BMS 3 1 27

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 1

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Ocr'd Text:
BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1969-1970 SEASON 100 BS YORK INSTITUTE BORTHWICK BMS 3/1/27 (1) HISTORICAL OF RESEARCH The Society receives support towards the cost of these concerts from York Corporation and from the National Federation of Music Societies (to which the Society is affiliated) with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain.

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 2

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FORTY-NINTH SEASON 1969-70 President: LADY WORSLEY Vice-Presidents : Miss I. ANTHONY Committee: Chairman Miss Joan Whitworth Vice-Chairman Mrs. Grace Stevens Mrs. N. Gilderdale Mrs. P. D. R. Gardiner Mr. R. Black Mr. K. R. Pemberton Mr. F. H. Legg Mr. P. LOVELL Full Members, 30/- Mrs. E. Simmonds. Miss J. Pearson Mr. L. G. Goldsworthy Mr. R. Easey Mr. A. Ainsworth Hon. Treasurer: MR. J. BRIGGS, 24 Elmlands Grove, Stockton Lane, York. Hon. Secretary: MR. F. R. Fox, 9 Parliament Street, York. Tel. No. 24661. Hon. Auditor : MR. D. E. WINTERBOTTOM, J.P., F.C.A., 7 Moorlands Road, Skelton, Yorks. SUBSCRIPTIONS Junior Members (under 18), 15/- There is no booking of seats before Concerts, the only reservations being for Officials of the Society on Duty, Press Reporters, and for Members of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of 8/6d. per seat per Concert. Doors will open at 7.0 for 7.30 p.m. Subscriptions are now due and should be paid to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. J. Briggs, c/o Barclays Bank Ltd., Mansion House Branch, York, who, on receipt, will forward the Membership Cards which admit to Concerts. All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall. Cars should not be brought into the Museum Gardens except in special cases by arrangement with the Secretary. The Society reserves the right to vary the programmes without notice.

3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 3

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 16th October, 1969 MOZART BRITTEN JANACEK FRANCK IONA BROWN (Violin) and IAN BROWN (Piano) PROGRAMME Sonata in B flat K 454 Largo Allegro Andante Allegretto Suite for Violin and Piano Opus 6 Introduction March Moto Perpetuo Lullaby Waltz INTERVAL Sonata for Violin and Piano Con Moto Ballada Allegretto Adagio Sonata for Violin and Piano in A major Allegretto ben Moderato Allegro Recitativo Fantasia (Ben Moderato) Allegretto poco mosso

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 4

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Thursday, 13th November, 1969bedi BY ZSIGMONDY NISSEN REPLACED BEETHOVEN MARTINU SMETANA THE TALICH QUARTET JAN TALICH (Violin) JAN KVAPIL (Violin) JIRI NAJNAR (Viola) EVZEN RATTAY (Violoncello) PROGRAMME Quartet in C minor Op. 18 No. 4 Allegro ma non tanto Andante scherzoso quasi Allegretto Allegro Quartet No. 2 (1925) Moderato (Andante) Allegro vivace Moderato Andante Allegro INTERVAL Allegretto Quartet No. 1 in E minor ("From My Life") Allegro vivo appassionato Allegro moderato a la Polka Largo sostenuto Vivace VIOLIN PIANO

5 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 5

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Ocr'd Text:
IN NO Wednesday, 10th December, 1969 TD BEETHOVEN LISZT DEBUSSY BARTOK BARTOK DAVID WILDE (Piano) PROGRAMME Sonata in F minor Op. 2 No. 1 Allegro Adagio Minuet and Trio Prestissimo Three Petrarchan Sonnets (Années : No. 47 No. 104 No. 123 INTERVAL Suite Pour le Piano Prelude Sarabande Toccata de Pélerinage Italie) Suite Op. 14 (1916) Allegretto Scherzo Allegro molto Sostenuto Sonata (1936) 69/3 Allegro moderato Sostenuto pesante Allegro molto

6 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 6

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 15th January, 1970 abestilo W. GORDON JACOB BRAHMS CHOPIN MARTINU THE STADLER TRIO MARTIN RONCHETTI (Clarinet) JOHN WHITE (Viola) MARTIN JONES (Piano) MOZART PROGRAMME Trio (1969) Largo Menuetto Adagio Molto Presto Assai Sonata in E flat Op. 120 No. 2 For Clarinet and Piano Allegro amabile Appassionato ma non Andante con moto - Scherzo in G minor INTERVAL troppo Allegro Allegro con moto Sonata No. 1 for Viola and Piano Trio in E flat K 498 Andante Menuetto Rondo Allegretto (1955)

7 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 7

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 19th February, 1970 NORTHERN SYMPHONIA OCTET DAVID HASLAM (Flute) HELEN POWELL (Oboe) GEORGE MACDONALD (Clarinet) MICHAEL CHAPMAN (Bassoon) JOHN ROOKE (Horn) CHRISTOPHER HIRONS (Violin) KAY LOMAX (Violin) ROGER BEST (Viola) CHRISTOPHER GROUGH (Cello) BRYAN MAYNARD (Double Bass) MOZART SAMUEL BARBER SCHUBERT PROGRAMME Flute Quartet in A K 298 Andantino Menuetto Rondeaux-allegretto Summer Music (Wind Quintet) One movement INTERVAL Octet Adagio Allegro Andante Poco mosso Scherzo Air and Variations Menuetto Finale

8 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 8

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 5th March, 1970 69/6 BARTOK THE GABRIELI QUARTET KENNETH SILLITO (Violin) BRENDAN O'REILLY (Violin) (IAN JEWEL (Viola) KEITH HARVEY (Cello) BEETHOVEN (ees DEBUSSY PROGRAMME Quartet in G Op. 18 No. 2 olda); Allegro Adagio Cantabile (Allegro) Scherzo Allegro Allegro molto quasi Presto Quartet No. 2 INTERVAL Quartet in G minor Op. 10 (1893) Animé et tres decidé Assez vif et bien rythme Andantino doucement expressif valuab Trés modéré - Tres mouvementé et avec passion H. MORLEY AND SONS (YORK) LTD., PETERGATE, YORK

9 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 9

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Ocr'd Text:
Schumann Bartok Mozart Beethoven Ravel BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK PROGRAMME DENES ZSIGMONDY ******* ANNELIE SE NISSEN Allegretto Lebhaft Violin Sonata in A Minor, Opus 105 Mit leidenschaftlichem Ausdruck Piano INTERVAL Sonata for Violin Solo Tempo di ciaccona (1944) Fuga. Risoluto non troppo vivo Melodia. Adagio Presto Sonata in G. Major, K. 301 Allegro con spirito Allegro Tzigane 13/11/69 Replaced Talich Quackt Sonata in C Minor Op. 30 No. 2 Allegro con brio Adagio cantabile Scherzo Finale ************************** CORTHWICK INSTITUTE *SMS 3/1/27 (2) * HISTORICAL RESEARCH OF

10 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 27, Page 10

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