BMS 3 1 45

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 45

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 45, Page 1

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A BRITISH SEASON Our programme for 1987-8 features a theme of British music: each concert contains at least one work by a British composer. The central figure of this theme is Sir Charles Stanford (1852-1924), for he and his colleagues Parry and Frederick Bridge at the Royal College of Music undoubtedly laid the foundations for the great revival of British music which began around a century ago. The list of Stanford's pupils is impressive, including Charles Wood, Vaughan Williams, Holst, Hurlstone, Frank Bridge, Ireland, Morris and Rebecca Clarke, and in turn their pupils included Rubbra, Tippett and Britten. Not all these composers could be represented in our programme, and it is right that we should have one concert devoted to the first great period of British music around 400 years ago; Stanford and in particular his York-born pupil R.O. Morris (1886-1948) were well aware of this patrimony. And our opening concert includes a first performance: with funds provided by the Yorkshire Arts Association we have commissioned especially for this British season a new string quartet from John Gardner. His compositions include four operas, two symphonies, three concertos and six cantatas for chorus and orchestra; this will be his third string quartet. Our British Season is most generously supported by the R.V.W. Trust. fuga 40 £ £ fo: doland: de Lastrime his own hande John Dowland's Signature 1 Thirsk Footway access to hall Station (BR) Concert Hall Leeds John Gardener Bootham School Portland Entry to car park via Gillygate and Portland Street. PETERGAT nnnnn DENGAL & Scarb A64 WALK Pun There is ample parking space next to the Hall. nnn BMS 3/1/45 1987/88 PROGRAMME CHAMBER MUSIC RECITALS PRESENTED BY THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 67th SEASON BS YORK

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 45, Page 2

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1987/88 Season Bootham School Hall, York THURSDAY 15th OCTOBER 1987 7.30 pm BOCHMANN QUARTET Michael Bochmann and David Angel (violins) Martin Outram (viola) Michal Kaznowski ('cello) Quartet in C, Op. 76 No. 3 "The Emperor" HAYDN Quartet No. 3 in D (first performance) Quartet in E flat, Op. 127 THE BOCHMANN QUARTET is yet another of those quartets to emerge from Sidney Griller's production line at the Royal Academy of Music. Formed in 1976, they won the EMI Sutton prize in 1977 and were snapped up to play for us in our 1979-80 season. Since then there have been changes of personnel in the lower clefs. The quartet has built up a solid reputation based on regular concert work, broadcasting, recording and residency at the University of Southampton. Earlier this year they made their first tour of the United States. Their programme for us includes, besides the first of what we hope will be a complete cycle of Beethoven's late quartets, the first performance of a quartet by John Gardner specially commissioned with funds provided by the Yorkshire Arts Association to mark this "British Season" of the British Music Society of York. JOHN GARDNER BEETHOVEN TUESDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 1987 7.30 pm DOWLAND CONSORT directed by Jakob Lindberg Wondu Cilles THURSDAY 26th NOVEMBER 1987 7.30 pm RACHEL BOLT (viola) with HELEN LEEK (piano) Sonata in E flat, Op. 120 No. 2 BRAHMS Lachrymae: Reflections on a Song of John Dowland, Op. 48 BRITTEN Fantasia No. 10, R.40:23 Sonata TELEMANN REBECCA CLARKE RACHEL BOLT went to the Royal Academy of Music on an open scholarship; she studied there with Stephen Shingles, attaining the Recital Diploma and winning the Dove award for excellence. She has played in the National Youth Orchestra and the European Community Youth Orchestra, and more recently with the City of London Sinfonia and the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. She was joint winner of the 1987 Royal Over Seas League competition. HELEN LEEK also studied at the Royal Academy of Music; her prizes included the Grover-Bennett award enabling her to undertake a further year of postgraduate study with Maria Curcio. This concert is most generously supported by the Countess of Munster Musical Trust as part of its recital scheme for outstanding young musicians. THURSDAY 14th JANUARY 1988 7.30 pm BERNARD ROBERTS (piano) Sonata in F, K.533 MOZART Bochmann Quartet Dowland Consort Rachel Bolt & Helen Leek Bernard Roberts

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DOWLAND CONSORT directed by Jakob Lindberg Wendy Gillespie (viols and cittern) Richard Campbell (consort bass viol) Alison Crum (viols and recorder) Hugh Cherry (small bass viol and bandora) Sarah Cunningham (treble viol and great bass viol) Jakob Lindberg (lutes) "HEAVENLY NOYSE" Music by Alison, Byrd, Dowland, Holborne, Johnson and Morley Lachrimae, or Seaven Teares DOWLAND JAKOB LINDBERG was born in Stockholm in 1952 and read music at the university there. He came to London to study guitar and lute at the Royal College of Music, where he is now professor of lute. In 1985 he formed the DOWLAND CONSORT specifically to perform English consort music of the 16th and 17th centuries. The special feature of their programme for us lies in the combining of plucked and sustaining instruments, yielding sonorities which the first Elizabethans called "HEAVENLY NOYSE". A first half offering a variety of instrumental combinations prepares the way for Dowland's most sublime work, the "Lachrimae", which the Dowland Consort has recorded. This concert is part of the Early Music Network touring scheme financially supported by the Arts Council of Great Britain. SEASON TICKETS 6 concerts Adult £14.50 Juniors £7.25 Information from: Mr. J. Briggs, Hon. Treasurer, BMS of York, 25 Elmlands Grove, York, Y03 OEE SINGLE CONCERT TICKETS Adult £3.50 Juniors £1.75 Youth & Music £1.50 from: Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York or at the door on the night of the concert. BERNARD ROBERTS (piano) Sonata in F, K.533 Prelude in E flat Sonata Sonata in E flat, Op. 27 No. 1 Sonata in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 2 "Moonlight" BEETHOVEN MOZART IRELAND IRELAND BEETHOVEN It is almost exactly ten years since BERNARD ROBERTS last played at a BMS concert - as pianist with the Richards Piano Quartet. Since then he has established himself as an outstanding Beethovenian; he has recently recorded the complete cycle of sonatas for the second time. Born in Manchester, he studied at the Royal College of Music, becoming a professor there; he annually holds master classes at the Dartington International Summer School. This recital is generously supported by the John Ireland Trust THURSDAY 18th FEBRUARY 1988 7.30 pm PATRONS CONCERT COULL STRING QUARTET Roger Coull and Phillip Gallaway (violins) David Curtis (viola) John Todd ('cello) Quartet in C, Op. 33 No. 3 "The Bird" HAYDN Quartet No. 2 in E flat, Op. 73 RUBBRA Quartet in C sharp minor, Op. 131 BEETHOVEN The COULL are also out of the Griller Academy. Two years senior to the Bochmann, this will be their third visit to BMS. They have served ten years as quartet in residence at the University of Warwick, and have made extensive foreign tours, in particular of India for the British Council. Their activities with British music include their recent recording of the two quartets Robert Simpson has written for them; the inclusion in their programme for us of the quartet which Edmund Rubbra wrote in 1952 for the Griller String Quartet sadly marks that British composer's death last year. Rachel Bolt & Helen Leek Coull String Quartet Capricorn Bernard Roberts THURSDAY 24th MARCH 1988 7.30 pm CAPRICORN Wissam Boustany (flute) Anthony Lamb (clarinet) Felix Warnock (bassoon) Jonathan Williams (horn) Elizabeth Layton and Miles Golding (violins) Paul Silverthorne (viola) Timothy Mason ('cello) Barry Guy (double bass) Serenade-Nonet in F, Op. 95 Octet in F, D. 803 STANFORD SCHUBERT CAPRICORN was formed in 1973, as a quartet to play Messiaen's "Quartet for the End of Time". Early success led to its growth into a pool of players able to tackle the full range of classical and modern chamber music. They were five when they played for us in 1982, their programme then including Schubert's "Trout" Quintet. This time they will be nine, to play Stanford's Serenade-Nonet which they are to record. A mere eight players will bring our season to a close with that other great favourite by Schubert, the Octet.

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 45, Page 4

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T his is the sixty-seventh consecutive year in which THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK has offered a season of professional chamber music recitals. Just for once we live up to our title: there is a theme of British music, described elsewhere in this brochure. Here let me draw your attention to some other features of our programme. First we are particularly pleased to be able to include a concert from the Arts Council's EARLY MUSIC NETWORK; we know this will be appreciated by York's many early music lovers, and Jakob Lindberg's DOWLAND CONSORT is a quite outstanding group. Have we ever had a viola or music by a woman composer? recital before? RACHEL BOLT is a young artist with an outstanding record who comes to us with the recommendation of the Countess of Munster Musical Trust, and the brilliant Viola Sonata by Rebecca Clarke (1886-1979) was runner-up in the Coolidge International Prize as long ago as 1919- high time it was played in York! The regular chamber music repertoire is particularly well represented this year; we hope that the two late Beethoven quartets to be played by the BOCHMANN and COULL quartets will be but the start of a complete cycle of these masterworks, while CAPRICORN will round off our season with that unique masterwork, Schubert's Octet. And there's a world premiere in our opening concert... BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE President: Dr. Francis Jackson Vice Presidents: Miss I. Anthony, Miss L. J. Whitworth, Mr. F. R. Fox Chairman: Mrs. R. Richards Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. Briggs Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Mr. J. Petrie Hon Secretary: Mr. N. J. Dick Hon. Programme Secretary: Dr. R. J. S. Crossley Hon. Publicity Secretary: Mr. P. Marsden Mrs. B. Ainsworth, Mrs. F. Andrews, Mrs P. Armou, Mrs. S. Bedford, Mr. A. Carter, Mr. L. Dawson, Dr. M. Green, Mr. A. R.Groves, Mr. J. A. Hastie, Mr. R. P. Lorriman, Mrs. S. Stancliffe, Mrs. A. Ward. TICKET INFORMATION SEASON TICKETS (MEMBERSHIP) Admission to all six concerts Adult £14.50 save £6.50 on individual ticket prices Junior Members £7.25 save £3.25 on individual ticket prices (under 18 or student). SINGLE CONCERT TICKETS Prices include temporary membership Adult £3.50 Junior £1.75 (under 18 or student) Youth & Music £1.50 Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Shirley Beresford, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford BD5 OBQ. Tel: Bradford (0274) 307417. Single tickets, subject to availability, may be purchased: 1. By completing the booking form 2. At the hall on the night of the concert 3. In advance of each concert from Ticket World, 6 Patrick Pool, York. All concerts take place in Bootham School Hall Doors open 7 pm for 7.30 pm Parking is available at the hall (see map) Coffee is available during the interval The Society reserves the right to vary the artists or programmes without notice. For further information please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6 Bishopgate St., York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 37984. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Society gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of Bootham School, and financial support from the Yorkshire Arts Association, City of York Leisure Services, and our many patrons. supported by Yorkshire ARTS NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS BOOKING FORM Name Address Please send me: SEASON TICKETS* Full members @£14.50 Junior members @ £7.25 Adults @£3.50 Junior @ £1.75 Youth & Music @ £1.50 Postcode SINGLE TICKETS (Price includes temporary membership) Quantity Quantity Name Address Date TOTAL £ £ Cheques payable to 'British Music Society of York' Post this form with payment and SAE to: Mr. J. Briggs, Hon. Treasurer, BMS of York, 24, Elmlands Grove, York, YO3 OEE. Postcode р *If applying for more than one Season Ticket, please give names and addresses of each applicant: р