BMS 3 1 42

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 42

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 42, Page 1

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1984/85 Season at a Glance Thursday 18th October 1984 at 7.30pm Diana Kacso (Piano) Thursday 8th November 1984 at 7.30pm Erika Klemperer (Violin) and Gordon Back (Piano) Thursday 29th November 1984 at 7.30pm The Nash Ensemble of London Ian Brown (Piano) Roger Chase (Viola) Marcia Crayford (Violin) Christopher van Kampen (Cello) Thursday 17th January 1985 at 7.30pm Mackie/Williams/ Jacobson Trio Neil Mackie (Tenor) Jonathan Williams (Horn) Julian Jacobson (Piano) Thursday 14th February 1985 at 7.30pm Benjamin Frith (Piano) Thursday 7th March 1985 at 7.30pm Allegri String Quartet Peter Carter (Violin) Keith Lovell (Viola) David Roth (Violin) Bruno Schrecker (Cello) Additional Event: it is hoped to arrange a lecture on Robert Schumann, this year's composer. Concert Hall Footway access to hall Station (BR) 20 There is ample parking space next to the Hall. Bootham School- Portland Clara Schumann Entry to car park via Gillygate and Portland Street. Pr's Ca PETERGATE SPRAA E DEANGALLA A64 Scarb BMS 3/1/42 64th Season of Recitals BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1984/85 SEASON Bootham School Hall, York featuring Robert Schumann NO PRICE INCREASE

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 42, Page 2

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY Thursday 18th October 1984 at 7.30pm Diana Kacso (Piano) Beethoven Sonata in F, Op. 10 No. 2. Schumann Douze Etudes Symphoniques, Op. 13. Impressões Seresteiras Festa no Sertão. Rondo Brillante, "Invitation to the Dance", Op. 65. Ballade No. 3 in A flat, Op. 47. Scherzo No. 1 in B minor, Op. 20. Thursday 8th November 1984 at 7.30pm Erika Klemperer (Violin) and Gordon Back (Piano) Villa-Lobos Weber OF YORK 1984/85 Season Bootham School Hall, York. Chopin Beethoven Schumann Bairstow Elgar Haydn Schumann Bridge Ravel Sonata in F, Op. 24 "The Spring". Sonata No. 1 in A, Op. 105. Six Variations on an Original Theme. Sonata in E minor, Op. 82. Thursday 29th November 1984 at 7.30pm The Nash Ensemble of London Ian Brown (Piano) Roger Chase (Viola) Marcia Crayford (Violin) Christopher van Kampen (Cello) Piano Trio No. 1 in G, H XV/25. Piano Quartet in E flat, Op. 47. Phantasie Quartet in Fsharp minor. Piano Trio in A minor. Diana Kacso was born in Rio de Janeiro and graduated from the Brazilian Conservatory of Music in 1971. Since completing here studies at the Juilliard School, New York as a scholarship student of Sascha Gorodnitzki, she has won international awards and given concerts in New York, London, Amsterdam and Munich. She was placed second to Michel Dalberto in the 1978 Leeds Piano Competition and enjoys great popularity with her audiences. Her programme includes Schumann's Etudes Symphoniques, one of his most demanding works. Erika Klemperer's talent on the violin was encouraged by her father. After graduating with distinction from Indiana University, she continued her studies in New York and then in 1974 with Yehudi Menuhin and Yfrah Neaman at the Guildhall School of Music. She is accompanied by Gordon Back, her husband, who is a graduate of the Royal Manchester College of Music. He broadcasts frequently for the BBC and has an international reputation as an accompanist. Their programme includes a work by Sir Edward Bairstow who for many years was organist at York Minster. Firmly established as one of Britain's most distinguished, versatile and enterprising groups, the Nash Ensemble have performed in many of the world's leading concert halls. Their considerable repertoire includes the works of contemporary composers and their broadcasts and numerous recordings bear tribute to their high standing in chamber music. Their programme is one of great international variety-Austrian, German, English and French-ending with Ravel's superb trio.

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 42, Page 3

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Schumann Bridge Ravel Thursday 17th January 1985 at 7.30pm Mackie/Williams/ Jacobson Trio Neil Mackie (Tenor) Jonathan Williams (Horn) Julian Jacobson (Piano) Beethoven Schubert Britten Schumann Debussy Spedding (arr.) Mozart Beethoven Piano Quartet in E flat, Op. 47. Phantasie Quartet in Fsharp minor. Piano Trio in A minor. Thursday 14th February 1985 at 7.30pm Benjamin Frith (Piano) Cooper Schumann Sonata in F, Op. 17, for Horn and Piano. "Auf dem Strom", Op. 119. Canticle No. 3, "Still Falls the Rain", Op. 55. Liederkreis (Heine), Op. 24. L'Isle Joyeuse. Old English Songs. Berg Schumann Sonata in B flat, K. 333. Rondo in C. 32 Variations on an Original Theme, in C minor. Rondo a capriccio, "Rage over a Lost Penny, Vented in a Caprice", in G. Piano Fantasy. Carnaval:Scènes Mignonnes sur Quatre Notes, Op.9. Thursday 7th March 1985 at 7.30pm Allegri String Quartet Peter Carter (Violin) Keith Lovell (Viola) David Roth (Violin) Bruno Schrecker (Cello) Mozart Quartet in B flat, K.458 "The Hunt". Lyric Suite. Quartet in A, Op. 41 No. 3. French-ending with Ravel's superb trio. In May, 1983, Neil Mackie and Jonathan Williams visited Poland to give the first Warsaw performance of the Britten Serenade for tenor, horn and strings. The partnership was so successful that on their return they decided to form a permanent trio with Julian Jacobson, piano (previously known to us as Julian Dawson-Lyell). Since then they have given many concerts including a much praised tour for the Eastern Arts Association, and are beginning to commission works to enlarge their repertoire. Their concert includes the less frequently performed of Schumann's two Liederkreis, his setting of poems by Heine. Benjamin Frith, a pupil of Fanny Waterman, was the 1983 winner of the NFMS Award for Young Concert Artists. As a boy, Denis Mathews described him as 'outstanding even among prodigies' since which time he has developed into a young artist of exceptional ability, playing with great sensitivity and musical insight. As part of his award the NFMS commissioned the Piano Fantasy by David Cooper, former student of both Leeds and York Universities, which Benjamin Frith includes in his programme. The Allegri Quartet was founded in 1954 and quickly became one of the world's leading string quartets. Apart from their recital work, their activities include many recordings and also periods of residence in a number of universities including Leeds. The balanced variety of their programme should provide a fitting conclusion to our season.

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 42, Page 4

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British Music Society of York Our sixty-fourth season of concerts promises to be as entertaining as the very successful 1983/84 series. Each concert will include an important work by Robert Schumann. His prodigious output for the piano, voice and chamber groups gives us a wide variety of marvellous music. This series opens with a recital by the distinguished Brazilian pianist Diana Kacso, well known to Yorkshire audiences since her second prize in the 1978 Leeds Piano Competition. The American violinist Erika Klemperer and her accompanist- husband Gordon Back pay York a return visit in November, and the inclusion in their programme of a work by Sir Edward Bairstow will bring back memories for our more senior members! The January concert brings three talented younger artists in a most attractive programme, and the Society's practice of giving platform to an artist on the threshold of his career is perpetuated in February when we will welcome the recent NFMS award winner Benjamin Frith. The two remaining concerts are by artists of such international reputation as to need no further comment-the Nash Ensemble and the Allegri String Quartet. On behalf of my Committee I look forward to welcoming both old and new members to the Society for this season. I need not stress the considerable advantages of membership, not least the convenience and financial benefit of a season ticket which gives each full member two free concerts. We are most grateful for substantial financial assistance, through the National Federation of Musical Societies from funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain, and from the Yorkshire Arts Association. O.S. Tomlinson Chairman British Music Society of York Five Reasons for Subscribing Now 1 2 3 A fully subscribed member enjoys TWO CONCERTS FREE -six concerts for the price of four and with NO INCREASE on last year's prices. 5 Make only one booking for the entire season, the easy way at home; no need to wait in queues or telephone for your tickets. A seat is guaranteed for each concert of the series, and you receive your tickets in advance by post. at 4 prices in an easily accessibile chall with interval coffee available. Join a discriminating and friendly audience and become a member of the only association in York actively promoting Chamber Music. Membership & Booking Form SEASON TICKETS Admission to all six concerts Adult Junior Members (Under 18 or student) SINGLE TICKETS Adult Junior (under 18 or students) Youth & Music Single tickets, subject to availability, may be purchased: 1. By completing the booking form below 2. At the hall on the night of each concert 3. In advance of each concert from Sound Effect, 68, Goodramgate, York. All concerts take place in Bootham School Hall. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm. Parking is available at the hall. £12You save £6 £6 You save £1.50 Coffee is available during the interval. The Society reserves the right to vary the artists or programmes without notice. Name Address £3 £1.25 £1 For further information please contact: Mr. G. C. Morcom, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Vicarage House, Overton, York YO3 6YL. Tel: York 470261. Please send me: SEASON TICKETS Full members @£12 Junior members @£6 SINGLE TICKETS if available Adults @ £3 Junior @£1.25 Youth & Music @£1 Postcode Quantity Date TOTAL Cheques payable to 'British Music Society of York' Post this form with payment and SAE to: Mr. J. Briggs, Hon. Treasurer, BMS of York, 24 Elmlands Grove, York YO3 OEE. P