BMS 3 1 22

The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 22

1 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 22, Page 1

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BRITISH MUSIC SOCIETY OF YORK 1964-65 SEASON BS YORK The National Federation of Music Societies, to which this Society is affiliated, supports these concerts with funds provided by the Arts Council of Great Britain.

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3 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 22, Page 3

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FORTY-FOURTH SEASON 1964-65 President: LADY WORSLEY Vice-Presidents: Miss I. ANTHONY, Miss G. A. COBB, Mr. P. A. LOVELL Committee: Chairman: Dr. G. A. C. Summers (1966) Vice-Chairman: Dr. H. Royle (1967) Miss I. Hinchcliffe (1967) Mrs. M. F. Edmond (1965) Mrs. H. Procter (1966) Mr. A. Wright (1965) Mr. D. S. Mair (1968) Miss J. Whitworth (1966) Mr. J. P. West-Taylor (1965) Dr. A. B. Wharton (1967) Mr. L. S. Goldsworthy (1968) Mr. G. Stevens (1968) Hon. Treasurer: Mr. R. Lees Barclays Bank Ltd., Mansion House Branch, York. Hon. Secretary: Mr. F. R. Fox, 9 Parliament Street, York. (Tel. No. 24661). Asst. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. R. M. Stanley, 9 Parliament Street, York. Hon. Auditor: Mr. F. M. H. Gardiner, A.S.A.A., 12 York Road, Haxby, York. SUBSCRIPTIONS Full Members 30/- Junior Members (under 18) 15/- There is no booking of seats before Concerts. The only reservations being for Officials of the Society on duty, Press Reporters and for Members of the Society who, by reason of age or infirmity, require special service. Concerts are open to non-members on payment of 7/6d. per seat. per Concert. Doors will open at 7-0 for 7-30 p.m. Subscriptions are now due and should be paid to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. R. Lees, c/o Barclays Bank Ltd., Mansion House Branch, York, who, on receipt, will forward the Membership Cards which admit to Concerts. All Concerts will be held at the Tempest Anderson Hall. The Society reserves the right to vary the programmes without notice

4 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 22, Page 4

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Thursday, October 8th, 1964- 6411 LAMAR CROWSON (Pianoforte) PROGRAMME Chaconne in G major Sonata in C minor Moderato Andante con moto Finale In the Mists Pictures at an Exhibition Promenade The Old Castle quarrelling at play Promenade - The Gnome Seven Sketches Op. 9 Promenade INTERVAL In Walachian Style Poco Lento Microcosmos (Bk. VI) Portrait of a girl See Saw Dickory Daw Lento Non troppo lento Rumanian Folk Melody Promenade Ballet (Chickens dancing as they leave their shells) Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle (Rich Jew and Poor Jew) - Limoges (The Market Place) - The Catacombs Witches' Ride Janacek Moussorgsky The Ox Wagon Handel Haydn Children The The City Gates of Kiev. - Bartok Bartok

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Sunday, 18th October, 1964-0 SPECIAL EXTRA EUGENE ONEGIN by TCHAIKOVSKY A fine colour film of this Opera made with the chorus and orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre, singers including Galina Vishnevskaya as Tatiana and Anton Grigoriev as Lensky. This will be shown at the Clifton Cinema by arrange- ment with J. X. Prendergast, M.B.E., commencing at 2-45 p.m. prompt. Tickets can be obtained by post or application on or after the 28th September, from :- THE SECRETARY, CIRCLE STALLS 9 PARLIAMENT STREET, YORK. 7/6 & 6/- 5/- & 3/6

6 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 22, Page 6

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64/2 Thursday, October 22nd, 1964- THE LOEWENGUTH STRING QUARTET ALFRED LOEWENGUTH (Violin) JACQUES GOTKOVSKY (Violin) ROGER ROCHE (Viola) ROGER LOEWENGUTH ('Cello) PROGRAMME Two Fantasies Quartet in D major K. 575 No. 21 Allegretto Andante Menuetto: Allegretto Finale: Allegro Quartet in A minor Op. 41 No. 1 Introduzione: Andante espressivo Scherzo Intermezzo Adagio Presto INTERVAL Quartet in F major Op. 135 Allegretto Vivace Lento assai cantando e tran Grave - Allegro Purcell Mozart Schumann Allegro Beethoven

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WEDNESDAY, 18th November, 1964- JOHN SHIRLEY-QUIRK (Bass Baritone) ALASDAIR GRAHAM Four Canzonets Sailor's Song The Wanderer Piercing Eyes A Tuneful Voice Song Cycle: An die ferne Geliebte, Op. 98 Auf dem Hugel sitz' ich spahend HDW Wo die Berge so blau Leichte Segler in den Hohen Diese Wolken in den Hohen (Pianoforte) PROGRAMME Es kehret der Maien, es bluhet die Aue Nimm sie hin denn, diese Lieder An die Musik Auf der Donau Im Walde An dem Mond Der Schiffer INTERVAL Song Cycle: To a Poet Piano Solos To a Poet a thousand years hence On parent knees The birthright Intrada June on Castle Hill Ode on the rejection of St. Cecilia La Puerta del Vino Pavane pour une Infante defunte Rhapsody No. 3 in C major Deux Melodies Hebraiques Kaddisch L'egnime eternelle Don Quichotte a Dulcinee Chanson Romanesque Chanson epique Chanson a boire Haydn Beethoven houbo Gerald Finzi Schubert Debussy Ravel Dohnanyi Ravel Ravel

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Thursday, 10th December- SCOTTISH TRIO Trio LOUIS CARUS (Violin) JOAN DICKSON ('Cello) WIGHT HENDERSON (Piano) PROGRAMME Trio in C major, K. 548 Allegro Andante cantabile Allegro Introduction (Poco lento) Capriccio (Allegro deciso) Theme and Variations INTERVAL Trio in B flat Op. 97 ("The Archduke") Allegro moderato Scherzo allegro Andante cantabile Allegro moderato Mozart Alan Rawsthorne Beethoven

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Thursday, 11th February, 1965-yabeandT NEW LONDON WIND ENSEMBLE IAN WILSON, STANLEY SMITH (Oboes) KEITH PUDDY, RONALD MOORE (Clarinets) CECIL JAMES, A. EDWARD WILSON (Bassoons) TIMOTHY BROWN, ANTHONY CHIDELL (Horns) PROGRAMME Serenade in E flat K. 375 (for Wind Octet) Mozart Allegro Maestoso Minuet and Trio Adagio Air Minuet and Trio Allegro Scherzo for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon Rondino Allegro Andante Scherzo Rondo INTERVAL - Two Arias for Oboes, Horns and Bassoon Octet Op. 103 Francaix Beethoven Handel Beethoven

10 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 22, Page 10

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Thursday, March 4th, 1965- 64 THE STRAUSS STRING QUARTET HTULRICH STRAUSS (Violin) HELMUT HOEVER (Violin) KONRAD GRAHE (Viola) MODERNEST STRAUSS ('Cello) PROGRAMME Quartet in E flat K. 171 Adagio Allegro assai Adagio rugom Menuetto Trio Andante Allegro assai Quartet No. 3 in C major, Op. 22 Fugato Sehr energisch Mässig Viertel Mässig schnelle Viertel Rondo INTERVAL Quartet in C minor, Op. 51 Allegro Romanze: Poco Adagio Allegretto molto moderato e commodo Allegro Mozart Hindemith Brahms

11 The British Music Society of York, BMS 3 1 22, Page 11

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Thursday, 18th March, 1965- SUSAN BRADSHAW Sonata in G major Serenade in A Preludes Allegretto innocente Presto Fantasie in C minor, K. 396 Sonata in A flat major, Op. 26 Andante con variazioni Scherzo and Trio Marcia funebre sulla morte d'un Eroe Allegro (Pianoforte) PROGRAMME C major A minor G major A major Hymne Romanza Rondoletto Cadenza finala INTERVAL F sharp minor B flat major B flat major Songs without words No. 25 in G major No. 11 in D major No. 5 in F sharp minor No. 2 in A minor No. 14 in C minor 6417 Haydn Mozart Beethoven Stravinsky Shostakovich Mendelssohn

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