971) Ronald Stevenson Fantasia quasi Sonata: Après une lecture de Dante, S.161/7 Liszt Murray McLachlan was a finalist in the recent National Federation of Music Societies / ESSO competition for Young Concert Artists; he plays for us with generous sponsorship from ESSO UK plc. Since 1985 he has been studying with Peter Katin. His recent recording of sonatas by Myaskovsky has been issued on compact disc. Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert A single ticket for any concert may be exchanged for a subscription ticket for the remainder of the season at a considerable discount. This may be done at the Membership Desk in the lobby either during the interval or immediately after the concert. Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Claire Wilson, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford, BD5 OBQ. Tel: Bradford (0274) 307417. FINAL CONCERT OF THIS SEASON Thursday 15th March 1990 at 8 p.m. THE DANISH STRING QUARTET Tim Frederiksen & Arne Balk Møller (violins) Claus Myrup (viola) Niels Sylvest Jeppesen ('cello) Quartet in G, Op.77 No.1 Quartet No. 4 in F, Op.44 Quartet No. 3 in B flat, Op.67 This "new" Danish Quartet was formed in 1985 by four of the most talented young string players in Copen- hagen, who are all prominent musicians in the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Orchestra. Their programme for us includes the most popular quartet of their country's national composer, Carl Nielsen. They play for us through the courtesy of the Danish Cultural Institute. A brochure giving details of our 1990/9 programme will be available in August. If you would like a free copy, please write your name and address below and send to: Peter Marsden Quince's Cottage Spring Street Easingwold York YO6 3BN Name Address Haydn Nielsen Brahms Postcode Tel. No.

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BS YORK YORKSHIRE THURSDAYS AT THE LYONS VANBRUGH STRING QUARTET Quartet in E flat, K.428 Quartet No.3 in F (1900) Quartet No.2 (Intimate letters) 8.00 Thursday 12th October THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert. ARTS PRESENTED BY THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK in association with the Department of Music, University of York. City of York Leisure Services SELBY Mozart Stenhammar Janacek IN THE VALE OF YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS

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17 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 17

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B'S YORK THURSDAYS AT THE LYONS JOACHIM PIANO TRIO Trio in F, Op.80 Trio (1921) Trio in A minor, Op.50 8.00 Thursday 9th November THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK YORKSHIRE Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert. PRESENTED BY THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK in association with the Department of Music, University of York. City of York Leisure Services ARTS SELBY Schumann Rebecca Clarke Tchaikovsky IN THE VALE OF YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS

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19 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 19

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BS YORK YORKSHIRE THURSDAYS AT THE LYONS ARIENSKI ENSEMBLE Quintet in E, Op. 13 No. 5 Quintet No. 2 in A minor, Op. 35 Quintet in C, D. 956 ARTS 8.00 Thursday 7th December THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert. PRESENTED BY THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK in association with the Department of Music, University of York. City of York Leisure Services Boccherini Arienski Schubert SELBY IN THE VALE OF YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS

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21 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 21

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BAS YORK COULL STRING QUARTET Shostakovich THURSDAYS AT THE LYONS YORKSHIRE Quartet No.8 in C minor, Op.110 Quartet in D minor (Voces intimae) Quartet in E minor, O.59 No.2 ARTS 8.00 Thursday 18th January THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert. Sibelius Beethoven PRESENTED BY THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK in association with the Department of Music, University of York. City of York Leisure Services SELBY IN THE VALE OF YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS

22 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 22

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23 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 23

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THURSDAYS AT THE LYONS MURRAY MCLACHLAN YORKSHIRE B'S YORK Wanderer Fantasy Dante Sonata (piano) works by Bach-Busoni, Chopin, Debussy and Ronald Stevenson. 8.00 Thursday 22nd February THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert. ARTS PRESENTED BY THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK in association with the Department of Music, University of York. City of York Leisure Services Schubert Liszt SELBY IN THE VALE OF YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS

24 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 24

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25 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 25

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B'S YORK YORKSHIRE THURSDAYS AT THE LYONS THE DANISH STRING QUARTET Quartet in G, Op.77 No.1 Quartet No. 4 in F, Op.44 Quartet No. 3 in B flat, Op.67 8.00 Thursday 15th March THE SIR JACK LYONS CONCERT HALL UNIVERSITY OF YORK Tickets £4.50 (Students £2.50; Youth & Music Members £2.00) from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York (York 644194) or at the Hall before the concert. ARTS PRESENTED BY THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK in association with the Department of Music, University of York. City of York Leisure Services Haydn Nielsen Brahms SELBY IN THE VALE OF YORK NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS

26 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 47, Page 26

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