BMS 3 1 2

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 2

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 2, Page 1

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1934-35 RUSAL THE BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK (Formerly the York Centre of the British Music Society). FOURTEENTH SEASON, 1934-1935. BAS YORK President: THE DEAN OF YORK. Vice-Presidents : THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. LADY DAWSON. MR. R. ROSE, A.R.C.O. OF MRS. ALLEN. MISS IRENE ANTHONY, L.R.A.M. MISS L. VIOLET ARGLES. MRS. W. G. BIRCH. MRS. H. E. BLOOR. MISS O. CASS, A.R.C.M., L.R.A.M. MRS. F. W. COOK. THE REV. HORACE SPENCE, M.A., Mus. BAC. SIR BENJAMIN DAWSON, BART. BMS 3/1/2 FI Committee: Chairman: MR. WALTER G. BIRCH. Vice-Chairman: MR. GEOFFREY H. SWIFT. INSTITUTE TORICAL SIR EDWARD BAIRSTOW, MUS. Doc. ALDERMAN W. H. BIRCH, J.P. MR. ALFRED GRAY. MISS M. B. COVERDALE. Miss M. H. JALLAND. MISS M. T. KROUS, A.R.C.M. MR. DENNIS LAUGHTON. MRS. GOODMAN PLATTS. Miss G. POTTAGE. THE REV. P. J. SHAW, M.A. MRS. J. S. SYME. RESEARCH * Hon. Treasurer: MR. STANLEY BROWN, Barclays Bank Limited, Mansion House Branch, York. Hon. Secretary: MR. R. A. GRAY, B.Sc., 6 Bootham Terrace, York. Assistant Hon. Secretary: MISS G. POTTAGE, "Newholme," 13 Severus Avenue, Acomb. Hon. Auditor: MR. C. J. SHIELDS.

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 2, Page 2

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SYLLABUS, 19 TUESDAY, 2ND OCTOBER, 1934, at 8 p.m. A SOCIAL EVENING for members will be held in the MANSION HOUSE. Music by members. This function has been arranged as the result of an invitation received from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of York, who have shown much interest in the work of the Society. Their kindness is sincerely appreciated and members should show this by attending in large numbers. Special invitations will be sent to all members. -0 1. TUESDAY, 16TH OCTOBER, 1934 At 8 p.m. in the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens) RECITAL by NORMAN NOTLEY (Baritone) DAVID BRYNLEY (Tenor) There is no musical experience quite so delightfully informal as an evening with these two artists. They have specialised in duet singing and have discovered a wealth of wonderful examples, seldom, if ever, performed. Their music is great music, but its essentially personal presentation (for one of the singers accompanies throughout) suggests an evening among friends rather than the stiff atmosphere of the public concert platform. NORMAN NOTLEY (professor and examiner of the Royal College of Music) is the baritone of that famous sextet known as "The English Singers." DAVID BRYNLEY is their new tenor. 2. FRIDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER, 1934 At 8 p.m. in the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens) RECITAL by DOROTHEA ASPINALL (Pianist) BETSY DE LA PORTE (Contralto) DOROTHEA ASPINALL will play a Bach Recitative and Aria; Sonatas by Scarlatti; "La Precièuse" by Couperin; Studies by Chopin; also works by Palmgren and Pick-Mangiagalli. BETSY DE LA PORTE is a South African and held an overseas scholarship at the Royal College of Music. She has sung under Sir Thomas Beecham, Dr. Malcolm Sargent, Dr. Adrian Boult and other leading conductors; also with the Bach Choir and at Covent Garden, in addition to appearing at the Opera House, Munich and many Concerts in Germany. The accompanist will be MISS IRENE ANTHONY, L.R.A.M., of York.

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 2, Page 3

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ABUS, 1934-1935. 3. THURSDAY, 6TH DECEMBER, 1934 At 8 p.m. in the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens) CHAMBER CONCERT by THE WHINYATES QUARTET 2nd Violin: DOROTHY EVERITT 1st Violin: SEYMOUR WHINYATES Violoncello: VERONICA GOTCH HELEN JUST The opportunity again presents itself of hearing this wonderful ensemble, the members of which have been working together for several years. On the occasion of their first visit to York, the opinion of the music critic who had proclaimed them worthy to rank with the London and Lener Quartets in beauty and delicacy of interpretation of chamber music, was fully justified. Viola: The programme will include one of the six Quartets of Charles Wood, the Irish composer (1866-1926). 4. THURSDAY, 24TH JANUARY, 1935 At 8 p.m. in the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens) RECITAL by JOSEPHINE SOUTHEY-JOHN (Pianist) JAMES WHITEHEAD (Violoncellist) The programme will include the Beethoven Sonata in G minor and the Deuxième Sonata, Op. 66 by H. Villa-Lobos; also Piano Solos by Scriabine and Albeniz, and Violoncello Solos Marais and Vivaldi. This is a return visit of these young artists who played for us two seasons ago with great distinction. 5. MONDAY, 18TH FEBRUARY, 1935 At 8 p.m. in the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens) CHAMBER CONCERT by Flute: THE SYLVAN Piano: TRIO Oboe : JOHN FRANCIS MILLICENT SILVER SILVIA SPENCER This Trio was formed in 1929 by three first-class musicians-scholars of the Royal College of Music who wished to perform music especially written for this unusual combination of instruments which will also be heard solo and in duets. "Not only are they worth hearing, but they play delightful music and seem to enjoy it as much as those who hear them," is the verdict of Sir. Hugh Allen, Director of the Royal College of Music.

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 2, Page 4

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6. MONDAY, 11TH MARCH, 1935 At 8 p.m. in the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens) RECITAL by ERNEST GREVES (Violinist) LOUIE CHAPPELL at the Piano MAY BARTLETT (Soprano) In addition to solos, ERNEST GREVES will be heard in Grieg's Sonata in C minor and Max Bruch's Concerto in G minor. 7. MONDAY, 1ST APRIL, 1935 At 8 p.m. in the TEMPEST ANDERSON HALL (Museum Gardens) has been provisionally fixed as the date of A CONCERT BY LOCAL ARTISTS Admission Free. Silver Collection. NOTES. Charges for admission of non-members to each of the six Concerts numbered 1 to 6 in this Syllabus: 3/6 and 2/6 (reserved), and 1/3 (unreserved) including tax. Seats may be booked and detailed programmes obtained in advance, by applying to the Box Office at Messrs. John Gray & Sons, Ltd., Coney Street, York, by whom the piano is supplied. Members would greatly assist in advertising the Concerts if they could find suitable places for the xhibition of small window posters, a supply of which will be available at the Box Office at Messrs. John Gray & Sons, Ltd., Coney Street, York, before each Concert. Full Members (£1 1s.) and Junior Members (under 21, 10s. 6d.) are entitled, without further payment, to the best reserved seats at the six Concerts numbered 1 to 6 in the Syllabus. For these six Concerts, Members for this season- will be provided with one Complimentary Guest Ticket for each Concert, which they can give to anyone who may be interested in the work of the Society. Subscriptions are now due, and should be paid to the Honorary Treasurer, MR. STANLEY BROWN, Barclays Bank Limited, Mansion House Branch, York.