BMS 3 1 25

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 1

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Ocr'd Text:
BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1967-68 SEASON BS YORK 00 OC The National Federation of Music Societies, to which this Society is affiliated with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain and York Corporation, give support towards the cost of these concerts.

2 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 2

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3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 3

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FORTY-SEVENTH SEASON 1967-68 President: LADY WORSLEY Vice-Presidents: Miss I. ANTHONY, Mr. P. A. LOVELL TITA Chairman: Mr. G. Stevens (1968) HT Vice-Chairman: Mr. F. Waine (1970) Committee: Miss J. Whitworth (1971)2U Prof. W. Mellers (1969) Miss H. Tasker (1970) Dr. E. G. Wilkins (1969) Mr. M. J. L. Foad (1969) Mr. R. Black (1970) Mrs. N. Gilderdale (1971) Mr. D. S. Mair (1968) Mr. L. S. Goldsworthy (1968) Mr. D. A. C. Blunt (1971) Hon. Treasurer: Mr. R. Lees Barclays Bank Ltd., Mansion House Branch, York Hon. Secretary: Mr. F. R. Fox 9 Parliament Street, York. (Tel. No. 24661) Hon. Auditor: Mr. F. M. H. Gardiner, A.S.A.A. 12 York Road, Haxby, York SUBSCRIPTIONS Full Members 30/- Junior Members (under 18) 15/- There is no booking of seats before Concerts, the only reservations being for Officials of the Society on duty, Press Reporters, and for Members of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of 7/6d, per seat per Concert. Doors will open at 7.0 for 7.30 p.m. 108m 180 Subscriptions are now due and should be paid to the Hon Treasurer, Mr. R. Lees, c/o Barclays Bank Ltd., Mansion House Branch, York, who, on receipt, will forward the Membership Cards which admit to Concerts. To facilitate the payment and collection of subscriptions it is requested that members of the Society should avail themselves of the system of payment by Credit Transfer through their own banks when subscriptions are to be renewed. (Exceptions to this would be persons who maintain personal accounts with Barclays Bank Ltd., Mansion House Branch, York). For payment by this method the Code No. to be quoted is 20-99-53. Prospective members should register their names and addresses with the Hon. Treasurer either personally or by post, as hitherto. All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall. Cars should not be brought into the Museum Gardens. The Society reserves the right to vary the programmes without notice.

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 4

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, October 12th, 1967 67/1 THE VLACH STRING QUARTET JOSEF VLACH (Violin) JOSEF KODOUSEK (Viola) (eben) VACLAV SNITIL (Violin) pic VIKTOR MOUCKA (Violoncello) A‚¤ ™M PROGRAMME I Quartet in E flat major, Op. 74 (Harp) Poco adagio - Allegro LIST Adagio, ma non troppo Presto Allegretto con variazioni - II Quartet in B flat major, Op. 133 (Grosse Fuge) Beethoven Overtura (Allegro - meno mosso e moderato - Allegro) Fuga (Allegro)- Meno mosso e moderato Allegro molto e con brio Meno mosso e moderato --- ano Allegro molto e con brio (to be played without a break as one movement).r -INTERVAL- siltoriam III Quartet No. 1 in E minor 'From my life' Odia Allegro Vivo appassionato Allegro moderato owLargo sostenuto Finale: Vivace Beethoven wie Smetana

5 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 5

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 2nd November, 1967 SyberT MARGARET PRICE (Soprano) JAMES LOCKHART (Piano) PROGRAMME Almen se non poss'io La conocchia Ave Maria L' Invito Das Buch der hängenden Garten -INTERVAL- Mi chiamano Mimi Im Chambre séparée Dove sono O Waly, Waly Oliver Cromwell Il est quelqu'un sur terre Le roi s'en va-t'en chasse II Bellini Donizetti Verdi Rossini Schoenberg Puccini Heuberger Mozart Britten Mañanita de San Juan Guridi De los alamos vengo, madre Rodrigo Dos cantares popularesoul ob islo us asonsibus zob Obradors Coplas de Curro Dulce

6 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 6

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 23rd November, 1967 bu vebandT 67/3 JEAN-RODOLPHE KARS (Piano) PROGRAMME Gavotte variee Sonata No. 1 in C minor Op. 10 Two Studies Phantasia in F minor Two late piano pieces Legend No. 2 (St. Francis walking the waves) -INTERVAL- II Nocturne No. 12 Ondine Etude pour les arpeges composes Etude pour les huit doigts La terrasse des audiences au clair de lune Feux d'artifices Vivace Rameau Beethoven Chopin Liszt Faure Ravel Debussy

7 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 7

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 18th January, 1968 dis ysbewit THE BOISE TRIO HUGH BEAN (Violin) EILEEN CROXFORD (Violoncello) DAVID PARKHOUSE (Piano) PROGRAMME I Trio in D major, Op. 70, No. 1 (Geister Trio) Allegro vivace e con brio Largo assai e espressivo Presto Trio in C minor, Op. 101 Concerto Allegro energico Presto non assai Andante grazioso Allegro molto -INTERVAL- II Trio in B flat major, Op. 99 Allegro moderato Andante un poco mosso Scherzo: Allegro Rondo: Allegro vivace Beethoven Brahms Schubert

8 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 8

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 8th February, 1968 di81 yebaud Quintet Trio Quintet OT 20 (niloiV) MAS HOUH (ollsonololV) СЯОЯХОЯО ИЗела VIENNA WIND QUINTET PROGRAMME (oi1T-15tais) I .oM I ieasiqes oisear ogis.I 10(em a mi ofT. II coigtons ongella -INTERVAL-orgellá ee.go pojem (Details to be announced later) Rameau Milhaud Mozart

9 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 9

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Ocr'd Text:
Sunday 25th. Saturday, 24th February, 1968 dielyabeanbow TSTHAUD DE T (niforv) ar ADDITIONAL CONCERT IAM IOQUA HOOX MW THE WIENER SOLOISTEN This celebrated Vienna ensemble has been booked for a concert in St. George's Hall, Castlegate, York by the Enter- tainments Sub-Committee of York Corporation in association with the B.M.S. The programme will consist of:- Concerto Grosso No. 3 in F major Concerto Grosso in C minor Concerto for 2 Violins Rumanian Folk Dances String sextet Full details will be given later. A. Scarlatti Vivald Vivaldi Bartok Brahms This concert is not included in the B.M.S. annual sub- scription.

10 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 10

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Ocr'd Text:
67/4 Wednesday, 13th March, 1968 THE BENTHIEN STRING QUARTET ULRICH BENTHIEN (Violin) MARTIN LEDIG (Viola) RUDOLF MARIA MUELLER (Violin) EDWIN KOCH (Violoncello) 2002 AMI AT PROGRAMME aldreI Quartet in F major, K.186 Allegro Andante Menuetto Fuga: Allegro II Quartet in A major, Op. 41 No. 3 ago 12 m Mozart Shumann Andante espressivo - Allegro molto moderato Assai agitata - Unpoco Adagro - Tempo risoluto Adagio molto Allegro molto vivace -INTERVAL- III Quartet in F. major, Op. 96 (American) Hob Dvorak Allegro, ma non troppo Lento Molto vivace Vivace, ma non troppo

11 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 11

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Ocr'd Text:
Thursday, 21st March, 1968 Ich ruf' zu Dir ALASDAIR GRAHAM PIANO?? PROGRAMME Sonata in C major (Haydn Society No. 35) Allegro con brio Adagio Allegro Sonata in C minor, Op. 111 Papillons Op. 2 Three Preludes Toccata I -INTERVAL- Maestoso Allegro con brio ed appassionato Arietta: Adagio molto, semplice e cantabile II 67/5 Minstrels Soirée dans Grenade La Cathédrale engloutie Bach-Busoni Haydn Beethoven Schuman Debussy Poulenc

12 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 25, Page 12

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Ocr'd Text:
osnoizesggs bs vind nos orgellá BORTHWICK OF INSTITUTE BMS 3/1/25 HISTORICAL RESEARCH