BMS 3 1 34

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 34

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 34, Page 1

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 56th SEASON 1976-77 President: Dr. F. A. JACKSON Vice Presidents : Miss I. ANTHONY Miss L. J. WHITWORTH Committee Chairman: Dr. R. J. S. CROSSLEY Vice-Chairman: Mr. E. G. TWIGG Mrs. J. Gardiner Miss M. Oliver Miss F. M. Richardson Miss L. B. Ritchie Mr. A. Ainsworth Mr. D. S. Rymer Mr. G. Stevens Mr. K. Pemberton Mr. J. A. Hastie Mr. C. E. Wragg Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Mr. J. PETRIE, 17 Bramley Garth, Appletree Village, York Hon. Secretary: Mr. G. C. MORCOM, The Old Vicarage, Overton, York Hon. Programme Secretary: Mr. F. R. FOX, 1 St. Saviourgate, York Hon. Auditor: D. E. WINTERBOTTOM, J.P., F.C.A., Skelton Croft, Skelton, York The National Federation of Music Societies, to which the Society is affiliated, gives support towards the cost of these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. The Society also receives support from Sheffield University, the Yorkshire Arts Association and York District Council.

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SUBSCRIPTIONS Full Members £3.75 Junior Members (under 18) and Students £1.85 All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of 85p per seat per Concert (Junior Members (under 18) and Students 40p). There is no booking of seats before Concerts, the only reser- vations being for Officials of the Society on duty, Press Reporters, and for members of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Doors will be open at 7-00 for 7-30 p.m. Cars should not be brought into the Museum Gardens except in special cases by arrangement with the Secretary. Parking facili- ties are, however, available in Marygate. Subscriptions are now due and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer in the enclosed envelope which does not require a stamp. Existing members will find their tickets enclosed with this brochure. Tickets for new members will be sent to them on receipt of their subscriptions. The Society reserves the right to vary the programme without notice.

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PATRONS OF THE SOCIETY Lady J. M. Worsley Miss O. Atkin Miss I. Beaumont Mrs. F. H. Bell Mrs. D. Bisatt Mr. D. A. C. Blunt Mr. H. E. Bonsall Mr. J. Briggs Miss A. H. Briggs Mr. A. Brodie Mr. K. S. Cansdale Miss M. H. Charles Mr. A. J. Cooper Mr. N. J. Dick Mr. G. R. Drake Mrs. M. F. Edmond Mr. J. Fleetwood Mr. F. R. Fox Mr. L. J. Goldsworthy Rev. D. Hill Miss A. Hodgson Mr. F. Hughes Major & Mrs. A. W. Ison Dr. Francis Jackson Mr. J. C. Joslin Mrs. C. I. D. Lawson Mr. F. H. Legg Dr. M. J. Lowe Mr. W. N. Lumley Mrs. J. W. Lyons Miss N. A. Macfarlane Mrs. G. Maynard Mr. H. R. V. Meakin Miss M. Monkley Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Morcom Mrs. H. G. Morcom Mr. I. R. Pattison Miss H. C. Randall Miss F. M. Richardson Miss L. B. Ritchie Miss F. S. Rowntree Mr. W. K. Sessions Mrs. E. C. Simmonds Mr. R. M. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. G. Stevens Dr. G. A. C. Summers Mr. P. N. Turner Miss J. Valentine Mr. H. C. Vaughan Mr. R. B. Walker Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Ward Miss L. J. Whitworth Mr. H. L. Wilby Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Winterbottom Mr. C. E. Wragg Miss H. Wright F. J. W. Wrothwell Ltd. Mr. J. W. Yates Mr. D. P. Yates Dr. J. C. M. Yuill

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Thursday, 14th October, 1976 RICHARD MARKHAM (Piano) Though Mr. Markham has established already a considerable reputation both here and abroad, it is his first visit to the Society. He was born in 1952 and won an open scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music. Subsequently he was a prizewinner in the Geneva International Competition and won scholarships from the Countess of Munster Musical Trust and the Gulbenkian Foundation. He has made a considerable number of broadcasts for the B.B.C. and his London debut in 1974 was at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Sonata in E minor Op. 90 PROGRAMME Mit Lebhaftigkeit und durchaus mit Empfindung und Ausdruck Nicht zu geschwind und sehr singbar vorgetragen Waldszenen (Forest Scenes) Op. 82 Entering the forest Hunter on the look-out Solitary flowers Haunted spot Pleasant scenery At the Inn The prophet bird Hunting song Farewell to the forest Six Study-Variations Op. 56 Four Spanish pieces Aragonesa Cubana Montañesa Andaluza Estampes INTERVAL Pagodes La Soirée dans Grenade ✓ Jardins sous la pluie Beethoven Ballade in G minor Op. 23 Schumann Kenneth Leighton Falla Debussy Chopin

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Thursday, 4th November, 1976 THE AMPHION WIND QUINTET DAVID NICHOLSON (Flute) ROBIN MILLER (Oboe) JANET HILTON (Clarinet) MELVILLE JEROME (Bassoon) CHRISTOPHER GRIFFITHS (Horn) with KEITH SWALLOW (Piano) This Wind Quintet is formed from the principal wind players of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. Janet Hilton will be well known to the Society's audience, having visited us in previous seasons. The Quintet was reconstituted recently and this season is giving a series of Concerts with the support of the Yorkshire Arts Association, concentrating on the inclusion in their programmes of works by contemporary composers. In the case of our Pro- gramme the two British and one American 20th century composers are well known to all music lovers. PROGRAMME Quintet for Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn and Piano Mozart (1784) K.V. No. 452 Largo, Allegro, Moderato Langletto Rondo Allegretto Wind Quintet Notturno No. 1, Molto lento Molto vivace Notturno No. 2, Lento Variations Summer Music for Wind Quintet Op. 31. INTERVAL Six Metamorphoses after Ovid, Op. 49 Pan Phaeton Niobe - Richard Rodney Bennett Bacchus Narcissus Arethusa Samuel Barber Benjamin Britten Quintet for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn and Piano Allegro con brio Andante Rondo Rimsky-Korsakoff

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Thursday, 9th December, 1976 THE ALBERNI STRING QUARTET HOWARD DAVIS (Volin) PETER POPLE (Violin) BERIAN EVANS (Viola) DAVID SMITH ('Cello) with ROGER BEST (Viola) The Alberni String Quartet is very well known to the Society's members. They have visited us on previous occasions and were, of course, here during the Festival for one of the Saturday morn- ing Concerts. Their recent tours of Australia and New Zealand and their fine recordings have brought them wide international fame. On this occasion they are joined by the distinguished Viola player, Roger Best, so that the Society may have the opportunity to hear two fine Viola Quintets not represented in the Society's Pro- grammes for very many years. Quartet in D Op. 64 No. 5 Allegro Moderato Adagio Cantabile Menuetto Allegretto Finale Vivace PROGRAMME Quintet in G minor K. 516 Allegro Menuetto Allegretto Adagio ma non Troppo Adagio Allegro - Quintet in C Op. 29 INTERVAL Allegro moderato Adagio molto espressivo Scherzo Allegro Presto - Haydn Mozart Beethoven

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Thursday, 13th January, 1977 KATHLEEN LIVINGSTONE (Soprano) with SIMON NICHOLLS (Piano) and DAVID CAMPBELL (Clarinet) Kathleen Livingstone started her musical career as a Pianist and it was not until she commenced her studies at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music that she embarked on a singing career. She was the first woman graduate to obtain a Diploma in Musical Education with Honours and in her final year won several prizes. In 1975 she was the winner of the National Federation of Music Societies' Award and also a finalist in the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial Competition. Since then she has had a distinguished record of Concert appearances. Kathleen Livingstone is married to the tenor Neil Mackie. She is joined on this occasion by her accompanist, Simon Nicholls. We are fortunate also to have with her David Campbell to enable the Society to hear the Schubert song "Shepherd on the Rock". PROGRAMME I attempt from love's sickness Music for a while Fairest Isle Chi sa, chi sa, quai sia K. 582 Ridente la calma Nacht und Traüme Gretchen am Spinnrade Der Hirt auf dem Felsen (with Clarinet) Proses Lyriques De Rêve De Grève De Fleurs De Soir Après un rêve Chanson d'amour El mirar de la maja El majo discreto INTERVAL Now sleeps the crimson petal The Fuschia Tree Love's Philosophy Purcell Mozart Schubert Debussy Fauré Granados Roger Quilter

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Thursday, 17th February, 1977 THE CHILINGIRIAN QUARTET LEVON CHILINGIRIAN (Violin) MARK BUTLER (Violin) SIMON ROWLAND-JONES (Viola) PHILIP DE GROOTE ('Cello) with JANE MANNING (Soprano) This is the first time that the Society has taken one of the Arts Council of Great Britain's Contemporary Music Network Concerts. It is hoped that members will find this an attractive opportunity to hear music of the highest quality not normally included in our Programme. The Chilingirian Quartet is well known to B.B.C. listeners and has been resident Quartet at Liverpool for some time. Jane Manning is extremely well known to York listeners, having delighted us with her very fine singing on many occasions. She was a visitor to the York Festival last year. Quartet No. 2 Quartet No. 2 in F minor Op. 10 (with Soprano) Mässig sehr rasch Litanei: langsam Entrückung sehr langsam Quartet No. 1 PROGRAMME - INTERVAL Allegro Lento cantabile Allegro assai Hugh Wood Arnold Schoenberg - Michael Tippet

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Thursday, 17th March, 1977 THE LINDSAY STRING QUARTET PETER CROPPER (Violin) RONALD BIRKS (Violin) ROGER BIGLEY (Viola) BERNARD GREGOR-SMITH ('Cello) with DOUGLAS CUMMINGS ('Cello) This Concert represents the third of our 'Quartet Plus' series. The addition in this case to the Lindsay String Quartet, who have played for the Society on several previous occasions and who are now the resident Quartet at Sheffield University, is the distin- guished 'cellist Douglas Cummings. PROGRAMME Quartet Op. 77 No. 1 Allegro moderato Adagio Menuetto Preso Finale: Vivace Quartet No. 6 Op. 101 Allegretto Moderato con moto Lento Lento Allegretto Quintet Op 163 INTERVAL Allegro ma non troppo Adagio Scherzo Presto Allegretto - Haydn Shostakovich Schubert

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Thursday, 31st March, 1977 VIRGINIA BLACK (Harpsichord) Virginia Black's last visit to York was with her husband, Howard Davis, the leader of the Alberni Quartet, when they played a duo Concert for the Society. She studied at the Royal Academy of Music, with George Malcolm and Geraint Jones, where she won a number of prizes, a scholar- ship and diploma. She gave her first recital at the Wigmore Hall in 1965, and has since appeared many times in London and other parts of the country. She has given broadcasts and has appeared on Television. Her Harpsichord is a modern copy of an 18th century instrument. Partita No. 2 in C minor English Group Tell me Daphne Robin Pavana Nancie Pieces de Clavecin PROGRAMME Les Tourbillons La Poule Les Tendres Plaintes Les Trois Mains Les Cyclopes Three Bagatelles Sonata in F minor Spanish Group Four Sonatas INTERVAL Three Sonatas Sonata in D major Bach Giles Farnaby John Munday Orlando Gibbons Thomas Morley Rameau Anthony Hedges Jose Galles Antonio Soler Mateo Albeniz Domenico Scarlatti

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Printed at the office of Woodcock & Pearson. York INSTITUTE BURTHWICK *BMS 3/1/34 (1) OF HISTORICAL ESEARCH

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British Music Society of York 56th SEASON 1976-77 THURSDAY, 14th OCTOBER, 1976 RICHARD MARKHAM (Piano) Works by Beethoven, Schumann, Leighton, Debussy and others THURSDAY, 4th NOVEMBER, 1976 THE AMPHION WIND QUINTET with KEITH SWALLOW (Piano) Works by Mozart, Barber, Rimsky-Korsakoff and others THURSDAY, 9th DECEMBER, 1976 THE ALBERNI STRING QUARTET with ROGER BEST (Viola) Works by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven THURSDAY, 13th JANUARY, 1977 KATHLEEN LIVINGSTONE (Soprano) with SIMON NICHOLLS (Piano) and DAVID CAMPBELL (Clarinet) THURSDAY, 17th FEBRUARY, 1977 THE CHILINGIRIAN QUARTET with JANE MANNING (Soprano) Works by Schoenberg, Wood and Tippett THURSDAY, 17th MARCH, 1977 THE LINDSAY STRING QUARTET with DOUGLAS CUMMINGS ('Cello) Works by Haydn, Shostakovich and Schubert THURSDAY, 31st MARCH, 1977 VIRGINIA BLACK (Harpsichord) Works by Bach, Rameau, Hedges, Scarlatti and others All Concerts will take place at the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL, YORKSHIRE MUSEUM, MUSEUM GARDENS, YORK commencing at 7-30 p.m. Concerts are open to members on payment of subscription of £3.75 (Junior members under 18 and Students £1.85) or to non-members on payment of 85p per seat per concert (under 18 - 40p). Further details may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, G. C. Morcom, The Old Vicarage, Overton, York, Telephone: Beningbrough 261, or from the Honorary Treasurer, J. Briggs, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York.

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