BMS 3 1 43

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 43

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 43, Page 1

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Lectures on French Music In association with the Society a series of four lectures on French Music will be given as an evening class at the York Educational Settlement, 128 Holgate Road, York. Thursdays at 7.15 pm. Tuesday 15th October Wilfrid Mellers:- French Keyboard Music: an Introduction to Vlado Perlemuter's Recital. 7 November Hugh Macdonald:- Revolution and Empire: Hector Berlioz. 14 November Richard Crossley:- The German Invasion: César Franck and his Circle. 28 November Roger Nichols: Into the Twentieth Century: Debussy, Ravel and Messiaen. Claude Debussy Thirsk Footway access to hall Station (BR) Concert Hall Leeds Bootham School 1935-1985 Portland S NATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSIC SOCIETIES NEMS JUBILEE MINSTER Entry to car park via Gillygate and Portland Street. RGATE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE OF nnnnn DERGALE The Society is affiliated to the National Federation of Music Societies President: Dr. Francis Jackson Vice Presidents: Miss I. Anthony, Miss L. J. Whitworth, Mr. F. R. Fox Chairman: Mrs. B. Ainsworth Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. Briggs Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Mr. J. Petrie Hon. Secretary: Mr. N. J. Dick Hon. Programme Secretary: Dr. R. J. S. Crossley Mrs. P. Armour, Mrs. S. Bedford, Mrs. S. Carter, Mr. R. Gilbert, Mr. A. R. Groves, Mr. J. A. Hastie (Co-opted), Mrs. C. M. Barrass, Mrs. D. Blunt, Mr. L. Dawson, Mrs. A. Green, Mr. G. Hand, Mr. Austin Wright HISTORICAL WALK Scarb MGAT There is ample parking space next to the Hall. unnnn DORTHWICK INSTITUTE BMS 3/1/43 YL A64 RESEARCH supported by Yorkshire ARTS 65th Season of Recitals BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1985/86 Programme Year of the French Hector Berlioz

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1985/86 Season Bootham School Hall, York Thursday 17th October 1985 at 7.30pm VLADO PERLEMUTER (Piano) Ravel Debussy Chopin Sonatine Jeux d'Eau Pour le Piano Ballade No. 4 in F minor, Op.52 Etudes Nos. 13-24, Op.25 Our YEAR OF THE FRENCH commences with authority, for on leaving Cortot's class at the Paris Conservatoire VLADO PERLEMUTER had the privilege of studying with Ravel all that master's piano compositions. He was one of the first to play the complete cycle, in two recitals in 1929 in Ravel's presence, and his complete recording is available on Nimbus. The music of Chopin is perhaps a more recent speciality; Perlemuter broadcast nearly all Chopin's piano works for the BBC during the 1960's, and a large part of this repertoire is available on record also. Thursday 21st November 1985 at 7.30pm THE FAIRFIELD QUARTET Ruth Ehrlich and Jennifer Godson (Violins) Catherine Marwood (Viola) Julia Desbruslais ('Cello) Haydn Quartet in D, Op.20 No. 4 "The Row in Venice" Debussy Quartet in G minor Schubert Quartet in D minor "Death and the Maiden" THE FAIRFIELD QUARTET comes, like the Bochmann, Coull, Fitzwilliam and Medici, from the stable of Sidney Griller at the Royal Academy of Music. Formed in 1979, they drew international attention to themselves by winning first prize in the Karl Klingler competition in Hanover in 1983. The Daily Telegraph critic described them as "an outstanding addition to the long line of gifted young British quartets". Thursday 13th February 1986 at 7.30pm Patrons' Concert MUSICIANS OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE David Campbell (Clarinet) Elisabeth Perry (Violin) Moray Welsh ('Cello) Anthony Goldstone (Piano) Moscheles Fantasy, Variations and Finale on a Bohemian Folk Song, Op.46 "La Plainte, au Loin, du Faune..." for piano Dukas Debussy Sonata for 'cello and piano in D minor Messiaen Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps MUSICIANS OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE take their name from the Royal Exchange Theatre Manchester, at whose invitation ANTHONY GOLDSTONE founded the group in 1978. Besides their concerts in Manchester they play often in London and elsewhere, and frequently broadcast. The group is a very flexible one with up to eighteen players and has gained a fine reputation not only for very high standards of playing but also for Anthony Goldstone's imaginative planning, of which this programme is a good example. The Committee has chosen this concert to be our annual PATRONS' CONCERT in acknowledgment of the contribution our patrons make to the Society throughout the year. Tuesday 18th March 1986 at 7.30pm ANN MACKAY (Soprano) with JOHN CONSTABLE (Piano) Berlioz Les Nuits d'Eté David Campbell Moray Welsh Elisabeth Perry

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Hanover in 1983. The Daily Telegraph critic described them as "an outstanding addition to the long line of gifted young British quartets". Thursday 5th December 1985 at 7.30pm LORRAINE McASLAN (Violin) with JOHN BLAKELY (Piano) Beethoven Sonata No. 1 in D, Op.12 No. 1 Fauré Sonata in A, Op.13 Paganini Caprice, Op.1 No. 24 Walton Sonata LORRAINE McASLAN's recital for us is part of her prize as winner of the 1984 National Federation of Music Societies Young Artists competition. Born in Glasgow, she studied in this country and then, on Isaac Stern's recommendation, at the Juilliard School in New York; success there led to her United States debut in Carnegie Recital Hall. JOHN BLAKELY studied at the Royal Academy of Music and at Balliol College Oxford. He has established a considerable reputation for himself as an accompanist. Together they have recently recorded for ASV, with the Elgar sonata, the Walton sonata in this programme. Thursday 16th January 1986 at 7.30pm VILLIERS PIANO QUARTET Maureen Smith (Violin) Susie Meszaros (Viola) Alexander Baillie ('Cello) Ian Brown (Piano) Mozart Piano Quartet in G minor, K.478 Chausson Piano Quartet in A, Op.30 Brahms Piano Quartet in C minor, Op.60 A standing ovation greeted the VILLIERS PIANO QUARTET at its London debut at the Wigmore Hall last November. Of its members two are old friends - IAN BROWN played for us last season and MAUREEN SMITH the season before- and two are new - ALEXANDER BAILLIE is one of this country's outstanding young 'cellists and SUSIE MESZAROS first attracted notice as string finalist in the 1978 BBC Young Musician of the Year competition. Their programme includes the Piano Quartet by Ernest Chausson which they are preparing especially for us. JOHN CONSTABLE (Piano) Les Nuits d'Eté Berlioz Wolf Four Mignon Songs (Goethe) and songs by Gounod, Fauré, Hahn Anyone who attended the recital given for us by ANN MACKAY and JOHN CONSTABLE during the 1984 York Festival will understand why we have seized this opportunity to engage them again. Like Lorraine McAslan, Ann Mackay is a former NFMS competition winner who made her New York debut at Carnegie Recital Hall. Her particular success with the songs of Strauss and Wolf no doubt owes something to her period of study with Elizabeth Schwarzkopf. John Constable is one of this country's leading accompanists, with an international reputation. His range of activity is extraordinarily wide, from harpsichord continuo in "Messiah" to the solo piano part in Boulez's "Pli Selon Pli". Ann Mackay Lorraine McAslan Fairfield Quartet Anthony Goldstone Vlado Perlemuter Villiers Piano Quartet

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B'S YORK A fter some years in which a focus has been given to the Society's programmes through a "composer of the year" we have for our sixty- fifth season decided on the broader theme of French music. As you will see, each programme includes at least one French work; there are both familiar pieces (Debussy, Ravel) and less familiar (Chausson, Dukas). As usual we offer a platform to younger artists (Lorraine McAslan, the Fairfield Quartet) yet we have the honour of starting the year with the doyen of French pianists, Vlado Perlemuter. Likewise we look forward to welcoming both old and new members; the more new members we attract the higher the standard of recital we can offer. This year we have decided to honour our patrons, who volunteer an additional and most valuable financial contribution, with their own "patrons' concert". We look forward to your company, at Bootham School and express our gratitude to the Headmaster for the continued use of the Hall. Betty Ainsworth Chairman British Music Society of York Membership Information SEASON TICKETS Admission to all six concerts Adult £12 save £6 on individual ticket prices Junior Members £6 save £1.50 on individual ticket prices (under 18 or student) SINGLE TICKETS Adult £3 Junior £1.25 (under 18 or student) Prices include temporary membership *Youth & Music £1 Single tickets, subject to availability, may be purchased: 1. By completing the booking form below 2. At the hall on the night of the concert 3. In advance of each concert from Sound Effect, 68, Goodramgate, York All concerts take place in Bootham School Hall Doors open 7 pm for 7.30 pm Parking is available at the hall Coffee is available during the interval The Society reserves the right to vary the artists or programmes without notice In order to comply with Public Entertainments' Licence requirements, the British Music Society of York observes the status of a private society. For further information please contact: Mr. N. J. Dick, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Clement House, 6, Bishopgate St. York YO2 1JH. Tel. York 37984. *Information about Youth & Music may be obtained from Sally Masterman, Yorkshire Youth & Music, Glyde House, Glydegate, Bradford BD5 OBQ. Booking Form Name. Address Please send me: SEASON TICKETS* Full members @ £12 Junior members @ £6 Adults @ £3 Junior @£1.25 Youth & Music @ £1 Postcode SINGLE TICKETS if available (Price includes temporary membership) Quantity Address Quantity £ TOTAL £ Cheques payable to 'British Music Society of York' Post this form with payment and SAE to: Mr. J. Briggs, Hon. Treasurer, BMS of York, 24 Elmlands Grove, York. YO3 OEE. Postcode р *If applying for more than one Season Ticket, please give names and addresses of each applicant Name р