BMS 3 1 37

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 1

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BMS 5/1/37 (1) MOITIDO2a02 British Music Society of York 59th SEASON 1979-80 98 hoooo) (GUT ainsbu2 od 30 g President: Dr. F. A. JACKSON Vice-Presidents: Miss I. ANTHONY Miss L. J. WHITWORTH Committee: Chairman: Mr. A. AINSWORTH Vice-Chairman: Miss M. OLIVER Mrs. S. E. Bedford Mrs. S. Wright Mrs. J. Robinson Mr. J. Hastie on Mr. J. Cooper Mr. R. Silver Rev. D. Hill Mr. N. Dick Dr. M. Davies Mr. P. C. Fox Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Mr. J. PETRIE, 17 Bramley Garth, Appletree Village, York M 2012 Hon. Secretary: Mr. G. C. MORCOM,... The Old Vicarage, Overton, York Hon. Programme Secretary: Mr. F. R. Fox, 1 St. Saviourgate, York Hon. Auditor : D. E. WINTERBOTTOM, J.P., F.C.A., Skelton Croft, Skelton, York 190000.0 4.0 The National Federation of Music Societies to which the Society is affiliated gives support towards the cost of these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. The Society also receives support from the Yorkshire Arts Association and York District Council.

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 2

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SUBSCRIPTIONS Full Members £5.00 Junior Members (under 18) and Students £2.50 All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of £1.35 per seat per concert (Junior Members (under 18) and Students 70p). Tickets for individual concerts are available from "Sound Effects", Davygate Centre, York, or at the Hall on the night of the concert. Seats are not normally reserved, the only reservations being for officials of the Society on duty, Press Reporters, and for mem- bers of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Doors will be open at 7-00 for 7-30 p.m. Cars should not be brought into the Museum Gardens except in special cases by arrangement with the Secretary. Parking facili- ties, are however, available in Marygate. Subscriptions are now due and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer in the enclosed envelope which does not require a stamp. Existing members will find their tickets enclosed with this brochure. Tickets for new members will be sent to them on receipt of their subscriptions. The Society reserves the right to vary the programme without notice. BENEFACTORS OF THE SOCIETY Mr. N. J. Dick Mr. F. R. Fox PATRONS OF THE Miss B.I. Anthony Miss O. Atkin Miss I. Beaumont Mrs. F. H. Bell Dr. D. A. C. Blunt Mrs. D. B. Blunt Mr. H. E. Bonsall Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Brassey Mr. & Mrs. J. Briggs Miss A. H. Briggs Mr. A. Brodie Mr. K.S. Cansdale Miss T. Carcaud Mr. C. Carter Miss M. H. Charles Dr. P. G. Coomer Mr. A.J. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. J. A. M. Cooper Dr. R. J. S. Crossley Miss M. Crummack Mr. G. R. Drake Mrs. M. C. Fenton Mr. J. Fleetwood Mr. F. D. Forth Mr. & Mrs. A. T. C. Fox Mr. G. C. Morcom SOCIETY Mrs. J. Gardiner Mrs. N. E. Gilderdale Mr. L. J. Goldsworthy Rev. D. J. Hill Rev. Canon R. A. Hockley Miss A. Hodgson Mr. F. Hughes Major A. W. Ison Mr. G. W. Johnson Mr. J. C. Joslin Mrs. C. I. D. Lawson Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Legg Dr. M. J. Lowe Mr. W. N. Lumley Mrs. J. W. Lyons Miss N. A. Macfarlane Rev. A. J. McMullen Miss M. Monkley Mr. I. R. Pattison Mrs. D. M. Petty Miss H. C. Randall Miss F. M. Richardson Mr. D. S. Rymer Mrs. W. K. Sessions Mr. R. S. D. Silver Mrs. E.C. Simmonds Miss E. A. Smith Mr. R. M. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. G. Stevens Mrs. D. E. C. Sykes Mrs. I. Sykes Mrs. P. N. Turner Mr. H. C. Vaughan Mr. R. B. Walker Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Ward Miss O. Watson Mr. R. S. Forsyth Wharton Miss L. J. Whitworth Mr. H. A. Winterbottom Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Wilby Mrs. J. Williams Mr. C. E. Wragg Miss H. Wright F. J. H. Wrothwell Ltd. Mr. J. W. Yates Mr. D. P. Yates Dr. J. C. M. Yuill T P Pa th rel WI Ye AT an At Fa No So Est Pia Pre The

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 3

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Thursday, 25th October, 1979 PAUL COKER (Piano) Paul Coker, who visited us in February when York was suffering the worst weather of a very bad winter, now makes a welcome return, thus enabling more members to hear him. He was joint winner of the Piano Section of the BBC Young Musician of the Year Competition in 1977 and Prize Winner of the 1978 NFMS Award for Young Concert Artists. and Prize Winner of the 1978 NFMS Award for Young Concert Artists. PROGRAMME Fantasie in F minor, op. 49 Nocturne in C-sharp minor, op. 27 No. 1 Sonata in B-flat, op. 22 Allegro con brio Adagio con molta espressione Menuetto Rondo Estampes - INTERVAL Piano Sonata No. 3 in A minor Prelude and Nocturne for Left Hand, op. 9 Three Preludes ASS Rebaud - Op. 32 No. 5 in G Op. 23 No. 6 in E-flat wizzlsh Op. 23 No. 5 in G minor Chopin Chopin Beethoven Pagodes (Moderement anime) La soiree dans Grenade (Mouvement de Habanera) Jardins sous la pluie (Net et vif) Debussy Prokofiev Scriabin Rachmaninov

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 4

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Thursday, 22nd November, 1979 STEVEN ISSERLIS ('Cello) PETER EVANS (Piano) Steven Isserlis was born in London in 1958. He studied the 'cello there and in the United States. He has received a number of Scholarships and Awards culminating in the Greater London Arts Association nominating him as one of their young musicians of 1979. His considerable recent concert tour has included an appearance at the Harrogate Festival. Peter Evans won a musical scholarship to Edinburgh University, where he was awarded the faculty's Tovey Prize for instrumental performance. He has given many solo and concerto performances including frequent BBC Radio broadcasts. His London South Bank debut in November, 1978, was made with Steven Isserlis. PROGRAMME Sonata No. 2 in G minor, op. 5 No. 2 Adagio sostenuto ed espressivo Allegro molto piu tosto presto Rondo Sonata in D minor - INTERVAL "The Fall of the Leaf" (for solo 'cello) Sonata No. 2 in D, op. 58 Beethoven Debussy Imogen Holst Mendelssohn

5 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 5

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Thursday, 6th December, 1979 at AS abend SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY PIANO TRIO ROSEMARY FURNISS (Violin) COLIN CARR ('Cello) PETER HILL (Piano) with COLIN LAWSON (Clarinet) lot The Trio was formed in 1978 to replace the Lindsay Quartet as artists in residence at Sheffield University. The violinist and 'cellist are former students of the Yehudi Menuhin School. Rose- mary Furniss made her Festival Hall debut in 1978 playing the Tchaikovsky Concerto. Colin Carr last year gave several per- formances of the Elgar 'Cello Concerto with the Halle Orchestra. Peter Hill, former pupil of Cyril Smith, has won major prizes at the Royal College of Music. He has since been awarded first prize at Darmstadt for his performance of music by Stockhausen and Cage. He is also a frequent broadcaster. Colin Lawson was a member of the National Youth Orchestra and was awarded the Arthur Bulgin medal in 1968. He read music at Oxford and studied the clarinet with Thea King. PROGRAMME Trio in D, op. 71 No. 1 (The Ghost) Allegro vivace con brio Largo assai ed esprissivo Presto Drei Phantasiestucke, op. 73 Zart und mit Ausdruch Lebhaft Rasch und mit feuer INTERVAL HOIM 4. Intermède 5. Louange a l'Eternite de Jesus 6. 7. 8. Beethoven oigsb Schumann Quatuor pour la fin du temps i 1. Liturgie de cristal 2. Vocalise, pour l'Ange qui annonce la fin du temps 3. Abîme des oiseaux Messiaen Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes Fouillis d'arcs-en ciel, pour l'Ange qui annonce le fin du Temps Louange a l'Immortalité de Jesus

6 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 6

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Thursday, 24th January, 1980 BOCHMANN STRING QUARTET MICHAEL BOCHMANN (Violin) DAVID ANGEL (Violin) GUSTAV CLARKSON (Viola) SEBASTIAN COMBERTI ('Cello) The Bochmann String Quartet was formed in 1976, under the guidance of Sidney Griller at the Royal Academy of Music. The Quartet has played in many parts of Britain. Its London appear- ances include concerts in the Purcell Room, Wigmore Hall, Con- way Hall and Bishopsgate Institute. In 1977 it shared first place in the EMI Sutton Prize. Abroad it has also played in Hanover and Antwerp, where the performances were broadcast on North German Television and Belgian Radio. PROGRAMME Quartet in B flat, op. 76 No. 4 "Sunrise" Allegro con spirito Adagio Menuetto: Allegro Finale: Allegro ma non troppo Quartet No. 2, op. 17 Moderato soras Allegro molto capriccioso Lento - INTERVAL Quartet plusoron Assez vif Tres lent Vif et agite sb billet Allegro moderato Haydn Bartok Ravel

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Thursday, 14th February, 1980 DAVID JOHNSTONE (Tenor) DAVID BOWMAN (Piano) David Johnstone studied with the late Eric Greene and subse- quently with Alexander Young. He has given many oratorio per- formances in this country and on the continent. He has also sung with the Kent Opera, at the Glyndebourne Festival, the Welsh National Opera, and has made cordings of English Song. He is vocal tutor at Christ Church, Oxford, and Professor of Singing at the Royal College of Music. His accompanist, David Bowman, is well known to York music lovers, particularly in connection with his association with Ampleforth College. PROGRAMME Sail upon the dog-star Music for a while The earth trembled Man is for the woman made Dichterliebe Three Petrarch Sonnets INTERVAL Phidylé Le Manoir de Rosamunde L'Invitation au voyage Serenade (Fair Maid of Perth) A Tenor all singers above Come into the garden Maude The Holy Sonnets of John Donne Purcell Schumann Liszt Duparc Binin Bizet Sullivan Balfe Britten

8 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 8

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Thursday, 13th March, 1980 inundo' diyabend T (ToneT) MOT2/HOL CIVACI FITZWILLIAM STRING QUARTET AMWOX GIVAC CHRISTOPHER ROWLAND (Violin) JONATHAN SPAREY (Violin) buja onojendol bivec ALAN GEORGE (Viola)) szolA diw vlasup gau IOAN DAVIES ('Cello) Bos dale with ALAN SCHILLER (Piano) gaibroost obain and basso Ismoi The artists for the final concert of our season need no introduc- tion to the BMS audience since the Fitzwilliam Quartet has been for some time Quartet residents at York University. They have a distinguished musical record at the University, throughout the country, abroad as well as on gramophone records. They have been particularly distinguished by their association with Shosto- kovich. Alan Schiller likewise is no stranger to the BMS since he has made several appearances at our concerts, the last occasion being with the Alberni String Quartet. PROGRAMME-20) noqu list Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, K. 478 Allegro Andante Rondo Allegro "Voces Intimae" Quartet in D minor 56 Andante Allegro molto moderato Vivace Adagio di molto Allegretto oqu Allegro - piu Allegro INTERVAL Piano Quintet ravill. Allegro brilliante In modo d'una Marcia Scherzo - molto vivace Allegro, ma non troppo Mozart Sibelius Schumann svoda s19gaie Ils sbus nobing od ožni smo

9 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 9

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THE SOCIETY arranges a monthly series of pro- fessional Chamber Concerts and Recitals each winter. It is affiliated to the National Federation of Music Societies, which gives support towards the cost of concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. The Society also receives support from the Yorkshire Arts Association and York District Council. MEMBERSHIP. Members receive a ticket for the season's series of concerts. The Society's continued success is dependent on a flourishing membership, and new members are welcome. Subscriptions Full Members £5.00, Junior Members (under 18 and Students) £2.50. Further details are available from the Secretary (see below). TICKETS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONCERTS. Non-members are welcome at all concerts. Tickets are available from "Sound Effect", Davygate Arcade, York, in advance, or at the hall on the night of the concert. Price £1.35 (under 18 or Students 70p). MAILING LIST. If you would like to be included please contact the Secretary (see below). CONCERTS are all held at the Tempest Ander- son Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York. Doors are open at 7-00 for 7-30 p.m. PARKING facilities are available in Marygate (the Marygate entrance to the Museum Gardens is open for concerts). HON. SECRETARY: G. C. Morcom, The Old Vicarage, Overton, York, YO3 6YL Telephone : Beningbrough 261. BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK Concerts 1979-80 SEASON INSTITUTE SURTAWION GMS 3/1/37 (2) HISTORICAL OF RESEARCH TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL MUSEUM GARDENS, YORK

10 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 37, Page 10

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Ocr'd Text:
BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 59th SEASON 1979-80 Thursday, 25th October, 1979- PAUL COKER (Piano) Thursday, 22nd November, 1979- STEVEN ISSERLIS ('Cello) PETER EVANS (Piano) Thursday, 6th December, 1979- SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY PIANO TRIO Thursday, 24th January, 1980- BOCHMANN STRING QUARTET Thursday, 14th February, 1980- DAVID JOHNSTONE (Tenor) DAVID BOWMAN (Piano) Thursday, 13th March, 1980- FITZWILLIAM STRING QUARTET (O) TIHOS NVTV Chopin: Fantasie in F minor, op. 49 Chopin: Nocturne in C-sharp minor, op. 27 No. 1 Beethoven: Sonata in B-flat, op. 22 Debussy: Estampes Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No. 3 in A minor Scriabin: Prelude & Nocturne for Left Hand, op. 9 Rachmaninov: Three Preludes Beethoven: Sonata No. 2 in G minor, op. 5 No. 2 Debussy: Sonata in D minor Imogen Holst: "The Fall of the Leaf' Mendelssohn: Sonata No. 2 in D, op. 58 Beethoven: Trio in D, op. 71 No. 1 (The Ghost) Schumann: Drei Phantasiestucke, op. 73 Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps Haydn: Quartet in B flat, op. 76 No. 4 'Sunrise' Bartok: Quartet, No. 2 op. 17 Ravel: Quartet Works by Purcell, Schumann, Liszt, Duparc, Bizet, Sullivan, Balfe, Britten Mozart: Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, K.478 Sibelius: 'Voces Intimae' Quartet in D minor 56 Schumann: Piano Quintet The Society reserves the right to vary the programme without notice