BMS 3 1 41

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 41

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 41, Page 1

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The 1983/84 Season at a Glance Leonardo Piano Trio Thursday 13 October 1983 7.30pm MOZART Trio in E K542 SHOSTAKOVICH DVORAK Anne Queffelec (piano) Thursday 10 November 1983 7.30pm PIECES BY COUPERIN, DAQUIN, RAMEAU MOZART Fantasia in G minor K475 Sonata in C minor K457 Four pieces from Poetic Tone Pictures Op 85 Gaspard de la Nuit DVORAK RAVEL Lindsay String Quartet Thursday 1 December 1983 7.30pm HAYDN JANACEK DVORAK Trio in E minor Op 67 Trio in F minor Op 65 NIELSEN DVORAK Quartet in F Op 77 No 2 Quartet No 1 Kreutzer Sonata Quartet in G Op 106 Music Serenade Thursday 2 February 1984 7.30pm KROMMER Nonet for wind instruments Op 79 Serenata in Vano Serenade in D minor Op 44 Stewart Buchanan (piano) Bryan Evans (baritone) Thursday 16 February 1984 7.30pm Songs by Purcell, Schubert, Wolf, Edward McGuire, Dvorak, Ravel Alberni String Quartet Tuesday 20 March 1984 7.30pm BRITTEN Quartet No 1 in D Op 25 CHRISTOPHER FOX Second Quartet DVORAK Quartet in F Op 96 American All concerts take place in Bootham School Hall, York. PLUS Thursday 3 November 1983 7.30pm. Lecture on Antonin Dvorak and Czech Chamber Music by Graham Saunders. Graham Saunders, lecturer in music at the Department of Adult Education at the University of Hull, who studied in Prague with a pupil of Janacek FREE FOR MEMBERS Concert Hall ATS Footway access to hall Station (BR) Bootham School and There is ample parking space next to the Hall. The Society reserves the right to vary the artists or programmes without notice. Ide MASTER Entry to car park via Gillygate and Portland Street. & Paler's Fant n ETERGATE AYOR'S WALK nnnnnn WYPUS DEANGARE Scarb A64 UPUURA All concerts at Bootham School Hall. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm. Coffee is available during the interval. For further information, please contact: Mr. G. C. Morcom, Hon. Secretary, B.M.S. of York, Vicarage House, Overton, York YO3 6YL. Tel: York 470261. BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK Bootham School Hall, York. BMS 3/1/41 63rd Season of Recitals BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1983/84 SEASON Bootham School Hall, York. 2 CONCERTS FREE! 33%OFF FOR MEMBERS!

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 41, Page 2

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY 1983/84 Season Bootham School Hall, York. Thursday 13 October 1983 7.30pm Leonardo Piano Trio MOZART SHOSTAKOVICH DVORAK The Leonardo Piano Trio, formed in 1976, consists of three of England's finest chamber music players. Violinist Maureen Smith won the BBC Violin Competition when only 18; she has appeared as soloist with the country's leading orchestras and has made many broadcasts and gramophone recordings, including a best-selling performance of the Mendelssohn concerto. Trio in E K542 Trio in E minor Op 67 Trio in F minor Op 65 Thursday 10 November 1983 7.30pm Anne Queffelec (piano) COUPERIN Le tic-toc-choc ou Les Maillotins (Ordre no 18) DVORAK DAQUIN RAMEAU La poule, le rappel des oiseaux, Les cyclopes MOZART Fantasia in C minor K475 Sonata in C minor K457 Four pieces from Poetic Tone Pictures Op 85 RAVEL Gaspard de la nuit Les baricades mistérieuses (Ordre no 6) Le coucou HAYDN JANACEK DVORAK Thursday 1 December 1983 7.30pm Lindsay String Quartet Peter Cropper, Ronald Birks (violins) Roger Biggley (viola) Bernard Gregor Smith (cello). Quartet in F Op 77 No 2 Quartet No 1 Kreutzer Sonata Quartet in G Op 106 Anna Shuttleworth studied the cello with Enrico Mainardi and Pablo Casals. Her solo performances have received high praise, as have her concerts with many famous chamber music groups. In addition to her busy performing schedule, she is Professor of cello at the Royal College of Music. Ian Brown studied at the Royal College, and subsequently with Enrique Barenboim. He is active as a soloist, appearing with the major British orchestras; as a duo partner, performing with many musicians including Henryk Szerying and Ruggiero Ricci; and in chamber music, playing with the Athena and Nash Ensembles as well as the Leonardo Trio. The Trio's programme contains three masterpieces of the chamber music repertoire; from the elegance of Mozart to the intensity of Shostakovich, and concludes with the ripe romanticism of Dvorak. Anne Queffelec who is making her third visit to the BMS started to play the piano when only five. While at the Paris Conservatoire she won first prize for both piano and chamber music; subsequently she studied with Paul Badura-Skoda, Jorg Demus and Alfred Brendel. In 1968 she won the Munich piano competition, and the next year was a prize winner at the Leeds International Piano Competition. She has now built up a busy international career, and Far East. On her many visits to England she has playing throughout Europe, North America, the Middle performed with all the principal orchestras, under such distinguished conductors as Sir Charles Groves, Sir Colin Davis, Pierre Boulez, Jerzy Semkow and Jean-Francois Paillard. She is one of France's most recorded musicians, having already made eighteen records covering the complete piano repertoire. OF YORK Keele University in 1967, followed by Sheffield University in 1972 and since 1978 Manchester University In 1973 the Quartet won international recognition at the first 'Interforum for Young Musician's' in Hungary. Following this major success it rapidly built up a strong reputation at home and abroad, touring regularly to Europe, the USA and Australia, as well as throughout the United Kingdom. The Lindsay has made many broadcasts and records, which together with the Quartet's concerts, receive consistently high praise. To quote The Sunday Times 'A Quartet of Masters - their playing made the heart lift'. The Ouarter'e programme contains two mastarnianar Anne Queffelec's programme begins and ends with French music by the great eighteenth century keyboard composers and a twentieth century master, Ravel. In addition she will play rarely heard but irresistable works. by Mozart and Dvorak.

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 41, Page 3

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Biggley (viola) Bernard Gregor Smith (cello). Quartet in F Op 77 No 2 Quartet No 1 Kreutzer Sonata Quartet in G Op 106 HAYDN JANACEK DVORAK The Lindsay String Quartet, formed in 1966 at the Royal Academy of Music, became Quartet-in-Residence at Thursday 2 February 1984 7.30pm Simon Wright director Music Serenade KROMMER NIELSEN DVORAK PURCELL Music for a while (oedipus); Let the dreadful engines of eternal will (Don Quixote) SCHUBERT Die Forelle; Auf dem Wasser zu singen; Am Meer; Fischerweise WOLF Nonet for wind instruments Op 79 Serenata in Vano Serenade in D minor Op 44 for wind and strings Thursday 16 February 1984 7.30pm DVORAK RAVEL Five Biblical Songs Op 99 Don Quichotte à Dulcinée Stewart Buchanan (piano) Stewart Buchanan, born in Glasgow in 1955, studied at Bryan Evans (baritone) the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music. In 1980 he won various prizes including the Decca Kathleen Ferrier prize and the Sir Peter Pears Competition. He has performed various operatic roles for the Edinburgh Festival, Opera 80, the Grand Opera House Belfast, and Scottish Opera Go Round. Was für ein Lied soll dir gesungen; Benedeit die selige Mutter; Ein Ständchen EDWARD MCGUIRE New work Tuesday 20 March 1984 7.30pm Alberni String Quartet Howard Davis, Peter Pople (violins) Roger Best (viola) David Smith (cello). BRITTEN CHRISTOPHER FOX DVORAK Europe, the USA and Australia, as well as throughout the United Kingdom. The Lindsay has made many broadcasts and records, which together with the Quartet's concerts, receive consistently high praise. To quote The Sunday Times 'A Quartet of Masters - their playing made the heart lift'. The Quartet's programme contains two masterpieces by the great Czech composers, Janacek and Dvorak, as well as one of Haydn's finest quartets. Quartet No 1 in D Op 25 Second Quartet Quartet in F Op 96 American The Music Serenade is a chamber ensemble of woodwind and string instrumentalists from the English Northern Philharmonia, the orchestra of Opera North. The group has given many recitals throughout Yorkshire, and has received high praise for both its sensitive and committed playing. The programme for this concert has as its centrepiece Dvorak's great serenade in D minor, one of his most attractive works. In the first half of the concert the Music Serenade will perform two strongly contrasted works: Nielsen's ironic *Serenade in vain' - one of the composer's most humorous pieces, and Krommer's richly inventive nonet, written at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Bryans Evans studied at the Royal College of Music with Kendall Taylor. Whilst at the College he won the Mozart prize, the Chopin prize and all the piano accompaniment and chamber music prizes. He plays frequently in all the major London concert halls as soloist and accompanist, and has made many broadcasts. The Alberni Quartet was formed at the Royal Academy of Music, and was coached in its early years by Sidney Griller. It received great encouragement from Benjamin Britten, who coached it in works both by himself and Shostakovich. Concert tours have taken the Alberni String Quartet to Western Europe, the Far East, Australia and the USA, where it was hailed by The New York Times as 'one of the half dozen finest string quartets in the world'. The Quartet's programme includes two twentieth century works with which it is especially associated, Britten's first quartet and Christopher Fox's Second Quartet which was commissioned by the BMS for the York Festival. The Dvorak American quartet will bring this concert to an exuberant close. Their programme extends from Purcell and the seventeenth century to the present day, and includes songs by masters of the form as varied as Schubert, Dvorak, Wolf and Ravel, and a new work by Edward McGuire, one of Scotland's most accessible younger composers. S

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 41, Page 4

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British Music Society of York Following our enormously successful 1982/83 series of concerts, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our sixty-third season of Chamber Music concerts in York. This year each concert will contain a major work by the great Bohemian composer, Dvorak, whose vast output contains much exceptionally enjoyable music. Among the musicians playing for the Society this season will be two of England's best string quartets: the Lindsay and the Alberni. Both have received the highest praise at home and abroad, and we are delighted to welcome them again to York. I am sure the return of the distinguished French pianist Anne Queffelec will be relished by all who have enjoyed her superlative playing in the past, as well as those who have not yet had the good fortune to hear her. Our programme is completed by recitals from two of Yorkshire's most popular groups, the Leonardo Piano Trio and the Music Serenade, and the outstandingly gifted young baritone Stewart Buchanan. On behalf of my Committee I would like to thank all our members for their splendid support, and look forward to welcoming both them and many new members to the Society during this coming year. The advantages of membership of the Society are numerous, but above all it entitles each member to two free concerts, a saving of one third on the cost of individual tickets. We are most grateful for substantial financial assistance from the National Federation of Music Societies (with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain), the Yorkshire Arts Association, and York City Council. O.S. Tomlinson Chairman British Music Society of York Six Reasons for Subscribing Now Enjoy two concerts free - six concerts for the price of four! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Receive a substantial discount of one third (33%) with each subscription! Make only one booking for the entire season, the easy way at home - no need to wait in queues or telephone for your tickets! A seat is guaranteed for each concert of the series, and you receive your tickets in advance by post! Enjoy the unique opportunity of a balanced series of concerts of the highest standard at the lowest cost! Join a discriminating, friendly and appreciative audience! Membership and Booking Form SEASON TICKET Entitles admission to all six concerts Junior members (under 18 or students) SINGLE TICKETS Junior (under 18 or students) £1.25 Single tickets, subject to availability, may be purchased: 1. By completing the booking form below 2. At the hall on the night of each concert 3. In advance of each concert from Sound Effect, 5b Stonegate, York All concerts take place in Bootham School Hall. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm Parking is available at the hall. Coffee is available during the interval. The Society reserves the right to vary the artists or programmes without notice. £12 You save £6 £6 You save £1.50 £3 For further information please contact: Mr. G.C. Morcom, Hon. Secretary, BMS of York, Vicarage House, Overton, York YO3 6YL. Tel: York 470261. NAME ADDRESS Please send me: SEASON TICKETS Full members @ £12 Junior members @ £6 SINGLE TICKETS (if available) Adult @ £3 Junior @ £1.25 POSTCODE Quantity Date £ TOTAL Cheques payable to 'British Music Society of York' Post this form with payment and SAE to: Mr. J. Briggs, Hon. Treasurer, BMS of York, 24 Elmlands Grove, York YO3 0EE. Р