BMS 3 1 40

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 40

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 40, Page 1

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MEMBERS 6 CONCERTS FOR THE PRICE OF 4 Name Address BOOKING AND MEMBERSHIP Please send me: SEASON TICKETS I wish to join the British Music Society of York. Postcode Full members @ £10 Junior Members @ £5 Single tickets (if available) Adult @£2.50 Junior @ £1 Quantity Recital TOTAL £ Cheques payable to British Music Society of York. POST THIS FORM NOW Send remittance to: Mr. J. Briggs, Hon. Treasurer, B.M.S. of York, 24 Elmlands Grove, YORK YO3 OEE. р BOOKING SEASON TICKET Entititles admission to all six concerts available now see booking form opposite SINGLE TICKETS £2.50 (under 18 or students £1), Concert Hall Footway access to hall Station (BR) There is ample parking space next to the Hall. Full member £10, Junior member £5 (under 18 or students) Bootham School- subject to availability, may be purchased:- The Society reserves the right to vary the artists or programmes without notice. 1. On the booking form opposite. At the hall on the night of each concert. 3. In advance of each concert from Sound Effect, 5b Stonegate, York. Entry to car park via Gillygate and Portman Street. Portland You save £5 You save £1 MONSTER C PETERGATE Innnnnnnnn VEGALE Scarb A64 WALK All concerts at Bootham School Hall. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm. Coffee is available during the interval. For further information, please contact: Mr. G. C. Morcom, Hon. Secretary, B.M.S. of York, Vicarage House, Overton, York YO3 6YL. Tel: York 470261. TWO FREE CONCERTS IF YOU BECOME A MEMBER 6 CONCERTS FOR THE PRICE OF 4 BORTHWICK INSTITUTE *BMS 3/1/40 HISTORICAL OF BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1982/83 SEASON 62nd SEASON OF RECITALS Bootham School Hall, York RESEARCH SPECIAL MEMBERS DISCOUNT 33%3% OFF

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 40, Page 2

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Thursday 7 October 1982 COULL STRING QUARTET HAYDN Quartet in B flat Op 76 No 4 Sunrise SHOSTAKOVICH Quartet No 4 in D Op 83 MENDELSSOHN Quartet in A Op 13 The Coull String Quartet was formed in 1974 at the Royal Academy of Music, where it was coached by Sidney Griller. All four instrumentalists won prizes individually and as a quartet, and on leaving the Academy were given a Leverhulme Chamber Music Award to enable them to continue studying together. In 1977 they were appointed Quartet-in-Residence at the University of Warwick, enabling them to develop a large and varied repertoire. They have played for music societies and at festivals throughout the United Kingdom, France and Holland. During the 1981/82 season the Quartet undertook highly successful tours of Germany and Italy. 7.30 pm The Quartet's programme for this concert contains representative masterpieces from the classical, romantic and contemporary repertoire. The fourth quartet of Shostakovich is a work of great lyricism, complementing the vigour of Haydn's Sunrise quartet. This concert also offers a rare opportunity to hear Mendelssohn's scintillating early quartet in A, Op 13, generally considered to be one of his finest chamber works. Thursday 11 November 1982 WOLFGANG MANZ piano HAYDN Variations in A minor BEETHOVEN Sonata in E flat Op 81a Les Adieux 7.30 pm MENDELSSOHN Fantasy in F sharp minor KLEMENT SLAVICKY 3 pieces for piano (1950) SCHUMANN Carnaval This concert is made possible with financial assistance from the Goethe Institute. Wolfgang Manz was born in Dusseldorf in 1960 and began playing the piano at the age of six. He has studied composition as well as piano in both Czechoslovakia and Germany. prize in the Mendelssohn competition in Berlin, and BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1982/83 SEASON Bootham School Hall, York 62nd SEASON OF RECITALS Thursday 13 January 1983 HAMISH MILNE piano MENDELSSOHN Prelude and Fugue in F Minor Op 35 No 5 HAYDN Sonata in A Hob XVI/26 BEETHOVEN Fifteen Variations and Fugue on a theme from Prometheus Op 35 MEDTNER Four Skazki (Fairy Tales) LISZT Sposalizio; Rhapsodie Espagnole One of Great Britain's most distinguished pianists, Hamish Milne studied with the late Harold Craxton in London, and with Guido Agosti in Rome. A winner of both the Alfredo Casella piano competition and the Harriet Cohen Commonwealth Medal, he was elected Collard Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Musicians in 1977. 7.30 pm Thursday 3 February 1983 CAROLINE DALE cello He broadcasts frequently for the BBC and his gramophone recordings of music by Chopin, Medtner and Liszt have been exceptionally well received. To quote from The Guardian 'Here is a really big personality who not only relishes his dazzling virtuosity but immediately focuses the poetry of any piece.' For this recital Hamish Milne's programme covers a wide range of works for piano, from Haydn's elegant sonata in A to Medtner's fantastic fairy tales, by way of Beethoven's Prometheus variations and Liszt's virtuoso Spanish Rhapsody. VIVALDI Sonata No 5 in E minor BEETHOVEN Sonata No 3 in A Op 69 זרח זתחנת Capricorn Hamish Milne 7.30 pm Coull String Quartet Wolfgang Manz Caroline Dale

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 40, Page 3

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He has studied composition as well as piano in both Czechoslovakia and Germany. prize in the Mendelssohn competition in Berlin, and second prize at the 1981 Leeds International Piano Competition. As well as giving many recitals and broadcasts in Germany, he has performed in Milan, Prague and London with great success. To quote some recent press reviews: "An unsurpassed degree of imaginatively intelligent musicianship' The Times; 'His searching musicianship was as imaginative as his scintillating pianism' The Daily Telegraph; 'An exceptional talent' The Guardian. Wolfgang Manz's programme balances two great masterpieces for the piano, Beethoven's Les Adieux sonata and Schumann's Carnival, with shorter works by Haydn, Mendelssohn, and the contemporary Czech composer Slavicky, whose music is both intense and lyrical. Tuesday 7 December 1982 CAPRICORN Elizabeth Perry violin Simon Rowland-Jones viola Timothy Mason cello 7.30 pm Barry Guy double bass Julian Dawson-Lyell piano MENDELSSOHN Piano Trio in D minor Op 49 DVORAK Piano Quartet in E flat Op 87 SCHUBERT Piano Quintet in A D 667 The Trout Capricorn was formed in 1973 and received outstanding critical acclaim for its London debut, since when the group has established itself in the forefront of younger British chamber ensembles. It is particularly well-known for its deeply committed playing of a wide repertoire of music from the classics to today's avant- garde. In 1975 Capricorn was a prizewinner in the Gaudeamus International Competition in Rotterdam. The group has commissioned many new works and, in addition to its busy concert schedule, broadcasts frequently at home and abroad. Recent performances at the Bath and Edinburgh Festivals have been particularly praised. Capricorn's programme contains three great works from the nineteenth century repertoire of chamber music. Most well-known and popular is undoubtedly Schubert's effervescent Trout quintet, but equally enjoyable are Mendelssohn's D minor Trio with its elegiac slow movement, and Dvorak's Piano Quartet, alive with Czech energy. VIVALDI Sonata No 5 in E minor BEETHOVEN Sonata No 3 in A Op 69 MENDELSSOHN Variations Concertantes Op 17 BRAHMS Sonata No 2 in F Op 99 Since winning the String Section of the first BBC TV 'Young Musician of the Year' competition at the age of thirteen, Caroline Dale has appeared with great success at the Royal Festival Hall and the Purcell Room on the South Bank, and at the Harrogate, Newcastle and Cambridge Festivals. Currently a scholar at the Royal Academy of Music, where she studies with the distinguished cellist Florence Hooton, Caroline Dale has also recently won the Julius Isserlis Scholarship for two year's study abroad, and is a pupil of Pierre Fournier in Geneva. Keith Swallow is one of the North's busiest and most versatile musicians; he is much in demand as an accompanist, chamber music player and soloist. He performs regularly throughout Britain, France and Germany, and broadcasts frequently. Two highlights of Caroline Dale's concert will be her performance of Mendelssohn's brilliant Variations Concertantes, and of the Brahms second sonata. Her playing of the latter work recently in London was hailed by The Times as 'a performance of quite remarkable interpretative maturity'. Thursday 17 March 1983 ENDELLION STRING QUARTET HAYDN Quartet in C Op 74 No 1 BRITTEN Quartet No 2 in C Op 36 MENDELSSOHN Quartet in E minor Op 44 No 2 7.30 pm Soon after its formation in 1979 the Endellion String Quartet was a finalist in the Portsmouth International String Quartet Competition. This initial success was followed by winning the 'Young Concert Artists' Audition in New York in 1981. An international career for the quartet has rapidly followed, taking it to France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland as well as to the USA, South America and Australasia. The centrepiece of the Quartet's programme, Benjamin Britten's second quartet of 1945, is one of the composer's most interesting works, written just after the completion of his opera Peter Grimes. Matching this major twentieth century English work is Mendelssohn's E minor quartet, a large-scale and powerfully wrought piece which will be a fitting conclusion to the Society's survey of Mendelssohn's chamber music. Endellion String Quartet MEMBERSHIP see booking form SEASON TICKET Entititles admission to all six concerts Full member £10 Junior member (under 18 or students) £5 General SINGLE TICKETS £2.50 (under 18 or students £1), subject to availability, may be purchased:- 1. On the booking form opposite. 2. At the hall on the night of each concert. 3. In advance of each concert from Sound Effect, 5b Stonegate, York. You save £5 £1 All concerts at Bootham School Hall. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm. There is ample parking space next to the Hall. Entry to car park via Gillygate and Portman Street. Coffee is available during the interval. The Society reserves the right to vary the artists or programmes without notice. For further information, please contact: Mr. G. C. Morcom, Hon. Secretary, B.M.S. of York, Vicarage House, Overton, York YO3 6YL. Tel: York 470261.

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 40, Page 4

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JOIN US... BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK A Unique Opportunity BAS YORK For our 62nd season I am delighted to introduce an exceptional series of concerts given by some of the most outstanding young musicians currently active in both this country and abroad. The two string quartets playing for the Society-the Coull and the Endellion -have over the last few years established an enviable reputation for their musicianship and breadth of repertoire, as have the instrumental group Capricorn. Together these ensembles now stand at the forefront of British musical life. In the solo field the pianists Wolfgang Manz and Hamish Milne, and the young cellist Caroline Dale, are all on the threshold of international careers, each having won major competitions throughout Europe. This season we have featured the music of Mendelsson, one of the finest of nineteenth century composers. Listening to such magnificent works as the String Quartets in E minor and A, and the Fantasy in F sharp minor for piano, we shall be able to appreciate to the full the genius of this great composer. On behalf of my committee, I would like to thank all our members for their splendid support, and look forward to welcoming them and many new members to our 1982/83 season. The advantages of membership of the Society are numerous, but above all it entitles each member to two free concerts, a saving of one-third on the cost of individual tickets. My committee is grateful for substantial financial assistance from the National Federation of Music Societies (with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain) and the York District Council, to the Goethe Institute for its generous support of Wofgang Manz's recital and to the Yorkshire Arts Association for a marketing award. Richard Crossley Chairman, British Music Society of York HERE ARE 6 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD … 1 2 3 4 Receive a massive one-third discount - (33½%) – on the cost of all the Society's six concerts. Gain 2 free concerts - 6 for the price of 4. 5 Make only one booking for the entire season, the easy way, at home - no need to wait in queues or telephone for your tickets. 6 Have the guarantee of a ticket for each concert. Enjoy the unique opportunity of a balanced series of concerts of high standard at low cost. Join a discriminating, friendly and appreciative audience. TO BE SURE OF TICKETS FOR THIS AND FUTURE SEASONS, RETURN THIS BOOKING FORM TODAY.