BMS 3 1 30

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 1

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Ocr'd Text:
BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 52nd SEASON, 1972-73 BS YORK Miss I. ANTHONY Mrs. I. Stanley Mrs. E. Ainsworth Mr. R. Easy Vice-Presidents: INSTITUTE BURTHWICK BMS 3/1/800) HISTORICAL President: LADY WORSLEY OF Mr. P. LOVELL Committee: Chairman: Rev. D. Hill Vice-Chairman: Mr. G. C. Morcom Miss J. Pearson Dr. F. Jackson Mr. K. R. Pemberton Mr. N. Dick Miss L. J. Whitworth Mr. M. Foad Mr. D. Blake RESEARCH Hon. Treasurer: MR. J. BRIGGS, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York.con Hon. Asst. Treasurer: T MR. J. PETRIE, 17 Bramley Garth, Appletree Village, York. I Hon. Secretary: MR. F. R. Fox, 9 Parliament Street, York. Tel. 20331. Hon. Auditor: D. E. WINTERBOTTOM, J.P., F.C.A., 7 Moorlands Road, Skelton, York. The National Federation of Music Societies, to which this Society is affiliated, gives support towards the cost of these concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain. The Society also receives support from York Corporation.

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 2

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Full Members, £2 SUBSCRIPTIONS Junior Members (under 18) and Students, £1 All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of 50p per seat per Concert. There is no booking of seats before Concerts, the only reservations being for Officials of the Society on Duty, Press Reporters, and for Members of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Doors will open at 7.0 for 7.30 p.m. Cars should not be brought into the Museum Gardens except in special cases by arrangement with the Secretary. Adequate parking facilities are, however, available in the Corporation Car Park at the corner of Lendal and Museum Street and in Marygate. Subscriptions are now due and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer in the enclosed envelope which does not require a stamp. Existing members will find their tickets enclosed with this brochure. Tickets for new members will be sent to them on receipt of their subscriptions. The Society reserves the right to vary the programme without notice. Lady Worsley Miss B. I. Anthony Mrs. D. Bisatt Miss M. Boynton Mr. J. Briggs Mr. C. Carter Miss M. H. Charles Miss M. Crummack Mr. N. J. Dick Mr. G. R. Drake Mrs. M. F. Edmond Mr. F. R. Fox Mrs. N. E. Gilderdale Mr. L. J. Goldsworthy Miss A. Hodgson PATRONS OF THE SOCIETY Major & Mrs. A. W. Ison Dr. Francis Jackson Mrs B. K. Jacques Mr. J. C. Joslin Mrs. U. M. Kipling Miss A. W. Knight Mr. F. H. Legg Dr. L. J. Letty Miss N. A. Macfarlane Mrs. G. Maynard Mr. H. R. V. Meakin Mr. G. C. Morcom Miss A. H. Norfor Mr. J. Petrie Mrs. D. M. Petty Miss H. C. Randall Miss F. M. Richardson Miss L. B. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. A. K. I. Rothwell Mrs. E. C. Simmonds Mr. R. M. Stanley Mrs. G. Stevens Dr. G. A. C. Summers Mrs. D. Sykes Mr. P. N. Turner Miss J. Valentine Miss L J. Whitworth F. J. H. Wrothwell Ltd. Mr. J. W. Yates Dr. J. C. M. Yuill

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 3

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Thursday, 12th October, 1972 THE CZECH TRIO men JOSEF PALENICEK (Piano) IVAN STRAUS (Violin) and how SASHA VECTOMOV (Cello) bus This famous Trio was formed by the inspiration of the Pianist Joseph Palenicek in Paris before the Second World War, and of his present partners the Violinist is a graduate of Moscow Conservatoire and the First Prize winner of the Prague Festival Competition in 1966, and the Cellist was a pupil of Rostropovich and was the First Prize winner of the Prague Spring Competition in 1956, and the Pianist himself has a great reputation as an interpreter of the works of Janacek. PROGRAMME Trio in E flat major Op. 100 Allegro Andante con motto Scherzo Allegro moderato Trio in B major Op. 8 Allegro con brio Scherzo Andante Allegro otobom and orgella INTERVAL Trio in B flat major Op. 21 Allegro Molto Adagio Molto e mesto Allegretto scherzando Allegro vivace SCHUBERT BRAHMS DVORAK

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 4

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Thursday, 16th November, 1972 berud T THE BOREAN WIND QUINTETXO HT The Borean Wind ensemble was formed in 1965. Its member- having previously played with the leading London and Provincial orchestras. Since its formation it has given nations wide recitals and become a regular contributor of the B.B.C.'s Music Programme. Current broadcasts include new works and a recent mid-day series from Bradford. The Quintet is now based in Yorkshire. PROGRAMME Quintet in E flat - for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, STO MULLER to Bassoon and Horn bus 300 od Larghetto - Allegro Scherzo - Allegro Larghetto Allegro Molto Five Pieces for Wind Trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon Quartet in B flat - for Flute, Clarinet, Basson and Horn Allegro Vivace Andante Rondo - Allegretto INTERVAL Quintet Op. 43 - for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Basson and Horn Allegro ben moderato Minuet Praeludium - theme and variations Three Shanties - for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn Allegro con brio Allegretto serplice Allegro vivace IBERT ROSSINI NIELSEN MALCOLM ARNOLD

5 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 5

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Thursday, 14th December, 1972 Xeberunt THE GEORGIAN QUARTET УИОНТИА SYLVIA CLEAVER (Violin) STEPHEN SRAWLEY (Violin) SIMON WHISTLER (Viola) DAVIS SMITH (Cello) dions MARLENE FLEET (Piano) odlu and bus oet ni consiV ni ANTHONY ROLFE-JOHNSON (Tenor) The Georgian Quartet is one of this country's leading young quartets and has made frequent London appearances and is joined on this occasion by Marlene Fleet who has studied both here and on the Continent and who has made many broad- casts and appearances on television including appearances with Daniel Barenboim's Master classes for gifted young pianists, and Anthony Rolfe-Johnson who attained an award at the Guildhall School of Music in 1968, and has since broad- cast and given a number of lieder and oratorio recitals. 420 The song cycle 'On Wenlock Edge' PROGRAMME Piano Solos for Tenor, String Quartet and Pianosodo 'L'Isle joueuse' 'Etudes-Tableaux' in E flat minor Op. 36 Prelude in G minor Op. 23 Song Group INTERVAL 'To Julia' (six poems by Herrick) for Tenor and Piano 1. The Bracelet 2. The Maiden Blush 3. To Daisies Quartet in A minor Prelude Romance odbe a boxing VAUGHAN WILLIAMS onim Tmi RACHMANINOFF RACHMANINOFF Scherzo Epilogue DEBUSSY QUILTER 4. The Night Piece 5. Julia's Hair 6. Cherry Ripe VAUGHAN WILLIAMS

6 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 6

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Thursday, 18th January, 1973 ANTHONY GOLDSTONE (Piano) HT Anthony Goldstone was born in Liverpool in 1944 and he gained a scholarship to the Royal Manchester College of Music and graduated with distinction in 1965 having won the Dayas Gold Medal for Pianists. He was also the prize winner in an International Pianoforte competition in Munich and another in Vienna in 1967, and in 1968 was awarded a Gulbenkian Foundation Fellowship. He has given many Concerto per- formances and made several broadcasts both here and abroad. 6 Moments Musicaux PROGRAMME 2. 1. Moderato C major Andantino A flat major Allegro moderato F minor Moderato C sharp minor Allegro vivace F minor Allegretto A flat major 3. bi 4. -hp 5. 6. Suite For a little white seashell 1. (a) March 2. (a) Conversation with Prokofiev si 3. (a) Mandinada 4. (a) Nocturne 5. (a) Pastorale Ballade. No. 4 in F minor Op. 1 (b) Syrtos (b) Tsamikos (b) Ballos (b) Calamatianos (b) Big Sousta INTERVAL SCHUBERT HADJIDAKIS CHOPIN Pictures at an Exhibition MOUSSORGSKY Samuel Promenade - The Gnome Promenade - The Old Castle - Promenade - Children quarrelling at play - The Ox Wagon Promenade Ballet (Chickens dancing as they leave their shells) Goldenberg and Schmuyle (Rich Jew and Poor EMAIIW Jew) - Limoges (The Market Place) - The Cata- combs The Witches' Ride The Great Gate of Kiev.

7 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 7

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Thursday, 15th February, 1973 THE TALICH STRING QUARTET Members of the Society will recall the Quartet's highly success- ful visit in November, 1971, and they have made extensive tours in Europe, and broadcasts on several occasions on Czech, Swedish and Russian radio. PROGRAMME Quartet in G minor Op. 74 No. 3 Allegro Largo assai Menuetto (allegretto) Finale (allegro con brio) Concertino for String Quartet (1 Movement) INTERVAL Quartet in B major Op. 67 Vivace Andante Agitato (allegretto non tropo) Poco Allegretto con variazioni HAYDN STRAVINSKY BRAHAMS

8 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 8

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Thursday, 15th March, 1973 JULIAN LLOYD WEBBER (Cello) CLIFFORD BENSON (Piano) Julian Lloyd Webber was born in 1951 and then won an open scholarship to the Royal College of Music and during his time there won the Ivor James Concerto prize and the Stewart Knussen prize and also the Seymour Whinyates award for the most outstanding string player in 1971. Clifford Benson was born in 1946 and studied with Lamar Crowson and Cyril Smith, and apart from an extensive reper- toire as a chamber musician, has also appeared as Soloist in Rachmaninoffs Third Piano Concerto at the Royal Festival Hall. Sonata in G minor Op. 5 No. 2 PROGRAMME Adagio Sostenuto ed espressivo Allegro molto piu tosto presto Allegro Après un rêve Papillon Op. 77 Sonata Allegro ma non troppo Lento, molto tranquillo Temps primo Suite No. 1 Op. 72 INTERVAL Canto primo Fuga Lamento Canto secundo Serenta Marcia Canto terzo Bordone Moto perpetuo e canto quarto BEETHOVEN FAURE DELIUS BRITTEN H. MORLEY AND SONS (YORK) LTD., PETERGATE, YORK

9 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 9

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58 BMS 3/1/30 (3) THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK Membership Card £2 Name.. This card must be produced at each concert

10 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 10

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PROGRAMME 1972-73 12th October, 1972 16th November, 1972 14th December, 1972 18th January, 1973 15th February, 1973 15th March, 1973 Czech Trio Borean Wind Quartet Georgian Quartet and Marlene Fleet (piano) and Anthony Johnson (tenor) Anthony Goldstone (piano) Tallich String Quartet Julian Lloyd Webber (cello) and Clifford Benson (piano)

11 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 11

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1039 BMS 3/1/30 (2) THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK Membership Card £1 Name.. This card must be produced at each concert

12 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 30, Page 12

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PROGRAMME 1972-73 12th October, 1972 16th November, 1972 14th December, 1972 18th January, 1973 15th February, 1973 15th March, 1973 Czech Trio Borean Wind Quartet Georgian Quartet and Marlene Fleet (piano) and Anthony Johnson (tenor) Anthony Goldstone (piano) Tallich String Quartet Julian Lloyd Webber (cello) and Clifford Benson (piano)