BMS 3 1 33

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 33

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 33, Page 1

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 55th SEASON 1975-76 President: Dr. F. A. JACKSON Vice-Presidents: Miss I. ANTHONY Miss L. J. WHITWORTH Committee: Chairman: Mr. N. J. DICK Vice Chairman: Dr. R. J. S. Miss J. Pearson Mr. D. L. Blake Mr. D. S. Rymer Mr. G. Stevens Mrs. J. Gardiner Miss L. J. Whitworth Miss F. M. Richardson CROSSLEY Mr. K. Pemberton Mr. E. G. Twigg Mr. C. E. Wragg Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Mr. J. PETRIE, 17 Bramley Garth, Appletree Village, York Hon. Secretary: Mr. G. C. MORCOM, The Old Vicarage, Overton, York Hon. Programme Secretary: Mr. F. R. FOX, 1 St. Saviourgate, York Hon. Auditor: D. E. WINTERBOTTOM, J.P., F.C.A., 7 Moorlands Road, Skelton, York The National Federation of Music Societies, to which the Society is affiliated, gives support towards the cost of these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. The Society also receives support from the Yorkshire Arts Association and York District Council.

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SUBSCRIPTIONS Full Members £3.30 Junior Members (under 18) and Students £1.65 All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of 85p per seat per Concert (Junior Members (under 18) and Students 40p). There is no booking of seats before Concerts, the only reser- vations being for Officials of the Society on duty, Press Reporters, and for members of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Doors will open at 7-00 for 7-30 p.m. Cars should not be brought into the Museum Gardens except in special cases by arrangement with the Secretary. Parking facili- ties are, however, available in Marygate. Subscriptions are now due and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer in the enclosed envelope which does not require a stamp. Existing members will find their tickets enclosed with this brochure. Tickets for new members will be sent to them on receipt of their subscriptions. The Society reserves the right to vary the programme without notice.

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PATRONS OF THE SOCIETY Dr. Francis Jackson Mr. J. C. Joslin Mrs. U. M. Kipling Miss A. W. Knight Mr. F. H. Legg Dr. L. J. Letty Dr. M. J. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. R. Luckham Mr. W. N. Lumley Mrs. J. W. Lyons Miss N. A. Macfarlane Mrs. G. Maynard Mr. H. R. V. Meakin Miss M. Monkley Mr. G. C. Morcom Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Lady J. M. Worsley Miss O. Atkin Miss B. I. Anthony Miss I. Beaumont Mrs. F. H. Bell Miss E. A. Birch Mrs. D. Bisatt Mr. D. A. C. Blunt Mr. H. E. Bonsall Mr. J. Briggs Miss A. H. Briggs Mr. A. Brodie Mr. K. S. Cansdale Mr. C. Carter Miss M. H. Charles Miss M. H. Crummack Mr. N. J. Dick Mr. G. R. Drake Mr. F. R. Fox Mr. J. Fleetwood Mrs. N. E. Gilderdale Mr. L. J. Goldsworthy Rev. D. Hill Miss A. Hodgson Major & Mrs. A. W. Ison Morcom Miss A. H. Norfor Mr. I. R. Pattison Mr. J. Petrie Mrs. D. M. Petty Miss H. C. Randall Miss F. M. Richardson Miss L. B. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. A. K. I. Rothwell Miss F. S. Rowntree Mr. W. K. Sessions Mrs. E. C. Simmonds Mr. R. M. Stanley Mr. & Mrs. G. Stevens Dr. G. A. C. Summers Mrs. D. Sykes Mr. P. N. Turner Miss J. Valentine Mr. H. C. Vaughan Mr. R. B. Walker Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Ward Miss L. J. Whitworth Mr. H. L. Wilby Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Winterbottom Mr. C. E. Wragg Miss H. Wright Mr. L. Wright F. J. H. Wrothwell Ltd. Mr. J. W. Yates Mr. D. P. Yates Dr. J. C. M. Yuill

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Thursday, 23rd October, 1975 IONA BROWN (Violin) and IAN BROWN (Piano) AM The first of the three welcome return visits to the B.M.S. this season is this extremely talented duo of brother and sister who first played for the B.M.S. in October, 1969, when they also opened the Society's Concert Season and immediately established their popu- larity with the Society. We have been hoping to organise a return visit ever since. During the years between, Iona Brown has established herself as one of the finest of our National Violin Soloists. Sonata in A major Op. 30 No. 1 Allegro Adagio molto espressivo Allegretto con variazioni Sonata in G minor PROGRAMME Allegro vivo Intermezzo: Fantasque et léger Finale: Très animé Sonata in D flat major Con moto Ballada Allegretto Adagio INTERVAL - Sonata in D minor Op. 108 Allegro Adagio Poco presto e con sentimento Presto agitato Beethoven Debussy Janacek Brahms

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Thursday, 20th November, 1975 THE BERNEDE STRING QUARTET J. C. BERNEDE (Violin) STU MARCEL CHARPENTIER (Violin) MICHEL LALÉOUSE (Viola) PAUL BOUFIL ('Cello) The Bernède Quartet is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Its career started when the Quartet won the International Prize in Munich in 1965, following which it has fulfilled many engagements in Europe and the United States. Members of the Quartet are professors of music in France and J. C. Bernède is also leader of the Rouen Chamber Orchestra. PROGRAMME Quartet in B flat, Op 76 No. 4 (The Sunrise) Allegro con spirito Adagio Menuetto Allegro Finale Allegro ma non troppo Quartet No. 1 in G major K. 387 Allegro vivace assai Menuetto - Allegretto Andante cantabile Molto Allegro Quartet in D major New Budapest Larghetto Finale - INTERVAL Poco Lento - Allegro Scherzo - Vivace - Allegro molto Haydn Mozart Franck 1

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2 2 Thursday, 4th December, 1975 TRITON SASHA ABRAMS (Soprano) DAN KLEIN (Tenor) he is PETER ALEXANDER (Piano) The second of the Society's welcome returns comprises Sasha Abrams and her husband, Peter Alexander, with Dan Klein, who is the originator of the programmes for Triton. Their last visit to the B.M.S. was in January, 1974, when they performed a pro- gramme of music of the time of Victoria and Albert. On this occasion they are taking us further back to the time of Samuel Pepys with a programme entitled "And So To Musick". PROGRAMME Where the bee sucks I prithee send me back my heart Gather ye rosebuds A lover's melancholy repose Vicissitudes of Love Turn Amaryllis to thy swan Sweet nymph come to thy lover Barbara Allen; or The Young Man's Tragedy Gaze not on swans Beauty retire Ah Heaven what is't I hear La Romanesca Love's scrutiny Love's sufferance - Air de Danse Love's votary Piano or Harpsichord solo NOIL Dr. John Wilson Henry Lawes William Lawes Nicholas Laneare William Lawes Thomas Brewer Thomas Morley Anon. Samuel Pepys/Henry Lawes Samuel Pepys John Blow INTERVAL La Mascarade de Versailles Vaghi rai, pupille ardenti Hymne to God the Father No, no, no, resistance is but vain My lodging is on the cold ground Catches and Rounds Dialogue on a kisse Anon. Henry Lawes J. B. Lully Giacomo Carissimi Pelham Humfrey Henry Purcell Mathew Locke Henry Lawes

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Thursday, 15th January, 1976 HOWARD SHELLEY (Piano) Howard Shelley, born in 1950, studied at the Royal College of Music and subsequently won several major college prizes. In 1974 his first recital in Vienna was received with great enthusiasm and he has since travelled extensively and has also recorded with the B.B.C. orchestras and played under many distinguished conductors PROGRAMME Sonata in D minor Op. 40 No. 3 Molto adagio - Allegro Adagio con molta expressione Allegro non troppo Sonata in G major D. 894 Molto moderato e cantabile Andante Menuetto e Trio - Allegro moderato Allegretto INTERVAL Variations on a Theme of Corelli Op. 42 Sonata in C minor Op. 29 Allegro molto sostenuto Andante assai Cuss Allegro con brio, ma non leggiero Clementi Schubert Rachmaninov Prokofiev

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Thursday, 12th February, 1976 ORION PIANO TRIO PETER THOMAS (Violin) SHARON MCKINLEY ('Cello) IAN BROWN (Piano) The third of our return visits this season is the Orion Piano Trio, which was formed in 1968. The Trio were prize winners in the B.B.C. Beethoven Trio Competition in 1969, and last came to the B.M.S. in March, 1972, when they gave great pleasure to the Society's audience. Piano Trio in C major K. 548 Allegro Andante cantabile Allegro PROGRAMME Piano Trio in E flat major Op. 70 No. 2 Poco sostenuto Piano Trio - - Allegretto Allegretto ma non troppo Finale Allegro Allegro ma non troppo INTERVAL Con anima Lento possible e sostenuto Piano Trio 101 in C minor Allegro energico Presto non assai Andante grazioso Allegro molto mena allegro Mozart Beethoven Goehr Brahms

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Wednesday, 3rd March, 1976 dat di NORTHERN SINFONIA ENSEMBLE Leader BARRY WILDE This also is really a return visit, since the Ensemble played for us in December, 1971, but on that occasion the visitors were mainly members of the wind section of this very well-loved Northern Orchestra. On this occasion it is the strings that we are welcoming. PROGRAMME Octet in E flat Op. 20 Allegro moderato ma con fuoco Andante Scherzo Allegro leggierissimo Finale Presto Two pieces for String Octet Op. 11 Prelude Scherzo - INTERVAL String Sextet in B flat Op. 18 Allegro ma non troppo Andante ma moderato Allegro molto Rondo poco allegretto e grazioso Mendelssohn Shostakovich Brahms

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US 10 ng in ch 15 Thursday, 8th April, 1976 LAWRENCE FOSTER ('Cello) ROGER VIGNOLES (Piano) Anthony Saunder Special attraction this season is the fact that the Society has been able to arrange a seventh Concert: the number which the Society used to provide. Lawrence Foster is a young 'cellist from America who studied at the Juilliard School of Music in New York and later with William Pleeth in London. He gave his first Concert at the age of 8, and at the age of 13 won the Stillman Kelley Award of the N.F.M.S., and was in 1975 one of the finalists in the Leeds International Platform. Roger Vignoles studied at Cambridge and subsequently at the Royal College of Music, where he won two major accompanist's prizes. He has since accompanied many world-famous artists. He was also, for two and a half years, a repetiteur at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Adagio Toccata in A major Sonata in F major Op. 99 Allegro vivace Adagio affettuoso PROGRAMME Allegro passionato Allegro molto Kol Nidrei Op. 47 Sonata Oriental Polanaise Brillante INTERVAL - Prologue Serenade et Finale Bach Frescobaldi Brahms Bruch Debussy Granados Chopin

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13 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 33, Page 13

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British Music Society of York 55th SEASON 1975-76 THURSDAY, 23rd OCTOBER, 1975 IONA BROWN (Violin) and IAN BROWN (Piano) Works by Beethoven, Debussy, Janacek and Brahms THURSDAY, 20th NOVEMBER. 1975 THE BERNEDE STRING QUARTET Works by Haydn, Mozart and Franck THURSDAY, 4th DECEMBER, 1975 TRITON Programme from the time of Samuel Pepys "And So To Musick" THURSDAY, 15th JANUARY, 1976 HOWARD SHELLEY (Piano) Works by Clementi, Schubert, Rachmaninov and Prokofiev THURSDAY, 12th FEBRUARY, 1976 ORION PIANO TRIO Works by Mozart, Beethoven, Goehr and Brahms WEDNESDAY, 3rd MARCH, 1976 NORTHERN SINFONIA ENSEMBLE Works by Mendelssohn, Shostakovich and Brahms THURSDAY, 8th APRIL, 1976 LAWRENCE FOSTER ('Cello) and ROGER VIGNOLES (Piano) Works by Bach, Frescobaldi, Brahms, Bruch, Debussy, Granados and Chopin All Concerts will take place at the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL, YORKSHIRE MUSEUM, MUSEUM GARDENS, YORK commencing at 730 p.m. Concerts are open to members on payment of subscription of £3.30 (Junior members under 18 and Students £1.65) or to non-members on payment of 85p per seat per concert (under 18 - 40p). Further details may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, G. C. Morcom, The Old Vicarage, Overton, York Telephone: Beningbrough 261, or from the Honorary Treasurer, J. Briggs, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York.

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