BMS 3 1 32

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 32

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 32, Page 1

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 54th SEASON 1974-75 President: Dr. F. JACKSON Vice-Presidents : Miss I. ANTHONY Miss L. J. WHITWORTH Committee: Chairman: Mr. N. J. DICK Vice-Chairman: Mr. G. STEVENS Miss J. Pearson Mr. D. Rymer Mrs. I. Stanley Mrs. J. Gardiner Miss L. J. Whitworth Mr. D. Blake Miss F. M. Richardson Mrs. B. Ainsworth Mr. R. J. S. Crossley Hon. Treasurer: Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York Hon. Asst. Treasurer: Mr. J. PETRIE, 17 Bramley Garth, Appletree Village, York Hon. Secretary: Mr. G. C. MORCOM, The Old Vicarage, Overton, York. Hon. Programme Secretary: Mr. F. R. FOX, 9 Parliament Street, York Hon. Auditor: D. E. WINTERBOTTOM, J.P., F.C.A., 7 Moorlands Road, Skelton, York The National Federation of Music Societies, to which this Society is affiliated, gives support towards the cost of these Concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. The Society also receives support from the Yorkshire Arts Association, York District Council, and from the Goethe Institute.

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SUBSCRIPTIONS Full Members £2.50 Junior Members (under 18) and Students £1.25 All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of 70p per seat per Concert (Junior Members (under 18) and Students 35p). There is no booking of seats before Concerts, the only reser- vations being for Officials of the Society on duty, Press Reporters, and for members of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Doors will open at 7-00 for 7-30 p.m. Cars should not be brought into the Museum Gardens except in special cases by arrangement with the Secretary. Parking facilities are, however, available in Marygate. Subscriptions are now due and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer in the enclosed envelope which does not require a stamp. Existing members will find their tickets enclosed with this brochure. Tickets for new members will be sent to them on receipt of their subscriptions. The Society reserves the right to vary the programme without notice. PATRONS OF THE ajor & Mrs. A. W. Ison Lady Worsley Miss O. Atkin Miss B. I. Anthony Miss I. Beaumont Miss E. A. Birch Mrs. D. Bisatt Miss M. Boynton Mr. J. Briggs Miss A. H. Briggs Mr. K. S. Cansdale Mr. C. Carter Miss M. H. Charles Miss M. H. Crummack Mr. N. J. Dick Mr. G. R. Drake Mr. F. R. Fox Mr. J. Fleetwood Mrs. N. E. Gilderdale Mr. L. J. Goldsworthy Rev. D. Hill Miss A. Hodgson SOCIETY Dr. Francis Jackson Mr. J. C. Joslin Mrs. U. M. Kipling Miss A. W. Knight Mr. F. H. Legg Dr. L. J. Letty Dr. M. J. Lowe Mrs. J. W. Lyons Miss N. A. Macfarlane Mrs. G. Maynard Mr. H. R. V. Meakin Mr. G. C. Morcom Mr. H. G. Morcom Miss A. H. Norfor Mr. I. R. Pattison Mr. J. Petrie Mrs. D. M. Petty Miss F. M. Richardson Miss L. B. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. A. K. I. Rothwell Miss F. S. Rowntree Mrs. E. C. Simmonds Mr. R. M. Stanley Mrs. G. Stevens Dr. G. A. C. Summers Mrs. D. Sykes Mr. P. N. Turner Miss J. Valentine Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Ward Miss L. J. Whitworth Mr. H. L. Wilby Miss H. Wright F. J. H. Wrothwell Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Winterbottom Mr. J. W. Yates Mr. D. P. Yates Dr. J. C. M. Yuill

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 32, Page 3

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Thursday, 17th October, 1974 JEAN-RODOLPHE KARS (Piano) Jean-Rodolphe Kars needs no introduction to York audiences, having made his debut in the City in the 1967 British Music Society season. He has now a very considerable international reputation and has made many broadcasts and recordings. PROGRAMME Allegro Preludes and Fugues Book 1 Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sonata Op. 81a in E flat major 'Les Adieux' Les Adieux: Adagio L'Absence: Andante espressivo Le Retour: Vivacissimamente INTERVAL Sonata in B minor in one movement Thursday, 14th November, 1974 THE NEW BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET ANDRAS KISS (Violin) GYORGY ALBERT (Violin) TIVADARD POPA (Viola) TAMAS KOO ('Cello) - PROGRAMME String Quartet in G Op. 77 No. 1 Allegro moderato Adagio Menuetto (Presto) The New Budapest String Quartet was formed in 1970 and won third prize in the Haydn Competition in Vienna in June 1971, and in the autumn of the same year won the first prize at the Carlo Jachino International Competition for String Quartets in Rome. Since that date it has regularly appeared in many European countries and in the United States and has made recordings of some of Bartok's Quartets. Finale (Presto) String Quartet No. 2 Op. 17 (1917) Moderato Allegro molto capriccioso Prestissimo Lento INTERVAL String Quartet in A minor Op. 51 No. 2 Allegro non troppo Andante moderato Bach Beethoven Quasi Minuetto, Moderato-Allegretto vivace Finale (Allegro non assai) Liszt Haydn Bartok Brahms

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Thursday, 5th December, 1974 IMOGEN COOPER (Piano) Imogen Cooper was born a Londoner in 1949. She studied with Kathleen Long and later with Peter Wallfisch and more recently with Alfred Brendel. She was a finalist in the Queen's Prizes in 1968, and a semi-finalist in the B.B.C. Mozart Competition in that year, and in 1969 won the Mozart Memorial Prize. She has given many recitals and performed Concertos in this country and on the Continent, and recently played in Iceland. She has given a number of Concerts for the B.B.C. including a televised Promenade Concert in 1973. PROGRAMME Sonata Op. 10 No. 2 in F major Allegro Allegretto Presto Sonata in F sharp minor Op. 11 Introduzione Allegro vivace Aria Scherzo and Intermezzo Finale INTERVAL Ballade in F major Preludes (from Book II) Bruyères 'Général Lavine' - Exxentric La Terrasse des Audiences du clair de Lune Fantasy in F minor Ondine Feux d'artifice Beethoven Schumann Chopin Debussy Chopin

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2 Thursday, 23rd January, 1975 THE MEDICI QUARTET PAUL ROBERTSON (Violin) DAVID MATTHEWS (Violin) PAUL SILVETHORNE (Viola) ANTHONY LEWIS 'Cello) The Medici Quartet was formed in the summer of 1971 when the members were students at the Royal Academy where they were trained by Sidney Griller and the Aeolian Quartet and other eminent musicians. Subsequently they have given many Concerts in this country, in- cluding a highly successful series of recitals at Dartington and at the Harrogate Festival and also in the Wigmore Hall and Purcell Room in London. PROGRAMME Quartet in C major K. 465 (Dissonance) Adagio Allegro Andante cantabile Menuetto: Allegretto Allegro molto Quartet in F major Très doux Très rythmé Très Lent Vif et agité INTERVAL Quartet No. 2 "Intimate Letters" Andante con moto Adagio Gem Moderato Vivace Adagio Allegro Andante Allegro Allegro Allegro Mozart Ravel Janacek

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Thursday, 20th February, 1975 THE LINDSAY QUARTET PETER CROPPER (Violin) RONALD BIRKS (Violin) ROGER BIGLEY (Viola) BERNARD GREGOR-SMITH ('Cello) with JANET HILTON (Clarinet) The Lindsay Quartet are making a welcome return visit to the British Music Society. The Quartet, previously based at Keele University, have transferred to Sheffield University. Janet Hilton will be well known to listeners to Radio 3, having given many fine recitals on the Clarinet. PROGRAMME Quartet in D minor, Op. 42 Andante ed innocentemente Menuetto Allegretto Adagio e Cantabile Finale Presto Clarinet Quintet in A major Allegretto Larghetto Menuetto and Trios I and II Tema con Variazioni INTERVAL Clarinet Quintet in B minor Allegro Adagio Andantino Con moto Haydn Mozart Brahms Presto non assai, ma con sentimento

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Wednesday, 12th March, 1975 BENJAMIN LUXON (Baritone) and DAVID WILLISON (Accompanist) Benjamin Luxon was born in Cornwall and came to prominence in 1961 when he won a prize at the Munich Radio Competition. He has been very closely associated with the English Opera Group and Benjamin Britten chose him to sing the title role in 'Owen Wingrave'. He has also sung principal parts at Covent Garden and will be there again in 1974 and 1975. In the autumn of this year a series of records of Wolf's settings of poems by Mörike Lieder will be issued. David Willison comes from a musical family and received his musical education at the Royal Academy of Music and Guildhall School of Music. He has given many recitals with artists both vocal and instru- mental in this country and on the Continent and in Canada, and is involved with Benjamin Luxon in the recording of major works from the Lieder repertoire. PROGRAMME Song Cycle Die Winterreise Schubert (Full details and text will be available at the Concert)

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9 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 32, Page 9

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British Music Society of York 54th SEASON 1974-75 THURSDAY, 17th OCTOBER, 1974 JEAN-RODOLPHE KARS (Piano) Works by Bach, Beethoven and Liszt THURSDAY, 14th NOVEMBER, 1974 THE NEW BUDAPEST QUARTET Works by Haydn, Bartok and Brahms THURSDAY, 5th DECEMBER, 1974 IMOGEN COOPER (Piano) Works by Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin and Debussy THURSDAY, 20th THURSDAY, 23rd JANUARY, 1975 THE MEDICI QUARTET Works by Mozart, Ravel and Janacek FEBRUARY, 1975 THE LINDSAY QUARTET and JANET HILTON (Clarinet) Works by Haydn, Mozart and Brahms WEDNESDAY, 12 th MARCH, 1975 BENJAMIN LUXON (Baritone) and DAVID WILLISON (Accompanist) Song Cycle Winterreise by Schubert All Concerts will take place at the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL, YORKSHIRE MUSEUM, MUSEUM GARDENS, YORK - commencing at 7-30 p.m. Concerts are open to members on payment of subscription of £2.50 (Students and Junior members under 18 - £1.25) or to non-members on payment of 70p per seat per concert (under 18 - 35p). Further details may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, Mr. G. C. MORCOM, The Old Vicarage, Overton, York (Telephone Number Beningbrough 261) or from the Honorary Treasurer, Mr. J. BRIGGS, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York. of. wish to become a member of the British Music Society of York and I enclose herewith £.. for my Subscription.

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